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All Outputs (16)

Constructive alignment of a research-informed teaching activity within an undergraduate diagnostic radiography curriculum : a reflection (2016)
Journal Article

Aim: To evaluate the learning experience of a level 5 (year 2) student cohort within a research-informed teaching (RiT) activity and to map findings against learning outcomes and level descriptors using constructive alignment.

Method: An online q... Read More about Constructive alignment of a research-informed teaching activity within an undergraduate diagnostic radiography curriculum : a reflection.

The role of 18F-sodium fluoride PET/CT bone scans in the diagnosis of metastatic bone disease from breast and prostate cancer (2016)
Journal Article
Kulshrestha, R., England, A., Nightingale, J., Vinjamuri, R., & Hogg, P. (2016). The role of 18F-sodium fluoride PET/CT bone scans in the diagnosis of metastatic bone disease from breast and prostate cancer. Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology, 44(4), 217-222.

This article shall describe the role of 18F-Sodium Fluoride (18F-NaF) PET/CT bone scanning in the staging of breast and prostate cancer. 18F-NaF PET was initially utilised as a bone scanning agent in the 1960s and early 1970s, however its usage was r... Read More about The role of 18F-sodium fluoride PET/CT bone scans in the diagnosis of metastatic bone disease from breast and prostate cancer.

The impact of greyscale inversion for nodule detection in an anthropomorphic chest phantom: a free-response observer study (2016)
Journal Article

Objective: The aim of this work was to assess the impact of greyscale inversion on nodule detection on poster- oanterior chest X-ray images. Previous work has attemp- ted this, with no consensus opinion formed. We assessed the value of “fast-flicking... Read More about The impact of greyscale inversion for nodule detection in an anthropomorphic chest phantom: a free-response observer study.

Impact of errors in recorded compressed breast thickness measurements on volumetric density classification using volpara v1.5.0 software (2016)
Journal Article

Purpose: Mammographic density has been demonstrated to predict breast cancer risk. It has been proposed that it could be used for stratifying screening pathways and recommending additional imaging. Volumetric density tools use the recorded compressed... Read More about Impact of errors in recorded compressed breast thickness measurements on volumetric density classification using volpara v1.5.0 software.

A review of incidental findings on low-resolution CT images during SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging : a clinical dilemma (2016)
Journal Article

Incidental findings are common in medical imaging. There is a particularly high
prevalence of incidental findings within the thorax, the most frequent being
pulmonary nodules. Whilst pulmonary nodules have the potential to be
malignant, the vast m... Read More about A review of incidental findings on low-resolution CT images during SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging : a clinical dilemma.

Development and validation of a visual grading scale for assessing image quality of AP pelvis radiographic images (2016)
Journal Article

OBJECTIVE: Apply psychometric theory to develop and validate a visual grading scale for assessing visual perception of AP pelvis digital image quality.
METHODS: Psychometric theory was used to guide scale development. Seven phantom and 7 cadaver i... Read More about Development and validation of a visual grading scale for assessing image quality of AP pelvis radiographic images.

Effect of reconstruction methods and x-ray tube current-time product on nodule detection in an anthropomorphic thorax phantom : a crossed-modality JAFROC observer study (2016)
Journal Article

Purpose: To evaluate nodule detection in an anthropomorphic chest phantom in computed tomography (CT) images reconstructed with adaptive iterative dose reduction 3D (AIDR3D) and filtered back projection (FBP) over a range of tube current-time product... Read More about Effect of reconstruction methods and x-ray tube current-time product on nodule detection in an anthropomorphic thorax phantom : a crossed-modality JAFROC observer study.

Analysis of motion during the breast clamping phase of mammography (2016)
Journal Article
Ma, W., McEntee, M., Kelly, J., Millington, S., Mercer, C., & Hogg, P. (2016). Analysis of motion during the breast clamping phase of mammography. British Journal of Radiology, 89(1059), 20150715.

Objectives: To measure paddle motion during the clamping phase of a breast phantom
for a range of machine/paddle combinations.
Methods: A deformable breast phantom was used to simulate a female breast. Twelve
mammography machines from three manufa... Read More about Analysis of motion during the breast clamping phase of mammography.