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All Outputs (18)

Comparisons of core temperature between a telemetric pill and heart rate estimated core temperature in firefighters (2021)
Journal Article
Pearson, S., Highlands, B., Jones, R., & Matthews, M. (2021). Comparisons of core temperature between a telemetric pill and heart rate estimated core temperature in firefighters. Safety and Health at Work, 13(1), 99-103.

Firefighters may experience high environmental temperatures or carry out intensive physical tasks, or both, which leads to increased core body temperature and risk of fatalities. Hence there is a need to remotely and non-invasively monit... Read More about Comparisons of core temperature between a telemetric pill and heart rate estimated core temperature in firefighters.

Strength-endurance training reduces the hamstrings strength decline following simulated football competition in female players (2018)
Journal Article
Delextrat, A., Piquet, J., Matthews, M., & Cohen, D. (2018). Strength-endurance training reduces the hamstrings strength decline following simulated football competition in female players. Frontiers in Physiology, 9(1059),

Hamstring strains are the most common injury in multiple sprint sports, with inadequate eccentric hamstring strength and fatigue identified as important risk factors. Resistance training interventions aimed at reducing injury risk typically focus on... Read More about Strength-endurance training reduces the hamstrings strength decline following simulated football competition in female players.

The effects of pre-exercise blood glucose on responses to short duration high intensity exercise (2018)
Journal Article
Swanwick, E., & Matthews, M. (2018). The effects of pre-exercise blood glucose on responses to short duration high intensity exercise. International journal of sports and exercise medicine, 4(1),

To investigate the relationship between pre-exercise blood glucose levels and performance during a 7-point incremental swim test.


Forty-two National level swimmers undertook a 6 × 200 m incremental training set at predeter... Read More about The effects of pre-exercise blood glucose on responses to short duration high intensity exercise.

Glucose turn point as a marker of exercise intensity in elite swimmers (2017)
Journal Article
Swanwick, E., & Matthews, M. (2017). Glucose turn point as a marker of exercise intensity in elite swimmers. International journal of sports and exercise medicine, 3(4),

Purpose: To investigate a blood glucose profile and turn
point during incremental exercise.
Methods: Thirty-three national and international-level swimmers undertook a 7 × 200 m discontinuous, incremental, training set on a six-minute turnaround. S... Read More about Glucose turn point as a marker of exercise intensity in elite swimmers.

Strength and endurance training reduces the loss of eccentric hamstring torque observed after soccer specific fatigue (2017)
Journal Article
Matthews, M., Heron, K., Todd, S., Tomlinson, A., Jones, P., Delextrat, A., & Cohen, D. (2017). Strength and endurance training reduces the loss of eccentric hamstring torque observed after soccer specific fatigue. Physical Therapy in Sport, 25, 39-46.

Objectives: To investigate the effect of two hamstring training protocols on eccentric peak
torque before and after soccer specific fatigue.
Participants: Twenty-two university male soccer players.
Design: Isokinetic strength tests were performed... Read More about Strength and endurance training reduces the loss of eccentric hamstring torque observed after soccer specific fatigue.

The effects of swimming fatigue on shoulder strength, range of motion, joint control, and performance in swimmers (2016)
Journal Article


To investigate the effects of training induced fatigue on shoulder strength, ROM, joint position sense, and stroke length in elite competitive swimmers.


Seventeen national level swimmers performed maximum isometric stren... Read More about The effects of swimming fatigue on shoulder strength, range of motion, joint control, and performance in swimmers.

Effects of strength training on squat and sprint performance in soccer players (2016)
Journal Article
Styles, W., Matthews, M., & Comfort, P. (2016). Effects of strength training on squat and sprint performance in soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 30(6), 1534-1539.

Researchers have demonstrated that increases in strength result in increases in athletic performance, although the development of strength is still neglected in some sports. Our aim was to determine whether a simple in-season strength training progra... Read More about Effects of strength training on squat and sprint performance in soccer players.

Relationships between speed, change of direction and jump performance with cricket specific speed tests in male academy cricketers (2015)
Journal Article
Foden, M., Astley, S., McMahon, J., Comfort, P., Matthews, M., & Jones, P. (2015). Relationships between speed, change of direction and jump performance with cricket specific speed tests in male academy cricketers. Journal of trainology, 4(2), 37-42.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between general speed and change of direction speed and‘cricket specific’ speed tests and the relationships between jump performance and speed and change of direction ability in m... Read More about Relationships between speed, change of direction and jump performance with cricket specific speed tests in male academy cricketers.

The assisted nordic hamstring curl (2015)
Journal Article
Matthews, M., Jones, P., Cohen, D., & Matthews, H. (2015). The assisted nordic hamstring curl. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 37(1), 84-87.

Assisted nordic hamstring curls provide a mechanism for assisting the lower phases of a nordic hamstring curl, allowing training at increased hamstring muscle length positions and the performance of more repetitions. This exercise may be useful to ta... Read More about The assisted nordic hamstring curl.

Angle-specific eccentric hamstring fatigue after simulated soccer (2015)
Journal Article
Cohen, D., Zhao, B., Okwera, B., Matthews, M., & Delextrat, A. (2015). Angle-specific eccentric hamstring fatigue after simulated soccer. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 10(3), 325-331.


To evaluate the effect of simulated soccer on the hamstrings eccentric torque-angle profile and angle of peak torque (APTeccH), and on the hamstrings:quadriceps torque ratio at specific joint angles (ASHecc:Qcon).


The aut... Read More about Angle-specific eccentric hamstring fatigue after simulated soccer.

Are changes in maximal squat strength during pre-season training reflected in sprint performance in rugby league players? (2012)
Journal Article
Comfort, P., Haigh, A., & Matthews, M. (2012). Are changes in maximal squat strength during pre-season training reflected in sprint performance in rugby league players?. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 26(3), 772-776.

Comfort, P, Haigh, A, and Matthews, MJ. Are changes in
maximal squat strength during preseason training reflected in
changes in sprint performance in rugby league players?
J Strength Cond Res 26(3): 772–776, 2012—Because
previous research has show... Read More about Are changes in maximal squat strength during pre-season training reflected in sprint performance in rugby league players?.

Strength and power characteristics in English elite rugby league players (2011)
Journal Article
Comfort, P., Graham-Smith, P., Matthews, M., & Bamber, C. (2011). Strength and power characteristics in English elite rugby league players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 25(5), 1374-1384.

The aim of this article is to present data on the strength and power characteristics of forwards and backs in a squad of elite English rugby league players and compare these findings to previously published literature from Australia. Participants wer... Read More about Strength and power characteristics in English elite rugby league players.

Complex training in ice hockey: the effects of a heavy resisted sprint on subsequent ice-hockey sprint performance (2010)
Journal Article
Matthews, M., Comfort, P., & Crebin, R. (2010). Complex training in ice hockey: the effects of a heavy resisted sprint on subsequent ice-hockey sprint performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24(11), 2883-2887.

The aim of the study was to investigate the acute effect of a heavy resisted sprint when used as a preload exercise to enhance subsequent 25-m on-ice sprint performance.
Eleven competitive ice-hockey players (mean 6 SD:
Age = 22.09 6 3.05 years; Bo... Read More about Complex training in ice hockey: the effects of a heavy resisted sprint on subsequent ice-hockey sprint performance.

The acute effects of heavy and light resistances on the flight time of a basketball push-pass during upper body complex training (2009)
Journal Article
Matthews, M., O'Conchuir, C., & Comfort, P. (2009). The acute effects of heavy and light resistances on the flight time of a basketball push-pass during upper body complex training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23(7), 1988-1995.

The aim of this study was to investigate the acute effect of high-load and low-load complex training on upper-body performance—determined by the flight time of a basketball push-pass. Twelve competitive male athletes
(21.8 6 4.5 years, 82.0 6 11.7 k... Read More about The acute effects of heavy and light resistances on the flight time of a basketball push-pass during upper body complex training.

Applying complex training principles to boxing: A practical approach (2008)
Journal Article
Matthews, M., & Comfort, P. (2008). Applying complex training principles to boxing: A practical approach. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 30(5), 12-15.

This article discusses the application of complex training principles in the development of speed and power in boxing. In it, we illustrate how the addition of external resistance, applied in biomechanically similar ways to traditional boxing skills... Read More about Applying complex training principles to boxing: A practical approach.

Training Considerations after hamstring injury in athletes
Journal Article
Comfort, P., Green, C., & Matthews, M. Training Considerations after hamstring injury in athletes. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 31(1), 68-74.

Hamstring strains are compounded by a high recurrence rate of 12-31% within the first year of return to sport. Explanations include reduced tensile strength, reduced strength of muscle and surrounding sites, and reduced flexibility of the muscle tend... Read More about Training Considerations after hamstring injury in athletes.