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Exploring the STEP-uP to practice: A survey of UK Lead Midwives for Education views of the STudent midwife Extended Practice Placement during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic (2021)
Journal Article
Cooke, A., Hancock, A., White, H., Clark, N., Gibb, F., McNeill, J., …Furber, C. (2021). Exploring the STEP-uP to practice: A survey of UK Lead Midwives for Education views of the STudent midwife Extended Practice Placement during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Midwifery, 101, 103048.

to assess the effect of implementation of the extended placement option available to midwifery students during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Online survey open from 2nd June 2020 to 15th July 2020.

United... Read More about Exploring the STEP-uP to practice: A survey of UK Lead Midwives for Education views of the STudent midwife Extended Practice Placement during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Recognition of Excessive blood loss At ChildbirTh (REACT) Study: a two‐phase exploratory, sequential mixed methods inquiry using focus groups, interviews and a pilot, randomised crossover study (2021)
Journal Article
Hancock, A., Weeks, A., Furber, C., Campbell, M., & Lavender, T. (2021). The Recognition of Excessive blood loss At ChildbirTh (REACT) Study: a two‐phase exploratory, sequential mixed methods inquiry using focus groups, interviews and a pilot, randomised crossover study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 128(11), 1843-1854.

To explore how childbirth-related blood loss is evaluated and excessive bleeding recognised; and to develop and test a theory of postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) diagnosis.

Two-phase, exploratory, sequential mixed methods design us... Read More about The Recognition of Excessive blood loss At ChildbirTh (REACT) Study: a two‐phase exploratory, sequential mixed methods inquiry using focus groups, interviews and a pilot, randomised crossover study.

Exploring Lived Experiences of Adolescents Presenting with Self-Harm and Their Views about Suicide Prevention Strategies: A Qualitative Approach (2021)
Journal Article
Naz, A., Naureen, A., Kiran, T., Husain, M. O., Minhas, A., Razzaque, B., …Chaudhry, N. (2021). Exploring Lived Experiences of Adolescents Presenting with Self-Harm and Their Views about Suicide Prevention Strategies: A Qualitative Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9), 4694.

Suicide is a serious global public health problem and the third leading cause of death in those 15–35 years old. Self-harm is the major predictor of future suicide attempts and completed suicide yet remains poorly understood. There is limited evidenc... Read More about Exploring Lived Experiences of Adolescents Presenting with Self-Harm and Their Views about Suicide Prevention Strategies: A Qualitative Approach.