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Civil wars and cinematic narrative : the case of Psychi Vathia (Deep Soul, Pantelis Voulgaris, 2009) (2018)
Book Chapter
Kosmidou, S. (2018). Civil wars and cinematic narrative : the case of Psychi Vathia (Deep Soul, Pantelis Voulgaris, 2009). In K. Deslandes, F. Mourlon, & B. Tribout (Eds.), Civil War and Narrative : Testimony, Historiography, Memory (129-149). Palgrave Macmillan.

In recent years, there has been a surge of scholarly interest in cinema and cultural memory. To an extent, this scholarship concerns researchers in cultural studies, history, literary studies, and media studies. Alongside this
academic work, there h... Read More about Civil wars and cinematic narrative : the case of Psychi Vathia (Deep Soul, Pantelis Voulgaris, 2009).

Theo Angelopoulos’s O Thiasos/The Travelling Players (1975) and Oi Kynigoi/The Hunters (1977) and how they affect the Brechtian Project (2017)
Journal Article
Kosmidou, S. (2017). Theo Angelopoulos’s O Thiasos/The Travelling Players (1975) and Oi Kynigoi/The Hunters (1977) and how they affect the Brechtian Project. Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 35(2), 513-538.

Theo Angelopoulos’s The Travelling Players (1975) and The Hunters (1977) have been widely characterized as Brechtian mainly because of the filmmak¬er’s use of defamiliarization effects (V-effects) and the disrupted chronology in these films, but with... Read More about Theo Angelopoulos’s O Thiasos/The Travelling Players (1975) and Oi Kynigoi/The Hunters (1977) and how they affect the Brechtian Project.

The eye of Persepolis’ tiger : how melancholy and nostalgia resonate through Satrapi’s animated film (2016)
Journal Article
Kosmidou, S., & Corbin, K. (2016). The eye of Persepolis’ tiger : how melancholy and nostalgia resonate through Satrapi’s animated film. Scene, 4(1), 51-61.

Will Eisner coined the term sequential art to refer to comic strips/books and graphic novels, while arguing that this distinct discipline not only has much in common with film-making but it is in fact a forerunner to film-making. Sequential art is a... Read More about The eye of Persepolis’ tiger : how melancholy and nostalgia resonate through Satrapi’s animated film.

European civil war films : memory, conflict and nostalgia (2013)
Kosmidou, S. (2013). European civil war films : memory, conflict and nostalgia. New York, London: Routledge

This monograph examines the ways in which late twentieth-century European cinema deals with the neglected subject of civil war. Exploring a range of films about the Spanish, Irish, Former Yugoslavian, and Greek civil wars, this comparative and interd... Read More about European civil war films : memory, conflict and nostalgia.