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All Outputs (4)

School Bullying: a Social Justice Issue? How Restorative Approaches May Prevent Future Violence (2023)
Journal Article
Jones, C. (2023). School Bullying: a Social Justice Issue? How Restorative Approaches May Prevent Future Violence. Youth and Policy,

This article by Callum Jones discusses how restorative approaches by schools could be used to prevent future harm. The author explores how bullying is experienced, how it could be linked to future violent crime, and how school bullying prevention is... Read More about School Bullying: a Social Justice Issue? How Restorative Approaches May Prevent Future Violence.

Still a rite of passage? A perspective on current therapeutic attitudes and interventions in relation to cyberbullying (2023)
Journal Article
Jones, C. (2023). Still a rite of passage? A perspective on current therapeutic attitudes and interventions in relation to cyberbullying. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research,

This paper examines cyberbullying concerning therapeutic interventions. A section on bullying and how bullying impacts the therapeutic environment is included. The author provides his definition of bullying to incorporate cyberbullying and how it is... Read More about Still a rite of passage? A perspective on current therapeutic attitudes and interventions in relation to cyberbullying.

“That is just your stuff”: The potential use and abuse of congruence in counselling and psychotherapy practice and training (2023)
Journal Article
Jones, C. (2023). “That is just your stuff”: The potential use and abuse of congruence in counselling and psychotherapy practice and training. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 23(2), 283-287.

During my various counselling training experiences, I have encountered several misuses of congruence; the historic bullying experience was massively impactful on my mental health and confidence, which prompted the writing of this article and the coin... Read More about “That is just your stuff”: The potential use and abuse of congruence in counselling and psychotherapy practice and training.