The impact of the human activities on aquatic ecosystems
Coscia, I., & Kaiser, M. (2022). The impact of the human activities on aquatic ecosystems
All Outputs (4)
Fungal microbiomes are determined by host phylogeny and exhibit widespread associations with the bacterial microbiome (2021)
Interactions between hosts and their resident microbial communities are a fundamental component of fitness for both agents. Though recent research has highlighted the importance of interactions between animals and their bacterial communities, compara... Read More about Fungal microbiomes are determined by host phylogeny and exhibit widespread associations with the bacterial microbiome.
eDNA in a bottleneck : obstacles to fish metabarcoding studies in megadiverse freshwater systems (2021)
The current capacity of environmental DNA (eDNA) to provide accurate insights into the biodiversity of megadiverse regions (e.g., the Neotropics) requires further evaluation to ensure its reliability for long-term monitoring. In this study, we first... Read More about eDNA in a bottleneck : obstacles to fish metabarcoding studies in megadiverse freshwater systems.
The application of environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding as a biomonitoring tool has greatly increased in the last decade. However, most studies have focused on aquatic macro-organisms in temperate areas (e.g., fishes). We apply eDNA metabarcoding t... Read More about Assessing the potential of environmental DNA metabarcoding for monitoring Neotropical mammals : a case study in the Amazon and Atlantic Forest, Brazil.