Fish and the fisherman, archaeology and art: Cape Town seen by Bowler, D'Oyly and De Meillon
Journal Article
Hall, M. (1991). Fish and the fisherman, archaeology and art: Cape Town seen by Bowler, D'Oyly and De Meillon
Outputs (5)
High and low in the townscapes of Dutch South America and South Africa: the dialectics of material culture (1991)
Journal Article
Hall, M. (1991). High and low in the townscapes of Dutch South America and South Africa: the dialectics of material culture. Social Dynamics, 17(2), 41-75. Dutch East and West India Companies established colonies in the Caribbean, Brazil and at the Cape of Good Hope. The resulting townscapes can be read as artefacts of domination - attempts to stamp order on the chaos of newly-colonized lands. But a... Read More about High and low in the townscapes of Dutch South America and South Africa: the dialectics of material culture.
The decollectivisation of trade unions? Ballots and collective bargaining in the 1980s (1991)
Journal Article
Martin, R., Fosh, P., Morris, H., Smith, P., & Undy, R. (1991). The decollectivisation of trade unions? Ballots and collective bargaining in the 1980s. Industrial Relations Journal, 22(3), 197. has been held to undermine collective decision making within unions. This article, based upon analysis of the rule books of all TUC affiliated unions and case study material, outlines the law on balloting and collective bargaining, and exam... Read More about The decollectivisation of trade unions? Ballots and collective bargaining in the 1980s.
Raymond Williams and local cultures (1991)
Journal Article
Longhurst, B. (1991). Raymond Williams and local cultures. Environment and Planning A, 23(2), 229-238. this paper it is maintained that Raymond Williams's writings on culture are of great importance to current developments in cultural geography. His work is periodised into three stages and its different subject matters identified. An interpretation... Read More about Raymond Williams and local cultures.
Individualism, collectivism and gender in popular culture (1991)
Journal Article
Abercrombie, N., & Longhurst, B. (1991). Individualism, collectivism and gender in popular culture