All Outputs (35)
Greater Manchester Social Housing Quality Fund: Tenant Research (2024)
Sherriff, G., Kelly, S., Martin, P., & Pink, J. (2024). Greater Manchester Social Housing Quality Fund: Tenant Research. Greater Manchester Combined AuthorityThe Social Housing Quality Fund
The University of Salford have conducted social research in order to provide insights on the implementation and impact of the Greater Manchester Social Housing Quality Fund (SHQF). With a particular focus on damp, m... Read More about Greater Manchester Social Housing Quality Fund: Tenant Research.
How Do Those Who Have Served Deserve to Be Treated? Military Veterans in the U.K. Social Security System (2024)
Journal Article
Martin, P., Scullion, L., Young, D., Pardoe, J., Hynes, C., & Jones, K. (2024). How Do Those Who Have Served Deserve to Be Treated? Military Veterans in the U.K. Social Security System. Armed Forces and Society, service has often been a basis for civilian welfare entitlements. If mass wartime service justified collective provision, it is now suggested professional militaries have been co-opted to support reformed welfare models in which entitlement... Read More about How Do Those Who Have Served Deserve to Be Treated? Military Veterans in the U.K. Social Security System.
Benefits assessments and veterans: lessons from the Sanctions, Support and Service Leavers project (2024)
Young, D., Scullion, L., Martin, P., Hynes, C., & Pardoe, J. (2024). Benefits assessments and veterans: lessons from the Sanctions, Support and Service Leavers project. Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT)
Towards a trauma-informed social security system in the UK (2024)
Journal Article
Trauma-informed care (TIC) applies trauma theory to the design of social and health services, to promote client engagement and avoid inadvertently harming clients with trauma histories. Various services across the UK have been increasingly embracing... Read More about Towards a trauma-informed social security system in the UK.
Influencing policy and practice through social science research evidence (2023)
Book Chapter
Scullion, L., Beck, D., Jones, K., Connors, C., Martin, P., Gibbons, A., & Hynes, C. (2023). Influencing policy and practice through social science research evidence. In C. Moraes, M. McEachern, & D. O'Loughlin (Eds.), Researching Poverty and Austerity: Theoretical Approaches, Methodologies and Policy Applications. RoutledgeIn this chapter, we contribute to debates about how social science research can influence policy and practice. We draw upon our own experiences as social policy researchers whose work focuses on poverty and social security to provide case studies of... Read More about Influencing policy and practice through social science research evidence.
Influencing policy and practice through social science research evidence (2023)
Book Chapter
Scullion, L., Beck, D., Jones, K., Connors, C., Martin, P., Gibbons, A., & Hynes, C. (2023). Influencing policy and practice through social science research evidence. In C. Moraes, M. McEachern, & D. O'Loughlin (Eds.), Researching Poverty and Austerity: Theoretical approaches, methodologies and policy applications. RoutledgeIn this chapter, we contribute to debates about how social science research can influence policy and practice. We draw upon our own experiences as social policy researchers whose work focuses on poverty and social security to provide case studies of... Read More about Influencing policy and practice through social science research evidence.
Refraining from rights and giving in to personalised control: young unemployed peoples’ experiences and perceptions of public and third sector support in the UK and Norway (2023)
Journal Article
Gjersøe, H. M., Jones, K., Leseth, A. B., Scullion, L., & Martin, P. (2023). Refraining from rights and giving in to personalised control: young unemployed peoples’ experiences and perceptions of public and third sector support in the UK and Norway. European Journal of Social Work, 1-12. this article, we present an analysis of young unemployed peoples’ perceptions and experiences with public and third sector support in Norway and the UK. Drawing on data generated through qualitative semi-structured interviews, the analysis shows t... Read More about Refraining from rights and giving in to personalised control: young unemployed peoples’ experiences and perceptions of public and third sector support in the UK and Norway.
Towards A Trauma-informed Social Security System (2023)
Scullion, L., Young, D., Martin, P., Hynes, C., Pardoe, J., & Curchin, K. (2023). Towards A Trauma-informed Social Security System. Forces in Mind Trust
Homes and health in the Outer Hebrides: A social prescribing framework for addressing fuel poverty and the social determinants of health (2022)
Journal Article
Lawler, C., Sherriff, G., Brown, P., Butler, D., Gibbons, A., Martin, P., & Probin, M. (2023). Homes and health in the Outer Hebrides: A social prescribing framework for addressing fuel poverty and the social determinants of health. Health and Place, 79, 102926. services are increasingly being reshaped with reference to addressing social determinants of health (SDoH), with social prescribing a prominent example. We examine a project in the Outer Hebrides that reshaped and widened the local health serv... Read More about Homes and health in the Outer Hebrides: A social prescribing framework for addressing fuel poverty and the social determinants of health.
Accessing and sustaining work after service: the role of active labour market policies (ALMP) and implications for HRM (2022)
Journal Article
Jones, K., Scullion, L., Hynes, C., & Martin, P. (2022). Accessing and sustaining work after service: the role of active labour market policies (ALMP) and implications for HRM. International Journal of Human Resource Management, article considers the extent to which active labour market policies (ALMPs) support the sustained inclusion of veterans in the civilian labour market. Drawing on the first in-depth research into veteran’s interactions with the UK’s public employ... Read More about Accessing and sustaining work after service: the role of active labour market policies (ALMP) and implications for HRM.
Racialisation, the EU Referendum result and sentiments of belonging in the UK: a consideration of Roma populations (2022)
Journal Article
Patel, T., Martin, P., Brown, P., & Tyler, P. (2023). Racialisation, the EU Referendum result and sentiments of belonging in the UK: a consideration of Roma populations. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 31(4), 1178-1191. article reports on a qualitative study with migrant Roma communities in South Yorkshire, UK. The study was undertaken shortly after the 2016 European Union membership referendum in the UK. It finds that while hostility towards the studied Roma p... Read More about Racialisation, the EU Referendum result and sentiments of belonging in the UK: a consideration of Roma populations.
Social security during Covid-19: The experiences of military veterans (2022)
Book Chapter
Research published prior to Covid-19 has illustrated some of the difficulties that veterans can experience within the benefits. Drawing upon unique insights from the UK’s first substantive qualitative research focusing on veterans within the benefits... Read More about Social security during Covid-19: The experiences of military veterans.
Breaking the Impasse: Rethinking Refugee Integration through the Equality Act 2010 in the United Kingdom (2022)
Journal Article
Walkey, C., Brown, P., & Martin, P. (2022). Breaking the Impasse: Rethinking Refugee Integration through the Equality Act 2010 in the United Kingdom. Social Policy and Society, 1-16. is widely considered to be difficult to define and even harder to facilitate. Whist the integration of migrants to the United Kingdom (UK) remains a ‘hot topic’ in policy, politics and public opinion it is also the subject of numerous att... Read More about Breaking the Impasse: Rethinking Refugee Integration through the Equality Act 2010 in the United Kingdom.
Military veterans and welfare reform : bridging two policy worlds through qualitative longitudinal research (2021)
Journal Article
In recent years, there has been an increasing focus in the UK on the support provided to those who have served in the Armed Forces, with the publication of the Armed Forces Covenant (2011), the ten year Strategy for our Veterans (2018) and the creati... Read More about Military veterans and welfare reform : bridging two policy worlds through qualitative longitudinal research.
Should social security reach further? Ineligibility for benefits at the start of COVID-19 (2021)
start of COVID-19The benefits system – particularly Universal Credit (UC) – has played a major role in Britain’s COVID-19 response, and it is no surprise that there has been an emphasis on how well it has responded. However, there is a political question about whethe... Read More about Should social security reach further? Ineligibility for benefits at the start of COVID-19.
Non-take-up of benefits at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic (2021)
The benefits system – particularly Universal Credit (UC) – has played a major role in Britain’s COVID-19 response, and it is no surprise that there has been an emphasis on how well it has responded.
Most experts so far have suggested that UC has per... Read More about Non-take-up of benefits at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
"So this is not a game” - Brexit as a ‘situation of uncommon precarity’ for migrants of Roma heritage in the UK (2021)
Journal Article
Martin, P. (2021). "So this is not a game” - Brexit as a ‘situation of uncommon precarity’ for migrants of Roma heritage in the UK. International journal of Roma studies, 3(1), 46-72. the 2016 Referendum on UK membership of the EU, the British government indicated that providing evidence of consistent, regular working histories would form the basis of applications by EU migrants seeking to remain in the country long-term... Read More about "So this is not a game” - Brexit as a ‘situation of uncommon precarity’ for migrants of Roma heritage in the UK.
There has been much scrutiny of the British benefits system during COVID-19, and most experts agree that the benefits system has performed well, even if historic weaknesses remain. Yet little attention has been paid to those who start a claim that is... Read More about At the edge of the safety net : unsuccessful benefits claims at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic - Welfare at a (Social) Distance Rapid Report #3.
Reshaping health services and fuel poverty in the Outer Hebrides (2020)
Sherriff, G., Lawler, C., Martin, P., Butler, D., Probin, M., & Brown, P. (2020). Reshaping health services and fuel poverty in the Outer HebridesGluasad Còmhla (Moving Together) started in March 2018 with support or grant from the European Social Fund Aspiring Communities Fund. The project built on the existing practice of Tighean Innse Gall (TIG) and other partners in the Outer Hebrides, to... Read More about Reshaping health services and fuel poverty in the Outer Hebrides.