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All Outputs (10)

Identifying motivational factors in Malawi's national football team despite perennial inadequacy of resources (2020)
Kachitsa, C. Identifying motivational factors in Malawi's national football team despite perennial inadequacy of resources. (Thesis). University of Salford

This research focused on management motivation as it applies to football management viewed and seeing through the Malawi National football team. It was concerned with why its players continued to be motivated despite perennial problems in resources o... Read More about Identifying motivational factors in Malawi's national football team despite perennial inadequacy of resources.

Investigating the factors affecting the readiness for TQM implementation within Libyan higher education institutions (2010)
Ben Jaber, A. Investigating the factors affecting the readiness for TQM implementation within Libyan higher education institutions. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a philosophy for continuously improving services
and/or products. Organisations which have adopted TQM have gained many benefits in
terms of profits, employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction. Despite such be... Read More about Investigating the factors affecting the readiness for TQM implementation within Libyan higher education institutions.

Factors affecting the implementation of joint commission international standards in United Arab Emirates hospitals (2009)
Al Attal, Z. Factors affecting the implementation of joint commission international standards in United Arab Emirates hospitals. (Thesis). University of Salford

The implementation of quality management systems (QMSs) is a world-wide
phenomenon, particularly in organisations in developing countries. which have used
different QMSs to improve the quality of their goods and services. loint Commission
Internat... Read More about Factors affecting the implementation of joint commission international standards in United Arab Emirates hospitals.

Investigating the influence of the elements of academic culture in ISO 9001 maintenance within Malaysian Public Higher Education (2008)

The research aim of this study was to develop a framework in which the elements of
academic culture, which affect the ISO 9001 maintenance process within Malaysian
Public Higher Education Institutions (MPHEIs), were identified and demonstrated.
Th... Read More about Investigating the influence of the elements of academic culture in ISO 9001 maintenance within Malaysian Public Higher Education.

Creating competitive advantage through product quality dimensions in medium-sized manufacturing engineering firms in Tanzania (2006)
Luvanda, E. Creating competitive advantage through product quality dimensions in medium-sized manufacturing engineering firms in Tanzania. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

The aim of this research was to develop a framework that could be used to understand
how the creation of competitive advantage through product quality dimensions is
addressed in medium-sized engineering firms in Tanzania.
The important elements... Read More about Creating competitive advantage through product quality dimensions in medium-sized manufacturing engineering firms in Tanzania.

Barriers of implementing ISO 9001 : 2000 in the government departments and authorities in the Emirate of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (2006)
Alhaj, S. Barriers of implementing ISO 9001 : 2000 in the government departments and authorities in the Emirate of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. (Thesis). University of Salford

ISO 9000 (2000) is a quality management system with a high reputation all around the globe. It is a set of requirements used by organisations to attain customer satisfaction.
The number of organisations implementing the ISO 9000 (2000) are increasin... Read More about Barriers of implementing ISO 9001 : 2000 in the government departments and authorities in the Emirate of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

Impediments to the adoption of total quality management (TQM) in Jordanian ISO 9000 series certified manufacturing companies (2005)
Al-Madi, F. Impediments to the adoption of total quality management (TQM) in Jordanian ISO 9000 series certified manufacturing companies. (Thesis). University of Salford

Since ISO 9000 was introduced in 1987 there has been a tremendous growth in the number of companies seeking registration to it, both in developed and developing
countries. It was found in the literature that few ISO 9000 certificate holders have con... Read More about Impediments to the adoption of total quality management (TQM) in Jordanian ISO 9000 series certified manufacturing companies.

The implementation of TQM models in an unstable macro-environment
Tasios, A. (in press). The implementation of TQM models in an unstable macro-environment. (Thesis). University of Salford

This research is dealing with the implementation of Total Quality Management tools in an unstable macro-environment, by using a special TQM tool, the Common Assessment Framework and its implementation in the Greek Public Sector, which faced unusual c... Read More about The implementation of TQM models in an unstable macro-environment.

An investigation of factors affecting internal customer perception of service quality delivery : the case of indigenous small hospitality enterprises in Ghana
Evans, M. (in press). An investigation of factors affecting internal customer perception of service quality delivery : the case of indigenous small hospitality enterprises in Ghana. (Thesis). University of Salford

It has been established in the job satisfaction, employee organisational commitment and leadership literature, particularly, established in the West, the fortuitous benefits that satisfied and committed employees can bring to an organisation through... Read More about An investigation of factors affecting internal customer perception of service quality delivery : the case of indigenous small hospitality enterprises in Ghana.

Investigating factors which influence the quality of training programmes in public universities in Jordan
Akhorshaideh, A. Investigating factors which influence the quality of training programmes in public universities in Jordan. (Thesis). University of Salford

Training initiatives are universal phenomena, particularly in developing nations, which have been using training as a part of their overall development efforts. This research aims to identify and investigate the factors that influence the quality of... Read More about Investigating factors which influence the quality of training programmes in public universities in Jordan.