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All Outputs (6)

A scenario-based analysis of building energy performance (2013)
Journal Article
Caputo, S., Caserio, M., Coles, R., Jankovic, L., & Gaterell, M. (2013). A scenario-based analysis of building energy performance. Proceedings of the ICE - Urban Design and Planning, 166, 326--348.

Inherent to the sustainability discourse is concern about the long-term future. If sustainable, cities must deliver positive benefits over their possibly long lifetime. Yet in formulating guidance and negotiating design choices for urban development,... Read More about A scenario-based analysis of building energy performance.

Mitigating Risks of Event Avalanches Caused by Climate Change (2013)
Conference Proceeding
Jankovic, L. (2013). Mitigating Risks of Event Avalanches Caused by Climate Change. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems 2012 (337-346).

Development of the human society and its technological, economic and financial systems, coupled with the population growth, has resulted in high interconnectivity between individual and corporate entities. These entities form networks of co-dependent... Read More about Mitigating Risks of Event Avalanches Caused by Climate Change.

Birmingham Zero Carbon House - Energy, Carbon and Economic Performance Analysis (2013)
Conference Proceeding
Jankovic, L., & Huws, H. (2013). Birmingham Zero Carbon House - Energy, Carbon and Economic Performance Analysis. In Proceedings of Sustainable procurement in urban regeneration and renovation

The Birmingham Zero Carbon House is a retrofitted Victorian house that has achieved carbon
negative performance. The house has been under detailed instrumental monitoring, external and
internal thermal imaging, and detailed simulation analysis. The... Read More about Birmingham Zero Carbon House - Energy, Carbon and Economic Performance Analysis.

Implications of climate change and occupant behaviour on future energy demand in a zero carbon house (2013)
Conference Proceeding
Huws, H., & Jankovic, L. (2013). Implications of climate change and occupant behaviour on future energy demand in a zero carbon house. In Proceedings of BS 2013: 13th Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (1357-1364).

The Birmingham Zero Carbon House is a retrofitted Victorian house that has achieved carbon negative performance. Future predictions of temperatures are showing an increase in Cooling Degree Days (CCD), even under a low carbon emissions scenario. This... Read More about Implications of climate change and occupant behaviour on future energy demand in a zero carbon house.

A method for reducing simulation performance gap using fourier filtering (2013)
Conference Proceeding
Jankovic, L. (2013). A method for reducing simulation performance gap using fourier filtering. In Proceedings of BS 2013: 13th Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (3729-3736).

The simulation performance gap is a discrepancy between simulated and actual performance of a building, occurring as result of differences between theoretical values in the simulation model and actual properties of and conditions in and around the bu... Read More about A method for reducing simulation performance gap using fourier filtering.