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All Outputs (76)

Prolonged grief disorder and its association with perceived social support and depression among university students after the death of a significant person (2018)
Journal Article
Al-Gamal, E., Bin Saeed, S., Agnes, M., & Long, T. (2018). Prolonged grief disorder and its association with perceived social support and depression among university students after the death of a significant person. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 57(2), 44-51.

The response to loss through the death of a loved one may elicit emotional problems such as depression. Family, friends, significant others and academic staff have been considered to be the major sources of social support for university students. The... Read More about Prolonged grief disorder and its association with perceived social support and depression among university students after the death of a significant person.

Refining and testing the diagnostic accuracy of an assessment tool (PAT-POPS) to predict admission and discharge of children and young people who attend an emergency department : protocol for an observational study (2018)
Journal Article
observational study. BMC Pediatrics, 18(303),

Background: Increasing attendances by children (aged 0–16 years) to United Kingdom Emergency Departments (EDs) challenges patient safety within the National Health Service (NHS) with health professionals required to make complex judgements on whether... Read More about Refining and testing the diagnostic accuracy of an assessment tool (PAT-POPS) to predict admission and discharge of children and young people who attend an emergency department : protocol for an observational study.

The factors impacting on discharge planning in neonatal intensive care units: a systematic review (2017)
Journal Article
Alreshidi, N., & Long, T. (2017). The factors impacting on discharge planning in neonatal intensive care units: a systematic review

Background: The discharge planning process is an indispensable component of neonatal intensive care. However, this comes with various challenges. This review was undertaken to inform practice.
Aim: The review was designed to identify factors that co... Read More about The factors impacting on discharge planning in neonatal intensive care units: a systematic review.

Psychometric properties of the Arabic version of the PedsQL™ Family Impact Scale (2016)
Journal Article
Al-Gamal, E., & Long, T. (2016). Psychometric properties of the Arabic version of the PedsQL™ Family Impact Scale. Journal of Research in Nursing, 21(8), 599-608.

Treatment of childhood cancer and its side effects can exert a negative impact on patients’ parents. A valid and reliable instrument to measure family functioning In Arabic families was considered to be a vital resource. The PedsQL Family Impact Scal... Read More about Psychometric properties of the Arabic version of the PedsQL™ Family Impact Scale.

Evaluating a community-led project for improving fathers’ and children’s wellbeing in England (2016)
Journal Article
Robertson, S., Woodhall, J., Henry, H., Rowlands, S., Esmée, H., Livesley, J., & Long, T. (2018). Evaluating a community-led project for improving fathers’ and children’s wellbeing in England. Health Promotion International, 33(3), 410-421.

Although under-research compared to other settings, there is potential for the family setting to be harnessed to support the development of healthy children and societies and to reduce health inequalities. Within this setting, the role of fathers as... Read More about Evaluating a community-led project for improving fathers’ and children’s wellbeing in England.

Music-making with hospitalised children outcomes for children, families, hospital staff and musicians from LIME Medical Notes (2) and Songbirds projects : A research report (2016)
outcomes for children, families, hospital staff and musicians from LIME Medical Notes (2) and Songbirds projects : A research report

Children account for 21% of the population in the United Kingdom (Office for National Statistics 2015). Each year, one in fifteen children will be admitted to hospital, many of whom will have complex healthcare needs; a significant proportion of thes... Read More about Music-making with hospitalised children outcomes for children, families, hospital staff and musicians from LIME Medical Notes (2) and Songbirds projects : A research report.

Health-related quality of life and its association with self-esteem and fatigue among children diagnosed with cancer (2016)
Journal Article
Algamal, E., & Long, T. (2016). Health-related quality of life and its association with self-esteem and fatigue among children diagnosed with cancer. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25(21-22), 3391-3399.

Aims and objectives: The aims of this study were to identify the links between self-esteem, fatigue and health-related quality of life for children and young people during and following treatment for cancer.
Background: Measures to minimize adverse... Read More about Health-related quality of life and its association with self-esteem and fatigue among children diagnosed with cancer.

Child maltreatment (2016)
Book Chapter
Long, T. (2016). Child maltreatment. In Growing up in the UK 2016 Update. BMA

Research ethics (2015)
Book Chapter
Johnson, M., & Long, T. (2015). Research ethics. In K. Gerrish, & J. Lathlean (Eds.), The Research Process in Nursing 7th Edition (31-42). London: Wiley Blackwell

Comparison of the expressed experiences of survivors of childhood medulloblastoma with measures of health and quality of life, and with issues identified in consultations (2015)
Long, T., Estlin, E., Nenadic, G., Keane, J., Gattamaneni, R., McCabe, M., …Deghan, A. (2015). Comparison of the expressed experiences of survivors of childhood medulloblastoma with measures of health and quality of life, and with issues identified in consultations

When the study was planned, the Young Oncology Unit at The Christie housed both the adult and paediatric follow-up clinics for patients who have been diagnosed with a tumour of the central nervous system (CNS) in childhood and adolescence or young ad... Read More about Comparison of the expressed experiences of survivors of childhood medulloblastoma with measures of health and quality of life, and with issues identified in consultations.

Skin-to-skin contact : multicultural perspectives on birth fluids and birth ‘dirt’ (2014)
Journal Article
fluids and birth ‘dirt’. International Nursing Review, 61(2), 270-277.

Aim: To explore the experiences of women from three population
groups of immediate skin-to-skin contact with their newborn baby.
Method: A mixed methods approach was adopted in a phenomenological
study to elicit the experiences of English, Pakist... Read More about Skin-to-skin contact : multicultural perspectives on birth fluids and birth ‘dirt’.

Four-year longitudinal impact evaluation of the action for children UK neglect project : outcomes for the children, families, action for children, and the UK (2013)
Journal Article
Long, T., Murphy, M., Fallon, D., Livesley, J., Devitt, P., McLoughlin, M., & Cavanagh, M. (2014). Four-year longitudinal impact evaluation of the action for children UK neglect project : outcomes for the children, families, action for children, and the UK. Child Abuse and Neglect, 38(8), 1358-1368.

Neglect has a devastating impact on children and is the most pervasive form of child maltreatment in the United Kingdom. The study purpose was to establish outcomes for neglected children following structured assessment and intervention to ascertain... Read More about Four-year longitudinal impact evaluation of the action for children UK neglect project : outcomes for the children, families, action for children, and the UK.

The MM-CGI cerebral palsy : modification and testing of an instrument to measure anticipatory grief in parents whose child has cerebral palsy (2013)
Journal Article
Al-Gamal, E., & Long, T. (2013). The MM-CGI cerebral palsy : modification and testing of an instrument to measure anticipatory grief in parents whose child has cerebral palsy. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23(13-14), 1810-1819.

Aims and objectives: To establish the potential of a modified version of the MM-CGI Childhood Cancer to assess anticipatory grief in parents of children with cerebral palsy, to amend the existing scale for use with the specific patient group, to test... Read More about The MM-CGI cerebral palsy : modification and testing of an instrument to measure anticipatory grief in parents whose child has cerebral palsy.

The effectiveness of frenulotomy on infant-feeding outcomes : a systematic review (2013)
Journal Article
Finigan, V., & Long, T. (2013). The effectiveness of frenulotomy on infant-feeding outcomes : a systematic review. Evidence Based Midwifery, 11(2), 40-45

Background: Tongue-tie is a congenital anomaly in which the short lingual frenulum or highly attached genioglossus muscle restricts tongue movement. NICE (2005) called for robust clinical trials to be conducted on frenulotomy, the surgical procedure... Read More about The effectiveness of frenulotomy on infant-feeding outcomes : a systematic review.

Children’s misunderstandings of hazard warning signs in the new globally harmonised system for classification and labelling (2013)
Journal Article
Latham, G., Long, T., & Devitt, P. (2013). Children’s misunderstandings of hazard warning signs in the new globally harmonised system for classification and labelling. Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, 36(4), 262-278.

Accidental chemical poisoning causes more than 35,000 child deaths every year across the world, and it leads to disease, disability, and suffering for many more children. Children’s ignorance of dangers and their failure to interpret hazard warning s... Read More about Children’s misunderstandings of hazard warning signs in the new globally harmonised system for classification and labelling.

A transatlantic comparative study of acute dysphagia services (2012)
Journal Article
Newman, R., & Long, T. (2012). A transatlantic comparative study of acute dysphagia services. American journal of medicine and medical sciences (Print), 2(5), 96-102.

This was the first study to compare acute dysphagia service provision directly between the UK and the US. It examined variations in acute dysphagia services between the UK and the US, determined clinicians’ perceptions of their own service and that o... Read More about A transatlantic comparative study of acute dysphagia services.

Psychological distress and perceived support among Jordanian parents living with a child with cerebral palsy : a cross-sectional study (2012)
Journal Article
Al-Gamal, E., & Long, T. (2012). Psychological distress and perceived support among Jordanian parents living with a child with cerebral palsy : a cross-sectional study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 27(3), 624-631.

Background: Cerebral palsy, with a prevalence in Europe of 2–2.5 per 1000 live births, is the most common severe physical disability affecting children. While many parents have positive perceptions of their disabled children, caring for a child with... Read More about Psychological distress and perceived support among Jordanian parents living with a child with cerebral palsy : a cross-sectional study.

The experiences of women from three diverse population groups of immediate skin-to-skin contact with their newborn baby : selected outcomes relating to establishing breastfeeding (2012)
Journal Article
Finigan, V., & Long, T. (2012). The experiences of women from three diverse population groups of immediate skin-to-skin contact with their newborn baby : selected outcomes relating to establishing breastfeeding. Evidence Based Midwifery, 10(4), 125-130

Background. The physiological basis for the benefits of skin-to-skin (SSC) contact has been established for some time, although often the restrictive context of midwifery practice has been shown to force midwives to prioritise productivity and effici... Read More about The experiences of women from three diverse population groups of immediate skin-to-skin contact with their newborn baby : selected outcomes relating to establishing breastfeeding.

Understanding the influences on self-confidence among first-year undergraduate nursing students in Ireland (2012)
Journal Article
Chesser-Smyth, P., & Long, T. (2013). Understanding the influences on self-confidence among first-year undergraduate nursing students in Ireland. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(1), 145-157.

Aim. To report a mixed-methods study of the development of self-confidence in Irish nursing students undertaking the first year of an undergraduate nursing programme.

Background. Self-confidence underpins nurses’ competence to carry out care effe... Read More about Understanding the influences on self-confidence among first-year undergraduate nursing students in Ireland.