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All Outputs (7)

Contextual interaction support in 3D worlds (2011)
Presentation / Conference
Murray, N. (2011, September). Contextual interaction support in 3D worlds. Presented at 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, Salford Quays

With the increasing use of 3D displays and input
devices we need to be sure that when 3D worlds are created
that their users can easily learn how to operate within these 3D worlds. To do this we can provide the user with contextual interaction supp... Read More about Contextual interaction support in 3D worlds.

Eye gaze in virtual environments: evaluating the need and initial work on implementation (2009)
Journal Article
Murray, N., Roberts, D., Steed, A., Sharkey, P., Dickerson, P., Rae, J., & Wolff, R. (2009). Eye gaze in virtual environments: evaluating the need and initial work on implementation. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 21(11), 1437-1449.

For efficient collaboration between participants, eye gaze is seen as being critical for interaction. Video
conferencing either does not attempt to support eye gaze (e.g. AcessGrid) or only approximates it in round
table conditions (e.g. life size... Read More about Eye gaze in virtual environments: evaluating the need and initial work on implementation.

A constraint manager to support virtual maintainability (2003)
Journal Article
Marcelino, L., Fernando, T., & Murray, N. (2003). A constraint manager to support virtual maintainability. Computers and Graphics, 27(1), 19-26.

Virtual prototyping tools have already captivated the industry's interest as viable design tool. One of the key challenges for the research community is to extend the capabilities of Virtual Reality technology beyond its current scope of ergonomics a... Read More about A constraint manager to support virtual maintainability.

A virtual environment for the design and simulated construction of prefabricated buildings (2003)
Journal Article
Murray, N., Fernando, T., & Aouad, G. (2003). A virtual environment for the design and simulated construction of prefabricated buildings. Virtual Reality, 6(4), 244-256.

The construction industry has acknowledged that its current working practices are in need of substantial improvements in quality and efficiency and has identified that computer modelling techniques and the use of prefabricated components can help red... Read More about A virtual environment for the design and simulated construction of prefabricated buildings.

Comparison of head gaze and head and eye gaze within an immersive environment
Presentation / Conference
Roberts, D., & Murray, N. Comparison of head gaze and head and eye gaze within an immersive environment. Presented at 10th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, Malaga, Spain

For efficient collaboration between participants, eye gaze is seen as being critical for interaction. Teleconferencing
systems such as the AcessGrid allow users to meet across geographically disparate rooms but as of now there seems no substitute fo... Read More about Comparison of head gaze and head and eye gaze within an immersive environment.

An immersive assembly and maintenance simulation environment
Presentation / Conference
Fernando, T., & Murray, N. An immersive assembly and maintenance simulation environment. Presented at 8th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, Budapest, Hungary

This paper outlines the development of a virtual environment for constraint based assembly and maintenance task simulation and analysis of large scale mechanical products. It is important that allowance is made for maintenance activities during a pro... Read More about An immersive assembly and maintenance simulation environment.