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All Outputs (14)

Relationship between body habitus and image quality and radiation dose in chest x-ray examinations : a phantom study (2018)
Journal Article

Purpose: To evaluate the influence of being overweight on image
quality (IQ), radiation dose and acquisition parameters when undertaking
adult chest x-ray (CXR) examinations using routine acquisition protocols.
Methods: The Lungman chest phantom... Read More about Relationship between body habitus and image quality and radiation dose in chest x-ray examinations : a phantom study.

ROI-based reversible watermarking scheme for ensuring the integrity and authenticity of DICOM MR images (2018)
Journal Article

Reversible and imperceptible watermarking is recognized as a robust approach to confirm the integrity and authenticity of medical images and to verify that alterations can be detected and tracked back. In this paper, a novel blind reversible watermar... Read More about ROI-based reversible watermarking scheme for ensuring the integrity and authenticity of DICOM MR images.

A novel method for comparing radiation dose and image quality, between and within different X-ray units in a series of hospitals (2018)
Journal Article

Objectives: To develop a novel method for comparing radiation dose and image quality (IQ) to evaluate adult chest X-ray (CXR) imaging among several hospitals.
Methods: CDRAD 2.0 phantom was used to acquire images in eight hospitals (17 digital X-r... Read More about A novel method for comparing radiation dose and image quality, between and within different X-ray units in a series of hospitals.

Construction and validation of a low cost paediatric pelvis phantom (2018)
Journal Article
Ali, M., Hogg, P., Johansen, S., & England, A. (2018). Construction and validation of a low cost paediatric pelvis phantom. European Journal of Radiology, 108, 84-91.

PURPOSE: Imaging phantoms can be cost prohibitive, therefore a need exists to produce low cost alternatives which are fit for purpose. This paper describes the development and validation of a low cost paediatric pelvis phantom based on the anatomy o... Read More about Construction and validation of a low cost paediatric pelvis phantom.

Calculating individual lifetime effective risk from initial mean glandular dose arising from the first screening mammogram (2018)
Journal Article

Objectives: To use the initial mean glandular dose (MGD) arising from the first screening mammogram to estimate the individual total screening lifetime effective risk.
Methods: Organ doses from FFDM screening exposures (craniocaudal and mediolatera... Read More about Calculating individual lifetime effective risk from initial mean glandular dose arising from the first screening mammogram.

An investigation into the validity of utilising the CDRAD 2.0 phantom for optimisation studies in digital radiography (2018)
Journal Article

Objectives: To determine if a relationship exists between low contrast detail (LCD) detectability using the CDRAD 2.0 phantom, visual measures of image quality (IQ) and simulated lesion visibility (LV) when performing digital chest radiography (CXR).... Read More about An investigation into the validity of utilising the CDRAD 2.0 phantom for optimisation studies in digital radiography.

Optimum positioning for AP pelvis radiography : a literature review (2018)
Journal Article
Alzyoud, K., Hogg, P., Snaith, B., Flintham, K., & England, A. (2018). Optimum positioning for AP pelvis radiography : a literature review. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 49(3), 316-324.


Pelvic radiography is used for the identification of hip joint changes, including pathologies such as osteoarthritis. Several studies have recommended that the position for this radiological procedure should be standing, not supine, to reflec... Read More about Optimum positioning for AP pelvis radiography : a literature review.

Are antimony-bismuth aprons as efficient as lead rubber aprons in providing shielding against scattered radiation (2018)
Journal Article

Aim: To compare the absorption ability of two lead-free aprons with a lead apron.
Method: Measure and compare the absorption ability of 3 aprons; OpaqFu bilayer apron containing bismuth and antimony, NoLead one layer apron containing antimony, and... Read More about Are antimony-bismuth aprons as efficient as lead rubber aprons in providing shielding against scattered radiation.