Sunjoy has programmed Mian’s design for the Exquisite Corpse App so that it is functioning on the ipad. 

Megan has created a logo for Exquisite Network in string. 

Here are the student design sheets. These will be on show in the exhibition. 

Megan is making the box interface in 3D so that players can use this to navigate the game. She is mapping the textures from the physical box onto the 3D model to create as true a physical feel as possible. 

All this string activity inspired a game of cat’s cradle!

All this string activity inspired a game of cat’s cradle!

We made a construction of the string network within a box in order to inform the design- we want to create an app with a hands on, physical feel to the interface. We will also show this object as part of the exhibition. 

All of the students are developing design ideas for an Exquisite Corpse or Exquisite Network App. We have had production meetings to feedback on their designs 

Lunch is served each day at our desks! 

Lunch is served each day at our desks! 

Text for the Apps


Exquisite Network/ String Network

This is an interactive collaborative drawing ‘machine’ designed on the concept of a neural network, allowing participants to experience a shared creative process, using the principles of open-source and social networked communication through an analogue string system. The underlying concept of the Neural String Network is to introduce participants to the idea of collaborative-shared drawing practice, a dispersed collective that draws on Roy Ascott’s pioneering telematics project, “Le Plissure du Texte: A planetary Fairy Tale” 1983, alluding to Roland Barthes “The pleasure of the Text” a further discourse on semantic layering and the role of the reader as writer of the text (Barthes 1975) where each participant plays an equal role as both viewer and artist. Played out like a surrealist ‘Exquisite Corpse’ game of consequences or as a piece of Haiku poetry, the drawing participants contribute marks, signs and signifiers to an open-content drawing, akin to the development of open-source software on neural networks.


Exquisite Corpse

This is an interactive collaborative drawing ‘machine’ designed on the concept of the surrealist game ‘Exquisite Corpse’, this is a game of consequences, which deals with concepts of chance, the subconscious but also of collective consciousness. Surrealist Nicholas Callas talked about the unconscious personality of the group and Max Ernst about mental contagion.  Similar to a piece of Haiku poetry, the drawing participants contribute marks, signs and signifiers to an open-content drawing, introducing participants to the idea of collaborative-shared drawing practice, a dispersed collective that draws on Roy Ascott’s pioneering telematics project, “Le Plissure du Texte: A planetary Fairy Tale” 1983, alluding to Roland Barthes “The pleasure of the Text” (Barthes 1975) where each participant plays an equal role as both viewer and artist.


The “Exquisite Network” requires a minimum of two players

1: Choose start to receive a keyword.

2:  Use the word to inspire your drawing.

3: When ready swap images by “bumping” your device with another.

4:  You will receive each other’s art work, continue to draw.

5: When completed press submit to add to the gallery. 


The “Exquisite Corpse” requires a minimum of two players

1:  Choose start and draw the head then press submit. 

2:  You will receive another canvas, now draw the body.

3:  Continue until you have drawn the hips and thighs, calves and feet.

4: When completed press submit to add to the gallery. 

Outyang Chun’s work could also offer inspiration in terms of the linear, hand drawn feel of the design. 

Jeffery Shaw’s augmented reality piece could be inspire the interface design as a series on nodes and networks, or star network. 

Coincidentally Roy Ascott’s work was on show. A pioneer in telematic art his seminal project “Le Plissure du Texte: A planetary Fairy Tale” 1983, alluding to Roland Bartes “The pleasure of the Text” a further discourse on semantic layering and the role of the reader and writer of the text (Bartes 1975). 

We went to the Power Station of Art where the Shanghai Biennale is showing. It was very inspiring, it is a beautiful space.