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An in situ neutron diffraction measurement of the pressure-temperature evolution of a MgD2:TiD2 mixture (2010)
Journal Article
Moser, D., Bull, D., Cowpe, J., Roach, D., Ross, D., Noreus, D., & Tucker, M. (2010). An in situ neutron diffraction measurement of the pressure-temperature evolution of a MgD2:TiD2 mixture. High Pressure Research, 30(4), 643-652.

The hydrogen storage capacity of Mg–Ti–H films is approximately five times that of conventional metal
hydride electrodes in NiMH-batteries. Mg and Ti are considered to be immiscible in the bulk and the
ambient pressure phase diagram of Mg and Ti in... Read More about An in situ neutron diffraction measurement of the pressure-temperature evolution of a MgD2:TiD2 mixture.

Pressure-dependent deuterium reaction pathways in the Li-N-D system (2010)
Journal Article
Bull, D., Weidner, E., Shabalin, I., Telling, M., Jewell, C., Gregory, D., & Ross, D. (2010). Pressure-dependent deuterium reaction pathways in the Li-N-D system. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12, 2089-2097.

Neutron diffraction data from in situ deuteration and dedeuteration of Li3N are presented under
different pressure regimes, whereby reaction pathways differing from the widely reported
stoichiometric pathway of Li3N + 2D22Li2ND + LiD + D22LiND2 + 2... Read More about Pressure-dependent deuterium reaction pathways in the Li-N-D system.