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All Outputs (7)

Observational cohort study with internal and external validation of a predictive tool for identification of children in need of hospital admission from the emergency department : the Paediatric Admission Guidance in the Emergency department (PAGE) score (2020)
Journal Article
Rowland, A., Cotterill, S., Heal, C., Garratt, N., Long, T., Bonnett, L., …Roland, D. (2020). Observational cohort study with internal and external validation of a predictive tool for identification of children in need of hospital admission from the emergency department : the Paediatric Admission Guidance in the Emergency department (PAGE) score. BMJ Open, 10, e043864.

Objectives: To devise an assessment tool to aid discharge and admission decision making in relation to children and young people in hospital urgent and emergency
care facilities, and thereby improve the quality of care that patients receive, using a... Read More about Observational cohort study with internal and external validation of a predictive tool for identification of children in need of hospital admission from the emergency department : the Paediatric Admission Guidance in the Emergency department (PAGE) score.

A feasibility study of enhanced occupational therapy for children and young people with central nervous system tumours – outcomes for the families and for occupational therapy (2020)
Journal Article
Morgan, R., Estlin, E., Pizer, B., Keane, J., Bowyer, P., Nenadic, G., …Long, T. (2020). A feasibility study of enhanced occupational therapy for children and young people with central nervous system tumours – outcomes for the families and for occupational therapy. CYPF journal, Autumn(2020), 20-28

A two-year feasibility study was conducted to explore harmonisation of occupation-focused practice between two UK children’s cancer centres. The Short Child Occupational Profile (SCOPE) identified occupational needs of children with brain tumours to... Read More about A feasibility study of enhanced occupational therapy for children and young people with central nervous system tumours – outcomes for the families and for occupational therapy.

The impact of a school-based, nurse-delivered asthma health education programme on quality of life, knowledge and attitudes of Saudi children with asthma (2020)
Journal Article
Alreshidi, N., Livesley, J., Al-Kalaldeh, M., & Long, T. (2020). The impact of a school-based, nurse-delivered asthma health education programme on quality of life, knowledge and attitudes of Saudi children with asthma. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 45(1), 43-57.

More than two million people have asthma in Saudi Arabia: 13% aged 6-10 years. Asthma is one of the most common childhood illnesses. Little has been explored about children’s ability to learn more about their own asthma in Saudi Arabia.... Read More about The impact of a school-based, nurse-delivered asthma health education programme on quality of life, knowledge and attitudes of Saudi children with asthma.

Inter-rater reliability of paediatric emergency assessment : physiological and clinical features (2020)
Journal Article
Heal, C., Cotterill, S., Rowland, A., Garratt, N., Long, T., Brown, S., …Roland, D. (2021). Inter-rater reliability of paediatric emergency assessment : physiological and clinical features. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 106(2), 149-153.

The Paediatric Admission Guidance in the Emergency Department (PAGE) score is an assessment tool currently in development that helps predict hospital admission using components including patient characteristics, vital signs (heart rate, te... Read More about Inter-rater reliability of paediatric emergency assessment : physiological and clinical features.

Opt-out consent in children’s emergency medicine research (2020)
Journal Article
Long, T., Rowland, A., Cotterill, S., Woby, S., Heal, C., Garratt, N., …Roland, D. (2022). Opt-out consent in children’s emergency medicine research. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 45(1), 31-42.

There is global acceptance that individuals should be allowed to decide whether or not to take part in research studies, and to do so after being informed about the nature of the research and the risk that might attach to participation. The process o... Read More about Opt-out consent in children’s emergency medicine research.

Constructive Connections : building resilience of families affected by the criminal justice system : final report (2020)
Long, T., Lockwood, K., Raikes, B., Sharratt, K., Loucks, N., & Nugent, B. (2020). Constructive Connections : building resilience of families affected by the criminal justice system : final report

The Stimulus for the Study
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde had
identified through previous research that there
was a need to engage with families that are
affected by the criminal justice system in order
to improve the experience for children an... Read More about Constructive Connections : building resilience of families affected by the criminal justice system : final report.

Parental involvement in decision-making in the neonatal intensive care unit : a review of the international evidence (2020)
Journal Article
Fairhurst, N., & Long, T. (2020). Parental involvement in decision-making in the neonatal intensive care unit : a review of the international evidence. Paediatrics and Child Health, 30(4), 119-123.

The aim of this review was to establish the current evidence base regarding parental involvement in decision-making in the NICU. The review question was set as ‘What is known about the process of parental participation in clinical decision-making in... Read More about Parental involvement in decision-making in the neonatal intensive care unit : a review of the international evidence.