This research examined the workplace experiences of Nigerian female migrant care workers in English care sector, with a particular focus on the complex interplay of ethnicity, race, gender, and migration status. By employing qualitative research meth... Read More about Workplace Expereices of Nigerian Female Migrants Care Workers: Understanding Exepreices at the Intersection of Ethnicit, Race, Gender, and Migration Status.
All Outputs (3)
Work-Life Balance and Women Academics in Higher Education: A Comparative Study of UK and Nigeria (2021)
Oginni, E. A. Work-Life Balance and Women Academics in Higher Education: A Comparative Study of UK and Nigeria. (Thesis). University of SalfordThe shift from the male-breadwinner model to the dual career couples has led to widespread
discussions around work-life balance, particularly for women due to an increased likelihood
of managing caring commitments and domestic work. Despite extensi... Read More about Work-Life Balance and Women Academics in Higher Education: A Comparative Study of UK and Nigeria.