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Freedom of entry, market size and competitive outcome : evidence from English soccer (2007)
Journal Article
Buraimo, B., Forrest, D., & Simmons, R. (2007). Freedom of entry, market size and competitive outcome : evidence from English soccer. Southern Economic Journal, 74(1), 204-213

The paper tests, in the context of an open sports league, whether greater success is achieved by clubs in markets with larger populations. The relationship is strong but, to a limited extent, mitigated by more clubs establishing in large markets.

Anyone for tennis (betting)? (2007)
Journal Article
Forrest, D., & Mchale, I. (2007). Anyone for tennis (betting)?. European Journal of Finance, 13(8), 751-768.

The most robust anomaly noted in the literature on wagering markets is (positive) longshot bias: over a period of 50 years, it has been well documented in horse betting that higher expected returns accrue to short- than to long-odds bets. However, a... Read More about Anyone for tennis (betting)?.

Within-season dismissal of football coaches: statistical analysis of causes and consequences (2007)
Journal Article
de Dios Tena, J., & Forrest, D. (2007). Within-season dismissal of football coaches: statistical analysis of causes and consequences. European Journal of Operational Research, 181(1), 362-373.

The paper examines the triggers for, and, consequences of, within-season dismissals of managers (head coaches) in the top division of the Spanish Football League during seasons 2002–2003 to 2004–2005. A major reason for directors deciding on dismissa... Read More about Within-season dismissal of football coaches: statistical analysis of causes and consequences.