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Women's experiences of cervical ripening as inpatients on an antenatal ward (2015)
Journal Article
Brown, S. J., & Furber, C. M. (2015). Women's experiences of cervical ripening as inpatients on an antenatal ward. Sexual and Reproductive HealthCare, 6(4), 219-225.

To gain an insight into women's lived experiences of inpatient cervical ripening, in the context of usual care, whilst they were admitted as inpatients on an antenatal ward.

A qualitative design was used guided by an interpreta... Read More about Women's experiences of cervical ripening as inpatients on an antenatal ward.

A narrative review of fathers’ involvement during labour and birth and their influence on decision making (2015)
Journal Article
Longworth, M. K., Furber, C., & Kirk, S. (2015). A narrative review of fathers’ involvement during labour and birth and their influence on decision making. Midwifery, 31(9), 844-857.

to identify and critically review the research literature that has examined fathers׳ involvement during labour and birth and their influence on decision making.

the review follows the approach of a narrative review. Systematic s... Read More about A narrative review of fathers’ involvement during labour and birth and their influence on decision making.