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All Outputs (11)

Socio-cultural and Economic Determinants of Delayed Reporting of Breast Cancer Among Ghanaian Women: A Qualitative Study (2023)
Journal Article
Iddrisu, M., Yalin, E., Aziato, L., Kwegyir-Afful, E., & Vehvilainen₋Julkunen, K. (2023). Socio-cultural and Economic Determinants of Delayed Reporting of Breast Cancer Among Ghanaian Women: A Qualitative Study. #Journal not on list, 3(3), 249-257.

Delayed reporting of breast cancer continues to increase in African countries, including Ghana, which is attributable to socio-cultural and economic factors. However, there is a paucity of data on socio-cultural and economic determinants of delayed r... Read More about Socio-cultural and Economic Determinants of Delayed Reporting of Breast Cancer Among Ghanaian Women: A Qualitative Study.

Adverse perinatal outcomes among practical nurses: The Finnish Medical Birth Register Study (2021)
Journal Article
Kwegyir-Afful, E., Lamminpää, R., Räsänen, K., Vehviläinen-Julkunen, K., Selander, T., & Gissler, M. (2021). Adverse perinatal outcomes among practical nurses: The Finnish Medical Birth Register Study. European Journal of Midwifery, 5(June), 19.

Work as a practical nurse (nurse assistant) may have an effect on pregnancy outcomes. Exposure to chemical, physical and biological hazards are common among hospital personnel. Stressful work conditions such as shift work, prolonged standing and long... Read More about Adverse perinatal outcomes among practical nurses: The Finnish Medical Birth Register Study.

Nurses' perceptions on pain behaviours among burn patients: A qualitative inquiry in a Ghanaian tertiary hospital (2021)
Journal Article
Tetteh, L., Aziato, L., Mensah, G., Patience Mensah, G., Kwegyir-Afful, E., & Vehviläinen-Julkunen, K. (2021). Nurses' perceptions on pain behaviours among burn patients: A qualitative inquiry in a Ghanaian tertiary hospital. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 15, 100323.

Pain sustained from burns is usually quite severe and has been linked to extreme distress, preventing patients from contributing to their care. Nurses have legal and professional obligations to promptly assess burns pain by using pain ass... Read More about Nurses' perceptions on pain behaviours among burn patients: A qualitative inquiry in a Ghanaian tertiary hospital.

Burns pain management in Ghana: The role of nurse–patient communication (2020)
Journal Article
Tetteh, L., Aziato, L., Mensah, G., Vehviläinen-Julkunen, K., & Kwegyir-Afful, E. (2020). Burns pain management in Ghana: The role of nurse–patient communication. Burns, 47(6), 1416-1423.


Nursing is an embodiment of knowledge, clinical work, and interpersonal communication. Effective nursing care has a distinct influence on the overall satisfaction and experience of the patient. Communication is said to be indispensabl... Read More about Burns pain management in Ghana: The role of nurse–patient communication.

Protecting frontline workers (2020)
Journal Article
Kwegyir-Afful, E., & Leigh, J. (2020). Protecting frontline workers. British Journal of Nursing, 29(13), 728.

In December 2019, news of a strange new illness, mainly in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province in China, came through social media. Little was known about the virus until 11 February 2020, when it was named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavi... Read More about Protecting frontline workers.

A Liftless Intervention to Prevent Preterm Birth and Low Birthweight Among Pregnant Ghanaian Women: Protocol of a Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial (2018)
Journal Article
Kwegyir-Afful, E., Verbeek, J., Aziato, L., Seffah, J., & Räsänen, K. (2018). A Liftless Intervention to Prevent Preterm Birth and Low Birthweight Among Pregnant Ghanaian Women: Protocol of a Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 7(8), e10095.

Background: Preterm birth (PTB) is a leading cause of infant morbidity and mortality worldwide. Every year, 20 million babies are born with low birthweight (LBW), about 96% of which occur in low-income countries. Despite the associated dangers, in ab... Read More about A Liftless Intervention to Prevent Preterm Birth and Low Birthweight Among Pregnant Ghanaian Women: Protocol of a Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.

Manual handling of burdens as a predictor of birth outcome—a Finnish Birth Register Study (2018)
Journal Article
Kwegyir-Afful, E., Lamminpää, R., Selander, T., Gissler, M., Vehviläinen-Julkunen, K., Heinonen, S., …Räsänen, K. (2018). Manual handling of burdens as a predictor of birth outcome—a Finnish Birth Register Study. European Journal of Public Health, 28(6), 1122-1126.

Background: Negative effects of manual handling of burdens on pregnancy outcomes are not elucidated in Finland. This study examines the association between perinatal outcomes and occupational exposure to manual handling of burdens.

Methods: The... Read More about Manual handling of burdens as a predictor of birth outcome—a Finnish Birth Register Study.

Maternity leave duration and adverse pregnancy outcomes: An international country-level comparison (2017)
Journal Article
Kwegyir-Afful, E., Adu, G., Spelten, E., Räsänen, K., & Verbeek, J. (2017). Maternity leave duration and adverse pregnancy outcomes: An international country-level comparison. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 46(8), 798-804.

Aim: Preterm birth and low birthweight (LBW) lead to infant morbidity and mortality. The causes are unknown. This study evaluates the association between duration of maternity leave and birth outcomes at country level.
Method: We compiled data on... Read More about Maternity leave duration and adverse pregnancy outcomes: An international country-level comparison.

Lifting and pregnancy outcomes: feasibility of a randomized controlled trial (2017)
Journal Article
Kwegyir-Afful, E., Verbeek, J., Aziato, L., Seffah, J., Vehviläinen-Julkunen, K., & Räsänen, K. (2018). Lifting and pregnancy outcomes: feasibility of a randomized controlled trial. Occupational Medicine, 68(1), 11-17.

Background: The highest incidence of preterm birth (18%) occurs in Africa but the causes are largely unknown. Some studies have reported adverse effects of maternal physical exertion on birth outcomes. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) is proposed... Read More about Lifting and pregnancy outcomes: feasibility of a randomized controlled trial.

Effects of occupational health and safety assessment series (OHSAS) standard: A study on core competencies building and organizational learning (2017)
Book Chapter
Kwegyir-Afful, E., Kwegyir-Afful, E., Addo-Tenkorang, R., & Kantola, J. (2017). Effects of occupational health and safety assessment series (OHSAS) standard: A study on core competencies building and organizational learning. In J. Kantola, T. Barath, & S. Nazir (Eds.), Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Leadership (395-405). Springer.

Promoting the human factor of every organization is an important component that needs to be continuously up held to build employee competencies. Ultimately, this strengthens the competitiveness and sustainability of the operations within the organiza... Read More about Effects of occupational health and safety assessment series (OHSAS) standard: A study on core competencies building and organizational learning.

Randomized controlled trials are needed to close the evidence gap in the prevention of preterm birth (2014)
Journal Article
Kwegyir-Afful, E., Ijaz, S., Räsänen, K., & Verbeek, J. (2014). Randomized controlled trials are needed to close the evidence gap in the prevention of preterm birth. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 40(1), 96-99.

Pregnant women have been advised to avoid heavy lifting during
pregnancy due to concerns of adverse pregnancy outcomes including
premature delivery. To date there is no evidence on the effectiveness
of advice in preventing preterm birth as found i... Read More about Randomized controlled trials are needed to close the evidence gap in the prevention of preterm birth.