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All Outputs (102)

Policing racially motivated crime: attitudes and experiences of the police service of Northern Ireland (2008)
Presentation / Conference
Patel, T. (2008, May). Policing racially motivated crime: attitudes and experiences of the police service of Northern Ireland. Presented at International Police Executive Symposium Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

In recent years, the changing face of Northern Ireland (NI) has witnessed a multi-cultural shake-up, albeit a proportionately small one, meaning that the make-up of its black minority ethnic (BME) population is not only growing but also widening in v... Read More about Policing racially motivated crime: attitudes and experiences of the police service of Northern Ireland.

Theorising the racial identity development of transracial adoptees : a symbolic interactionist perspective (2007)
Journal Article
Patel, T. (2007). Theorising the racial identity development of transracial adoptees : a symbolic interactionist perspective. Adoption & fostering, 31(2), 32-43

In using the symbolic interactionist perspective, findings from an empirically informed British study carried out from 2000 to 2003, into the racial identity development of a small sample of adults who were transracially adopted as children is presen... Read More about Theorising the racial identity development of transracial adoptees : a symbolic interactionist perspective.

Overcoming school exclusion and achieving successful youth transitions within African Caribbean communities (2005)
Wright, C., Standen, P., John, G., German, G., & Patel, T. (2005). Overcoming school exclusion and achieving successful youth transitions within African Caribbean communities

In spite of recent improvements in the school exclusion statistics for African-Caribbean children, they are still around three times more likely to be permanently excluded from school than white pupils. Given the increasing importance of education in... Read More about Overcoming school exclusion and achieving successful youth transitions within African Caribbean communities.

The usefulness of oral life (hi)story to understand and empower: the case of trans-racial adoption (2005)
Journal Article
Patel, T. (2005). The usefulness of oral life (hi)story to understand and empower: the case of trans-racial adoption. Qualitative Social Work, 4(3), 327-345.

The article considers the usefulness of the oral life (hi)story approach, and in particular its qualitative method of interviewing, to researching social work issues such as trans-racial adoption. In providing clarification on the decision to use the... Read More about The usefulness of oral life (hi)story to understand and empower: the case of trans-racial adoption.

Identity, race, religion and adoption - The public and legal view (2004)
Journal Article
Patel, T., Williams, C., & Marsh, P. (2004). Identity, race, religion and adoption - The public and legal view. Adoption & fostering, 28(1), 6-15

The importance of the cultural identity of a child awaiting adoption, in terms of ‘race’, religion and ethnic background, is the subject of continuing debate, and often controversial and heated discussion. In the article, Tina Patel, Catherine Willia... Read More about Identity, race, religion and adoption - The public and legal view.

Divided communities? What the ‘Brexit’ future means for people in Salford
Patel, T., & Connelly, L. Divided communities? What the ‘Brexit’ future means for people in Salford

Few events have divided and shocked the nation on the same level as ‘Brexit’. The European Union referendum saw Salford vote 56.8% to ‘leave’, far higher than the national average (51.9%). Many have grappled to understand the outcome: how it will imp... Read More about Divided communities? What the ‘Brexit’ future means for people in Salford.

Political (dis)ordering : still, the role of class, race and place
Presentation / Conference
Ellis, A., & Patel, T. Political (dis)ordering : still, the role of class, race and place. Presented at Cities, Crime and Disorder: A Dialogue Between Urban Studies and Criminology, University of Sheffield, UK

Using data collected from an ethnographic pilot study in Rotherham (UK), this paper engages with the recent resurgence of political views and sentiments traditionally associated with the Far Right in de-industrialised communities. It discusses the so... Read More about Political (dis)ordering : still, the role of class, race and place.

Race and society
Patel, T. Race and society. London: Sage

Race and Society is a thoughtful and critically engaging exploration of some of the key issues around race and racialisation, which have arisen in what is considered to be a highly diverse and complex society.

With a progressive approach empha... Read More about Race and society.

I-care : independent evaluation and showcase – project findings
Wilding, M., & Patel, T. I-care : independent evaluation and showcase – project findings. Trafford

The report presents the findings of an independent evaluation into the ‘i-Care’ project, which was launched by Trafford Council and funded by NHS Health Education North West (HENW) as an Integrated Care Demonstrator Site. The project sought to suppor... Read More about I-care : independent evaluation and showcase – project findings.

Using online resources to facilitate teaching, learning and research in higher education: The case of the ‘criminology forum'
Presentation / Conference
Patel, T. Using online resources to facilitate teaching, learning and research in higher education: The case of the ‘criminology forum'. Poster presented at Higher Education Academy for Social Sciences Annual Conference, Liverpool, UK

Hosted by the Criminology degree programme at the University of Salford, the online Criminology Forum was set up in October 2012 as an outlet of information and to offer access to resources on the subject. The Forum also facilitated interest in crimi... Read More about Using online resources to facilitate teaching, learning and research in higher education: The case of the ‘criminology forum'.

Ethnic profiling, surveillance and the ‘war on terror’: responding to deviant labels
Presentation / Conference
Patel, T. Ethnic profiling, surveillance and the ‘war on terror’: responding to deviant labels. Presented at York Deviancy Conference, University of York, England

This paper discusses the deviant labels (immigrant, anti-Western, British hostile, ‘enemy within’ and terrorist) commonly used in surveillance strategies within the ‘war on terror’ context. Particular attention is paid to those who are profiled based... Read More about Ethnic profiling, surveillance and the ‘war on terror’: responding to deviant labels.

“We’ll go grafting, yeah?” – Neglect, survival and crime in vulnerable inner city areas
Presentation / Conference
Patel, T. “We’ll go grafting, yeah?” – Neglect, survival and crime in vulnerable inner city areas. Presented at British Society of Criminology, Northumbria University, Newcastle, England

This paper reports on a study undertaken within a vulnerable residential area of an inner city in the UK. As a location, it has been marked as vulnerable due to its abnormally high crime rate. As such, it continues to attract police and local authori... Read More about “We’ll go grafting, yeah?” – Neglect, survival and crime in vulnerable inner city areas.

Ethnic profiling, suspect bodies and the ‘war on terror’: The impact of surveillance
Presentation / Conference
Patel, T. Ethnic profiling, suspect bodies and the ‘war on terror’: The impact of surveillance. Presented at 39th Annual Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, Université de Savoie, Chambéry, France

This paper discusses the deviant labels (immigrant, anti-Western, British hostile, ‘enemy within’ and terrorist) commonly used in surveillance strategies within the ‘war on terror’ context. Particular attention is paid to those who are profiled based... Read More about Ethnic profiling, suspect bodies and the ‘war on terror’: The impact of surveillance.

Studying ‘race’ – Sociological engagement and employment prospects
Patel, T., & Tyrer, D. (2007). Studying ‘race’ – Sociological engagement and employment prospects

In using a level 3 module offered to students on the Sociology and Criminology degree programmes at Liverpool John Moores University, the following reports on a small scale research study which sought to gather insight into student motivations for en... Read More about Studying ‘race’ – Sociological engagement and employment prospects.