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All Outputs (6)

The value and significance of corporate community relations : an Italian SME perspective (2017)
Journal Article
Palazzo, M., Foroudi, P., Siano, A., & Kitchen, P. (2017). The value and significance of corporate community relations : an Italian SME perspective. Bottom Line, 30(4), 330-344.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the link between community of place and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Lombard industrial districts in Italy.

A brief literature review of internat... Read More about The value and significance of corporate community relations : an Italian SME perspective.

The importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for branding and business success in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in a business-to-distributor (B2D) context (2017)
Journal Article
Ben Youssef, K., Leicht, T., Pellicelli, M., & Kitchen, P. (2017). The importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for branding and business success in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in a business-to-distributor (B2D) context. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 26(8), 723-739.

Integrating corporate social responsibility into brand positioning strategies has become a key concept for the brand marketing of many companies. There is a wealth of studies focusing on the effects of CSR for large international brands and companies... Read More about The importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for branding and business success in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in a business-to-distributor (B2D) context.

Measuring integrated marketing communication by taking a broad organisational approach : the firm-wide IMC scale (2017)
Journal Article
communication by taking a broad organisational approach : the firm-wide IMC scale. European Journal of Marketing, 51(3), 692-718.

Purpose – The purpose of this research is twofold: first, to conceptualise integrated marketing
communication (IMC) by adopting a more inclusive and broader organisational perspective, and second, to
empirically develop and validate a new measureme... Read More about Measuring integrated marketing communication by taking a broad organisational approach : the firm-wide IMC scale.

Integrating identity, strategy and communications for trust, loyalty and commitment (2017)
Journal Article
Foroudi, P., Suraksha, G., Kitchen, P., Melewar, T., & Foroudi, M. (2017). Integrating identity, strategy and communications for trust, loyalty and commitment. European Journal of Marketing, 51(3), 572-604.

Purpose – This paper operationalizes and juxtaposes variables related to identity, strategy
and communications and then examines the impact of such integration on organizational
stakeholders’ trust, loyalty and commitment by employing commitment/tr... Read More about Integrating identity, strategy and communications for trust, loyalty and commitment.

IMC antecedents and the consequences of planned brand identity in Higher Education (2017)
Journal Article
Foroudi, P., Dinnie, K., Kitchen, P., Melewar, T., & Foroudi, M. (2017). IMC antecedents and the consequences of planned brand identity in Higher Education. European Journal of Marketing, 51(3), 528-550.

Purpose – This study identifies the IMC antecedents and consequences of brand awareness, image, reputation and identification in the context of higher education, and empirically tests a number of hypotheses related to the aforementioned constructs.... Read More about IMC antecedents and the consequences of planned brand identity in Higher Education.