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Sex change and effective population size : implications for population genetic studies in marine fish (2016)
Journal Article
Coscia, I., Chopelet, J., Waples, R., Mann, B., & Mariani, S. (2016). Sex change and effective population size : implications for population genetic studies in marine fish. Heredity, 117, 251-258.

Large variance in reproductive success is the primary factor that reduces effective population size (Ne) in
natural populations. In sequentially hermaphroditic (‘sex-changing’) fish, the sex ratio is typically skewed
and biased toward the ‘first’... Read More about Sex change and effective population size : implications for population genetic studies in marine fish.

Population genetic structure of the European lobster (Homarus gammarus) in the Irish Sea and implications for the effectiveness of the first British marine protected area (2016)
Journal Article
Watson, H., McKeown, N., Coscia, I., Wootton, E., & Ironside, J. (2016). Population genetic structure of the European lobster (Homarus gammarus) in the Irish Sea and implications for the effectiveness of the first British marine protected area. Fisheries Research, 183, 287-293.

Levels of self-recruitment within and connectivity among populations are key factors influencing marine population persistence and stock sustainability, as well as the effectiveness of spatially explicit management strategies such as Marine Protected... Read More about Population genetic structure of the European lobster (Homarus gammarus) in the Irish Sea and implications for the effectiveness of the first British marine protected area.