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Evaluating summarised radionuclide concentration ratio datasets for wildlife (2013)
Journal Article
Wood, M., Beresford, N., Howard, B., & Copplestone, D. (2013). Evaluating summarised radionuclide concentration ratio datasets for wildlife. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 126, 314-325.

Concentration ratios (CRwo-media) are used in most radioecological models to predict
whole-body radionuclide activity concentrations in wildlife from those in environmental media. This
simplistic approach amalgamates the various factors influencing... Read More about Evaluating summarised radionuclide concentration ratio datasets for wildlife.

Plutonium in wildlife and soils at the Maralinga legacy site : Persistence over decadal time scales (2013)
Journal Article
Johansen, M., Child, D., Davis, E., Doering, C., Harrison, J., Hotchkis, M., …Wood, M. (2014). Plutonium in wildlife and soils at the Maralinga legacy site : Persistence over decadal time scales. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 131, 72-80.

The mobility of plutonium (Pu) in soils, and its uptake into a range of wildlife, were examined using recent and ~25 year old data from the Taranaki area of the former Maralinga weapons test site, Australia. Since its initial deposition in the early... Read More about Plutonium in wildlife and soils at the Maralinga legacy site : Persistence over decadal time scales.

Demonstrating compliance with protection objectives for non-human biota within post-closure safety cases for radioactive waste repositories (2013)
Journal Article
Jackson, D., Smith, K., & Wood, M. (2013). Demonstrating compliance with protection objectives for non-human biota within post-closure safety cases for radioactive waste repositories. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 133, 60-68.

Over recent years, a number of approaches have been developed that enable the calculation of dose rates to animals and plants following the release of radioactivity to the environment. These approaches can be used to assess the potential impacts of a... Read More about Demonstrating compliance with protection objectives for non-human biota within post-closure safety cases for radioactive waste repositories.

The IAEA handbook on radionuclide transfer to wildlife (2013)
Journal Article
Howard, B., Beresford, N., Copplestone, D., Telleria, D., Proehl, G., Fesenko, S., …Wells, C. (2013). The IAEA handbook on radionuclide transfer to wildlife. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 121, 55-74.

An IAEA handbook presenting transfer parameter values for wildlife has recently been produced. Concentration ratios (CRwo-media) between the whole organism (fresh weight) and either soil (dry weight) or water were collated for a range of wildlife gro... Read More about The IAEA handbook on radionuclide transfer to wildlife.