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All Outputs (9)

Domestic smart metering infrastructure and a method for home appliances identification using low‐rate power consumption data (2021)
Journal Article
Paraskevas, I., Barbarosou, M., Fitton, R., & Swan, W. (2021). Domestic smart metering infrastructure and a method for home appliances identification using low‐rate power consumption data. IET Smart Cities, 3(2), 91-106.

The deployment of domestic smart metering infrastructure in Great Britain provides the opportunity for identification of home appliances utilising non-intrusive load monitoring methods. Identifying the energy consumption of certain home appliances ge... Read More about Domestic smart metering infrastructure and a method for home appliances identification using low‐rate power consumption data.

Implementing transistor roles for facilitating analysis and synthesis of analog integrated circuits (2017)
Presentation / Conference
Barbarosou, M., Paraskevas, I., Kliros, G., & Andreatos, A. (2017, April). Implementing transistor roles for facilitating analysis and synthesis of analog integrated circuits. Presented at 2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Athens, Greece

In an integrated circuit, transistors are used in standard configurations which occur repeatedly. In order to facilitate circuit analysis and synthesis for students, the concept of `transistor role' has been introduced and a fundamental set of bipola... Read More about Implementing transistor roles for facilitating analysis and synthesis of analog integrated circuits.

Military aircrafts' classification based on their sound signature (2016)
Journal Article
Barbarosou, M., Paraskevas, I., & Ahmed, A. (2016). Military aircrafts' classification based on their sound signature. Aircraft engineering, 88(1), 66-72.

Purpose: This paper aims to present a system framework for classifying different models of military aircrafts, which is based on the sound they produce.

Design/methodology/approach: The technique is based on extracting a compact feature set, of... Read More about Military aircrafts' classification based on their sound signature.

Hartley transform and the use of the Whitened Hartley spectrum as a tool for phase spectral processing (2015)
Journal Article
Paraskevas, I., Barbarosou, M., & Chilton, E. (2015). Hartley transform and the use of the Whitened Hartley spectrum as a tool for phase spectral processing. Journal of Engineering, 2015(3), 95-101.

The Hartley transform is a mathematical transformation which is closely related to the better known Fourier transform. The properties that differentiate the Hartley Transform from its Fourier counterpart are that the forward and the inverse transform... Read More about Hartley transform and the use of the Whitened Hartley spectrum as a tool for phase spectral processing.

Compensatory learning in mathematics through additional supportive teaching for students with vocational-oriented knowledge background : an action research project for motorsport technology students
Presentation / Conference
Paraskevas, I., & Powell, S. Compensatory learning in mathematics through additional supportive teaching for students with vocational-oriented knowledge background : an action research project for motorsport technology students. Poster presented at 9th Annual Research & Innovation Conference of the University of Bolton