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All Outputs (7)

Estimation of the excess lifetime cancer risk from radon exposure in some buildings of Kufa Technical Institute, Iraq (2017)
Journal Article
Abojassim, A., Mraity, H., Husain, A., & Wood, M. (2017). Estimation of the excess lifetime cancer risk from radon exposure in some buildings of Kufa Technical Institute, Iraq. Ядерна фізика та енергетика. Âderna fìzika ta energetika, 18(3), 276-286.

A number of international health organizations consider the exposure to residential radon as the second main cause of lung cancer after cigarette smoking. It was found that there is no database on radon concentrations for the Kufa Technical Institute... Read More about Estimation of the excess lifetime cancer risk from radon exposure in some buildings of Kufa Technical Institute, Iraq.

Selecting passive dosimetry technologies for measuring the external dose of terrestrial wildlife (2017)
Journal Article
Aramrun, P., Beresford, N., & Wood, M. (2018). Selecting passive dosimetry technologies for measuring the external dose of terrestrial wildlife. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 182, 128-137.

Dosimeters attached to wild animals can be used to validate regulatory assessment approaches and models for estimating radiation exposure of wild animals. Such measurements are also necessary to ensure that robust dose-effect relationships can be dev... Read More about Selecting passive dosimetry technologies for measuring the external dose of terrestrial wildlife.

Transfer parameters for ICRP's Reference Animals and Plants in a terrestrial Mediterranean ecosystem (2017)
Journal Article
Guillén, J., Beresford, N., Baeza, A., Izquierdo, M., Wood, M., Salas, A., …Muñoz-Muñoz, J. (2017). Transfer parameters for ICRP's Reference Animals and Plants in a terrestrial Mediterranean ecosystem. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 186, 9-22.

A system for the radiological protection of the environment (or wildlife) based on Reference Animals and Plants (RAPs) has been suggested by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). To assess whole-body activity concentrations... Read More about Transfer parameters for ICRP's Reference Animals and Plants in a terrestrial Mediterranean ecosystem.

A review of camera trapping for conservation behaviour research (2017)
Journal Article
Caravaggi, A., Banks, P., Burton, A., Finlay, C., Haswell, P., Hayward, M., …Sollmann, R. (2017). A review of camera trapping for conservation behaviour research. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 3(3), 109-122.

An understanding of animal behaviour is important if conservation initiatives are to be effective. However, quantifying the behaviour of wild animals presents significant challenges. Remote-sensing camera traps are becoming increasingly popular surve... Read More about A review of camera trapping for conservation behaviour research.

Aquatic live animal radiotracing studies for ecotoxicological applications : addressing fundamental methodological deficiencies (2017)
Journal Article
Cresswell, T., Metian, M., Golding, L., & Wood, M. (2017). Aquatic live animal radiotracing studies for ecotoxicological applications : addressing fundamental methodological deficiencies. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 178-9, 453-460.

The use of live animal gamma radioisotope tracer techniques in the field of ecotoxicology allows laboratory studies to accurately monitor contaminant biokinetics in real time for an individual organism. However, methods used in published studies for... Read More about Aquatic live animal radiotracing studies for ecotoxicological applications : addressing fundamental methodological deficiencies.

Dose assessment in environmental radiological protection : state of the art and perspectives (2017)
Journal Article
Stark, K., Goméz-Ros, J., Vives i Batlle, J., Lindbo Hansen, E., Beaugelin-Seiller, K., Kapustka, L., …Hinton, T. (2017). Dose assessment in environmental radiological protection : state of the art and perspectives. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 175-6, 105-114.

Exposure to radiation is a potential hazard to humans and the environment. The Fukushima accident reminded the world of the importance of a reliable risk management system that incorporates the dose received from radiation exposures. The dose to huma... Read More about Dose assessment in environmental radiological protection : state of the art and perspectives.

Do fungi need to be included within environmental radiation protection assessment models? (2017)
Journal Article
Guillén, J., Baeza, A., Beresford, N., & Wood, M. (2017). Do fungi need to be included within environmental radiation protection assessment models?. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 175-6, 70-77.

Fungi are used as biomonitors of forest ecosystems, having comparatively high uptakes of anthropogenic and naturally occurring radionuclides. However, whilst they are known to accumulate radionuclides they are not typically considered in radiological... Read More about Do fungi need to be included within environmental radiation protection assessment models?.