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The Manchester and Salford Strike Wave of Summer 1911 (2023)
Journal Article
Darlington, R. (2023). The Manchester and Salford Strike Wave of Summer 1911. #Journal not on list, 44-52

If the ‘Labour Revolt’ that swept Britain in the years leading up to the outbreak of the First World War between 1910 and 1914 was one of the most dramatic and violent explosions of industrial militancy and social conflict the country has ever experi... Read More about The Manchester and Salford Strike Wave of Summer 1911.

Working Class Women’s Active Participation in the 1910-14 British Labour Revolt (2023)
Journal Article
Darlington, R. (2023). Working Class Women’s Active Participation in the 1910-14 British Labour Revolt. Labour History Review, 1(11), 1-21.

The ‘Labour Revolt’ that swept Britain in the years leading up to the outbreak of the First World War between 1910 and 1914 was one of the most sustained, dramatic and violent explosions of industrial militancy and associated social conflict the coun... Read More about Working Class Women’s Active Participation in the 1910-14 British Labour Revolt.

Labour Revolt in Britain 1910-14 (2023)
Darlington, R. (2023). Labour Revolt in Britain 1910-14. London: Pluto Press

The ‘Labour Revolt’ that swept Britain between 1910-14 was one of the most sustained, dramatic and violent explosions of industrial militancy and social conflict the country has ever experienced.
It involved large-scale strikes by miners, seamen, d... Read More about Labour Revolt in Britain 1910-14.