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All Outputs (17)

Anthropomorphic chest phantom imaging the potential for dose creep in computed radiography (2013)
Journal Article
creep in computed radiography. Radiography, 19(3), 207-211.

For film-based radiography the operator had to be exact in the selection of acquisition parameters or the
image could easily become under- or over-exposed. By contrast, digital technology allows for a much
greater tolerance of acquisition factor se... Read More about Anthropomorphic chest phantom imaging the potential for dose creep in computed radiography.

The power and the pain : mammographic compression research from the service-users’ perspective (2013)
Journal Article
Robinson, L., Hogg, P., & Newton-Hughes, A. (2013). The power and the pain : mammographic compression research from the service-users’ perspective. Radiography, 19(3), 190-195.

Purpose: to explore the value service-users can add to our understanding of inter-practitioner
compression variability in mammography. Imaging of the breast for the screening and detection of
breast carcinoma is generally carried out by mammographi... Read More about The power and the pain : mammographic compression research from the service-users’ perspective.

Fact or fiction : an analysis of the 10 kVp ‘rule’ in computed radiography (2013)
Journal Article
radiography. Radiography, 19(3), 223-227.

Purpose: To determine whether increasing the tube voltage by 10 kVp whilst reducing the tube current by
50% (10 kVp ‘rule’) produces similar perceptual image quality.
Method: 391 matched pairs of anthropomorphic chest phantom X-ray images were pro... Read More about Fact or fiction : an analysis of the 10 kVp ‘rule’ in computed radiography.

Tissue bulge during stereotactic core biopsy (2013)
Journal Article
Hackney, L., Williams, S., Hogg, P., & Szczepura, K. (2013). Tissue bulge during stereotactic core biopsy. Radiography, 19(4), 366-368.

In full field digital mammography (FFDM) the whole breast is subjected to compression with a perspex compression paddle in order to reduce breast thickness and improve image quality. Once a mammographic abnormality has been detected using FFDM and a... Read More about Tissue bulge during stereotactic core biopsy.

Does an increase in compression force really improve visual image quality in mammography? An initial investigation (2013)
Journal Article
Mercer, C., Hogg, P., Cassidy, S., & Denton, E. (2013). Does an increase in compression force really improve visual image quality in mammography? An initial investigation. Radiography, 19(4), 363-365.

Objective: Literature speculates that visual image quality (IQ) and compression force levels may be
directly related. This small study investigates whether a relationship exists between compression force
levels and visual IQ.
Method: To investiga... Read More about Does an increase in compression force really improve visual image quality in mammography? An initial investigation.

The value of observer performance studies in dose optimization: A focus on free-response receiver operating characteristic methods (2013)
Journal Article
operating characteristic methods. Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology, 41(2), 57-64.

Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis has been
successfully used in radiology to help determine the combined
success of system and observer. There is great value in
these methods for assessing new and existing techniques to
see if diag... Read More about The value of observer performance studies in dose optimization: A focus on free-response receiver operating characteristic methods.

Towards a research informed teaching experience within a diagnostic radiography curriculum: The level 4 (year 1) student holistic experience (2013)
Journal Article
Higgins, R., Hogg, P., & Robinson, L. (2013). Towards a research informed teaching experience within a diagnostic radiography curriculum: The level 4 (year 1) student holistic experience. Radiography, 19(1), 62-67.

Aim: This article discusses the level 4 (year 1) diagnostic radiography student holistic experience of the
Research-informed Teaching experience (RiTe) at the University of Salford, UK. The purpose of RiTe is to
expose undergraduate radiography stu... Read More about Towards a research informed teaching experience within a diagnostic radiography curriculum: The level 4 (year 1) student holistic experience.

Integrating research-informed teaching within an undergraduate level 4 (year 1) diagnostic radiography curriculum: a pilot study (2013)
Journal Article
Higgins, R., Hogg, P., & Robinson, L. (2013). Integrating research-informed teaching within an undergraduate level 4 (year 1) diagnostic radiography curriculum: a pilot study. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 65(3), 351-368.

This article discusses the piloting and evaluation of the Research-informed Teaching experience (RiTe) project. The aim of RiTe was to link teaching and learning with research within an undergraduate diagnostic radiography curriculum. A preliminary p... Read More about Integrating research-informed teaching within an undergraduate level 4 (year 1) diagnostic radiography curriculum: a pilot study.

A method to measure paddle and detector pressures and footprints in mammography (2013)
Journal Article
Hogg, P., Szczepura, K., Darlington, A., & Maxwell, A. (2013). A method to measure paddle and detector pressures and footprints in mammography. Medical Physics, 40(4), 041907.

Compression is necessary in mammography to improve image quality and reduce radiation burden. Maximizing the amount of breast in contact with the image receptor (IR) is important. To achieve this, for the craniocaudal projection, there is n... Read More about A method to measure paddle and detector pressures and footprints in mammography.

A mixed model study evaluating lean in the transformation of an orthopaedic radiology service (2013)
Journal Article
Martin, A., Hogg, P., & Mackay, S. (2013). A mixed model study evaluating lean in the transformation of an orthopaedic radiology service. Radiography, 19(1), 2-6.

Objective: The purpose of the study was to explore the proposition that lean is an effective methodology
for service improvement within healthcare by using it to evaluate and implement change in a poor
Design: A mixed model approach was u... Read More about A mixed model study evaluating lean in the transformation of an orthopaedic radiology service.

Practitioner compression force variability in mammography : a preliminary study (2013)
Journal Article
Mercer, C., Hogg, P., Lawson, R., Diffey, J., & Denton, E. (2013). Practitioner compression force variability in mammography : a preliminary study. British Journal of Radiology, 86(1022), 1-9.

Objective: This preliminary study determines
whether the absolute amount of breast compression
in mammography varies between
and within practitioners.
Methods: Ethics approval was granted. 488
clients met the inclusion criteria. Clients were
im... Read More about Practitioner compression force variability in mammography : a preliminary study.

Optimising the number of thermoluminescent dosimeters required for the measurement of effective dose for computed tomography attenuation correction data in SPECT/CT myocardial perfusion imaging (2013)
Journal Article
Tootell, A., Szczepura, K., & Hogg, P. (2013). Optimising the number of thermoluminescent dosimeters required for the measurement of effective dose for computed tomography attenuation correction data in SPECT/CT myocardial perfusion imaging. Radiography, 19(1), 42-47.


The use of thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) is regarded as time consuming and laborious. As part of our dosimetry research it was necessary to optimise the use of our resources, both physical and time. Experimental work was carried... Read More about Optimising the number of thermoluminescent dosimeters required for the measurement of effective dose for computed tomography attenuation correction data in SPECT/CT myocardial perfusion imaging.

Accurate localization of incidental findings on the computed tomography attenuation correction image: the influence of tube current variation (2013)
Journal Article

This observer performance study assessed lesion
detection in the computed tomography attenuation
correction image, as would be produced for myocardial
perfusion imaging over a tube current (mA) range. A static
anthropomorphic chest phantom contai... Read More about Accurate localization of incidental findings on the computed tomography attenuation correction image: the influence of tube current variation.

Accurate localization of incidental findings on the computed tomography attenuation correction image (2013)
Journal Article
Thompson, J., Hogg, P., Higham, S., & Manning, D. (2013). Accurate localization of incidental findings on the computed tomography attenuation correction image. Nuclear Medicine Communications, 34(2), 180-184.

This observer performance study assessed lesion
detection in the computed tomography attenuation
correction image, as would be produced for myocardial
perfusion imaging over a tube current (mA) range. A static
anthropomorphic chest phantom contai... Read More about Accurate localization of incidental findings on the computed tomography attenuation correction image.

Pressure and breast thickness in mammography : an exploratory calibration study (2013)
Journal Article
Hogg, P., Taylor, M., Szczepura, K., Mercer, C., & Denton, E. (2013). Pressure and breast thickness in mammography : an exploratory calibration study. British Journal of Radiology, 86(1021), 1-7.

Objective To perform a calibration study to provide data to help improve consistency in the pressure that is applied during mammography.

Methods Automatic readouts of breast thickness accuracy vary between mammography machines; therefore, one m... Read More about Pressure and breast thickness in mammography : an exploratory calibration study.