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A survey of occupational therapy for employed people with musculoskeletal conditions (2013)
Journal Article
Coole, C., Drummond, A., Watson, P. J., Worthington, E., & Hammond, A. (2013). A survey of occupational therapy for employed people with musculoskeletal conditions. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 76(11),

Musculoskeletal conditions are a common cause of sickness absence and work disability. Little is known about the work-related advice and support that occupational therapists provide to this client group and their employers. The purpose... Read More about A survey of occupational therapy for employed people with musculoskeletal conditions.

Self-management approaches for osteoarthritis in the hand : a 2x2 factorial randomised trial (2013)
Journal Article
Dziedzic, K., Nicholls, E., Hill, S., Hammond, A., Handy, J., Thomas, E., & Hay, E. (2015). Self-management approaches for osteoarthritis in the hand : a 2x2 factorial randomised trial. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 74(1), 108-118.

Background: Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of
disability in older adults. Evidence of effectiveness for
self-management of hand osteoarthritis is lacking.

Methods: In this randomised, factorial trial, we
evaluated the effectiveness of jo... Read More about Self-management approaches for osteoarthritis in the hand : a 2x2 factorial randomised trial.

The development and evaluation of a vocational rehabilitation training programme for rheumatology occupational therapists (2013)
Journal Article
O'Brien, R., Woodbridge, S., Hammond, A., Adkin, J., & Culley, J. (2013). The development and evaluation of a vocational rehabilitation training programme for rheumatology occupational therapists. Musculoskeletal Care, 11(2), 99-105.

People with inflammatory arthritis rapidly develop work disability, yet there is limited provision of vocational
rehabilitation (VR) in rheumatology departments. As part of a randomized, controlled trial, ten occupational
therapists (OTs) were surv... Read More about The development and evaluation of a vocational rehabilitation training programme for rheumatology occupational therapists.

Defining optimal NHS occupational therapy treatment, individualized splint and placebo splint for patients with thumb base OA: a Delphi study (2013)
Journal Article

Background:The OTTER (OsTeoarthritis Thumb ThERapy) trial is a 2-yeardevelopment study for a full RCT into the clinical and cost effectiveness of an occupational therapy and splint intervention for thumb base OA. A Delphi study was conducted to obtai... Read More about Defining optimal NHS occupational therapy treatment, individualized splint and placebo splint for patients with thumb base OA: a Delphi study.

Effect of a six-week combined hip and knee neuromuscular exercise programme on joint loading and muscle co-contraction in individuals with medial knee osteoarthritis (2013)
Journal Article
Al-Khlaifat, L., Herrington, L., Hammond, A., & Jones, R. (2013). Effect of a six-week combined hip and knee neuromuscular exercise programme on joint loading and muscle co-contraction in individuals with medial knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 21(Sup.), S98.

Purpose: Medial knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a mechanical condition affected by the amount of load on the knee joint. This load is determined by the magnitude of the external knee adduction moment (EKAM). Moreover, increased muscle co-contraction of t... Read More about Effect of a six-week combined hip and knee neuromuscular exercise programme on joint loading and muscle co-contraction in individuals with medial knee osteoarthritis.

Supporting workers with musculoskeletal conditions: a survey of United Kingdom occupational therapists' communications with clients and their employers (2013)
Journal Article
Coole, C., Drummond, A., Watson, P., Worthington, E., & Hammond, A. (2013). Supporting workers with musculoskeletal conditions: a survey of United Kingdom occupational therapists' communications with clients and their employers. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 76(11), 478-486.

Introduction: Musculoskeletal conditions are a common cause of sickness absence and work disability. Little is known about the work-related advice and support that occupational therapists provide to this client group and their employers. The purpose... Read More about Supporting workers with musculoskeletal conditions: a survey of United Kingdom occupational therapists' communications with clients and their employers.

Occupational therapists’ views of a structured interview to identify and prioritise the work problems of people with rheumatoid arthritis (2013)
Journal Article
Prior, Y., Bodell, S., Amanna, A., & Hammond, A. (2013). Occupational therapists’ views of a structured interview to identify and prioritise the work problems of people with rheumatoid arthritis. Turkish journal of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 59(Suppl2), 66-66

Objective: The Work Experience Survey-Rheumatoid Conditions (WES-RC) is a structured interview identifying work barriers of people with arthritis. Developed in the USA, it takes about 45 minutes. We are using it in work rehabilitation for inflammato... Read More about Occupational therapists’ views of a structured interview to identify and prioritise the work problems of people with rheumatoid arthritis.