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Standards, challenges and solutions: Developing a rheumatology core teaching set for undergraduate health professionals (2008)
Journal Article

Background: Rheumatological conditions are common, thus health professionals require at least basic rheumatology knowledge upon qualifying. The aim of this study was to develop a core set of teaching topics and potential ways of delivering them.... Read More about Standards, challenges and solutions: Developing a rheumatology core teaching set for undergraduate health professionals.

Rheumatology education for undergraduate nursing, physiotherapy and occupational therapy students in the UK: standards, challenges and solutions (2008)
Journal Article

Objectives. Rheumatological conditions are common, thus nurses (Ns) occupational therapists (OTs) and physiotherapists (PTs) require at least basic rheumatology knowledge upon qualifying. The aim of this study was to develop a core set of teachi... Read More about Rheumatology education for undergraduate nursing, physiotherapy and occupational therapy students in the UK: standards, challenges and solutions.

The clinical effectiveness of static resting splints in early rheumatoid arthritis: a randomised controlled trial (2008)
Journal Article
Adams, J., Burridge, J., Mullee, M., Hammond, A., & Cooper, C. (2008). The clinical effectiveness of static resting splints in early rheumatoid arthritis: a randomised controlled trial. Rheumatology, 47(10), 1548-1553.

Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of static resting splints in early RA.

Methods. A multicentre, randomized, trial was conducted. Patients (n = 120) received either static resting splints [positioned with the wrist in neutral, MCP joint (MC... Read More about The clinical effectiveness of static resting splints in early rheumatoid arthritis: a randomised controlled trial.

The De Quervain’s screening tool: development, validity and reliability (2008)
Journal Article
Batteson, R., Hammond, A., Burke, F., & Sinha, M. (2008). The De Quervain’s screening tool: development, validity and reliability. Musculoskeletal Care, 6(3), 168-180.

Background: Studies into the effectiveness of interventions for upper limb soft tissue disorders have been hampered by a lack of consistently used diagnostic criteria, meaning that comparison of research results is a problem. To aid homogeneous recr... Read More about The De Quervain’s screening tool: development, validity and reliability.

Effects of a modular behavioural arthritis education programme: a pragmatic parallel group randomized controlled trial (2008)
Journal Article
Hammond, A., Bryan, J., & Hardy, A. (2008). Effects of a modular behavioural arthritis education programme: a pragmatic parallel group randomized controlled trial. Rheumatology, 47(11), 1712-1718.

Objectives. Rheumatology guidelines recommend people with RA receive behavioural self-management education. This study developed a modular behavioural group programme and evaluated its longer term effects on pain, physical and psychological status.... Read More about Effects of a modular behavioural arthritis education programme: a pragmatic parallel group randomized controlled trial.