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Co-creating an app for the self-management of people living with multiple sclerosis: evaluation of a pilot (2023)
Hepburn, P., & Brettle, A. (2023). Co-creating an app for the self-management of people living with multiple sclerosis: evaluation of a pilot. Salford: Salford Clinical Commissioning Group

The purpose of this project was to customise, deploy and
evaluate an App to support the self-management of longterm conditions using Multiple Sclerosis (MS) as a case
exemplar. The App in question was a mature, CE-marked
product. The project w... Read More about Co-creating an app for the self-management of people living with multiple sclerosis: evaluation of a pilot.

Developing digital applications in healthcare: toolkit (2023)
Brettle, A., Hepburn, P., Chapman, C., & Rog, D. (2023). Developing digital applications in healthcare: toolkit. Salford: Salford Integrated Care Service

The purpose of this toolkit is to provide a ‘how to’
manual for projects which aim to engage patients
in co-creating and implementing Apps for the
self-management of long-term conditions.
The toolkit is based on experience gained
together wi... Read More about Developing digital applications in healthcare: toolkit.

Validation of a generic impact survey for use by health library services indicates the reliability of the questionnaire (2022)
Journal Article
Urquhart, C., & Brettle, A. (2022). Validation of a generic impact survey for use by health library services indicates the reliability of the questionnaire. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 39(4), 323-335.

Background. A validated generic impact questionnaire can demonstrate how individual, and groups of health libraries contribute to continuing education and patient care outcomes.
Objectives. To validate an existing generic questionnaire for Knowledg... Read More about Validation of a generic impact survey for use by health library services indicates the reliability of the questionnaire.

What is the evidence for the impact of gardens and gardening on health and well-being : a scoping review and evidence-based logic model to guide healthcare strategy decision making on the use of gardening approaches as a social prescription (2020)
Journal Article
Howarth, M., Brettle, A., Hardman, M., & Maden, M. (2020). What is the evidence for the impact of gardens and gardening on health and well-being : a scoping review and evidence-based logic model to guide healthcare strategy decision making on the use of gardening approaches as a social prescription. BMJ Open, 10(7),

To systematically identify and describe studies that have evaluated the impact of gardens
and gardening on health and wellbeing. A secondary objective was to use this evidence to build
evidence-based logic models to guide health stra... Read More about What is the evidence for the impact of gardens and gardening on health and well-being : a scoping review and evidence-based logic model to guide healthcare strategy decision making on the use of gardening approaches as a social prescription.

Facemums 2018: final report (2020)
McCarthy, R., Choucri, L., Jones, J., Butler, D., Chatwin, J., Brettle, A., & Light, B. (2020). Facemums 2018: final report

Continuity of care and easy access to reliable information during pregnancy is essential to the health and wellbeing of pregnant women. In recent years widespread use of the internet has fundamentally changed the way people obtain health informatio... Read More about Facemums 2018: final report.

A co-designed social media intervention to satisfy information needs and improve outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease : a longitudinal study (2020)
Journal Article
Vasilica, C., Brettle, A., & Ormandy, P. (2020). A co-designed social media intervention to satisfy information needs and improve outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease : a longitudinal study. JMIR Formative Research, 4(1), e13207.

Background The number of people living with a long-term condition is increasing worldwide. Social media offers opportunities for patients to exchange information and experiences with others with the same condition, potentially leading to better self-... Read More about A co-designed social media intervention to satisfy information needs and improve outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease : a longitudinal study.

Do educational interventions aimed at nurses to support the implementation of evidence-based practice improve patient outcomes? A systematic review (2018)
Journal Article
Wu, Y., Brettle, A., Zhou, C., Ou, J., Wang, Y., & Wang, S. (2018). Do educational interventions aimed at nurses to support the implementation of evidence-based practice improve patient outcomes? A systematic review. Nurse Education Today, 70, 109-114.

Background: Numerous articles have sought to identify the impact of educational interventions for improving evidence-based practice (EBP) amongst nurses, most of these focus on skills and knowledge acquired. No systematic review has explored whether... Read More about Do educational interventions aimed at nurses to support the implementation of evidence-based practice improve patient outcomes? A systematic review.

Developing a generic tool to routinely measure the impact of health libraries (2018)
Journal Article
Ayre, S., Brettle, A., Gilroy, D., Knock, D., Pattinson, S., Smith, S., & Turner, J. (2018). Developing a generic tool to routinely measure the impact of health libraries. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 35(3), 227-245.

Background – Health libraries contribute to many activities of a healthcare organization.
Impact assessment needs to capture that range of contributions.
Objectives – To develop and pilot a generic impact questionnaire that: 1) could be used
rout... Read More about Developing a generic tool to routinely measure the impact of health libraries.

What evidence is there to support the impact of gardens on health outcomes? A systematic scoping review of the evidence (2017)
Howarth, M., Brettle, A., Hardman, M., & Maden, M. (2017). What evidence is there to support the impact of gardens on health outcomes? A systematic scoping review of the evidence

According to the World Health Organisation Global
Health Observatory (2017), non-communicable diseases
(NCD’s) present a significant cause of death through
cardiovascular disease, respiratory conditions and type
2 diabetes. The impact of NCDs on... Read More about What evidence is there to support the impact of gardens on health outcomes? A systematic scoping review of the evidence.

What evidence is there to support the employment of trained and professionally registered library, information and knowledge workers? A systematic scoping review of the evidence (2016)
Brettle, A., & Maden, M. (2016). What evidence is there to support the employment of trained and professionally registered library, information and knowledge workers? A systematic scoping review of the evidence

This report seeks to provide evidence that CILIP can use to advocate on behalf of the information professions.
The report addresses three aims:
1. To create an initial evidence base which can be used to advocate on behalf of the information profes... Read More about What evidence is there to support the employment of trained and professionally registered library, information and knowledge workers? A systematic scoping review of the evidence.

The impact of clinical librarian services on patients and health care organisations (2016)
Journal Article
Brettle, A., Maden, M., & Payne, C. (2016). The impact of clinical librarian services on patients and health care organisations. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 33(2), 100-120.

Background - Systematic reviews have found limited evidence of effectiveness and impact of clinical librarians (CLs) due to the poor quality of reporting, scale and design of previous studies.
Objectives - To measure specific CL impact on organisa... Read More about The impact of clinical librarian services on patients and health care organisations.

A hive approach to EBLIP : results and reflections (2015)
Presentation / Conference
Brettle, A., & Maden, M. (2015, July). A hive approach to EBLIP : results and reflections. Poster presented at 8th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference, Brisbane, Australia

Assessing the impact of evidence summaries in library and information practice (2014)
Journal Article
Kloda, L., Koufogiannakis, D., & Brettle, A. (2014). Assessing the impact of evidence summaries in library and information practice. Library and Information Research, 38(119), 29-46.

This study developed, validated and administered an instrument to investigate the impact of research evidence summaries published in the journal, Evidence Based Library and Information Practice.
Using the critical incident te... Read More about Assessing the impact of evidence summaries in library and information practice.

Nursing knowledge and skills for global employability: A systematic literature review and synthesis (2012)
Smith, N., Hennefer, D., Brettle, A., Jiang, X., Hu, R., & Xiao, H. (2012). Nursing knowledge and skills for global employability: A systematic literature review and synthesis

In a world ‘without boundaries’ the global reach of nursing has grown with exponential opportunities for nurse migration for socio-economic, personal and professional reasons. Likewise societies and their health and socio-economic needs are increasin... Read More about Nursing knowledge and skills for global employability: A systematic literature review and synthesis.

Nonpharmacological interventions for managing respiratory symptoms in lung cancer (2012)
Journal Article
Yorke, J., Brettle, A., & Molassiotis, A. (2012). Nonpharmacological interventions for managing respiratory symptoms in lung cancer. Chronic Respiratory Disease, 9(2), 117-129.

Patients with lung cancer experience significant symptom burden, particularly symptoms of a respiratory nature. Such symptom burden can be distressing for patients and negatively impact their functional status and quality of life. The aim of this rev... Read More about Nonpharmacological interventions for managing respiratory symptoms in lung cancer.

Exploring the evidence base for acupuncture in the treatment of Meniere’s Syndrome — A systematic review (2011)
Journal Article
of Meniere’s Syndrome — A systematic review. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2011, 429102.

Meniere’s syndrome is a long-term, progressive disease that damages the balance and hearing
parts of the inner ear. To address the paucity of information on which evidence-based treatment
decisions should be made, a systematic review of acupuncture... Read More about Exploring the evidence base for acupuncture in the treatment of Meniere’s Syndrome — A systematic review.

Evaluating clinical librarian services : a systematic review (2010)
Journal Article
Brettle, A., Maden-Jenkins, M., Anderson, L., McNally, R., Pratchett, T., Tancock, J., …Webb, A. (2011). Evaluating clinical librarian services : a systematic review. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 28(1), 3-22.

Background: Previous systematic reviews have indicated limited evidence and poor quality evaluations
of clinical librarian (CL) services. Rigorous evaluations should demonstrate the value of CL services, but
guidance is needed before this can be ac... Read More about Evaluating clinical librarian services : a systematic review.

Exploring the roles, effectiveness and impact of health information professionals within evidence based practice (2009)
Brettle, A. Exploring the roles, effectiveness and impact of health information professionals within evidence based practice. (Thesis). University of Salford

This is the thesis (critical appraisal) component of a PhD by Published Works. The overall submission was a portfolio of ten published papers supported by a critical appraisal focusing on two key areas: an exploration of the roles that Health Inform... Read More about Exploring the roles, effectiveness and impact of health information professionals within evidence based practice.

Systematic reviews and evidence based library and information practice (2009)
Journal Article
Brettle, A. (2009). Systematic reviews and evidence based library and information practice. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 4(1), 43-50.

This commentary presents a rationale for undertaking systematic reviews in library and information practice. As library and information practitioners have the skills to undertake systematic reviews, it is questioned why there are not more in the fiel... Read More about Systematic reviews and evidence based library and information practice.