Teaching Media Forensics
Journal Article
All Outputs (143)
Embedding Socially Engaged Pedagogies for The Future of Art and Design Practice (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
This paper describes the shifting approaches to student and teaching experience on the MA Art and Design programmes at the University of Salford, (North West of England), in the wake of the global covid19 pandemic. The paper offers a series of case s... Read More about Embedding Socially Engaged Pedagogies for The Future of Art and Design Practice.
‘U OK hun’? Classed femininities, meme culture and locating humour in the celebrity ‘hun’ (2022)
Journal Article
Minor, L. (2022). ‘U OK hun’? Classed femininities, meme culture and locating humour in the celebrity ‘hun’. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 26(6), 840-862. https://doi.org/10.1177/13675494221134344This article examines ‘huns’ – specifically celebrity huns in the public spotlight – as memetic ‘figures’ who are defined by their loud, tongue-in-cheek and humorous display of British femininities coded as working class. Unlike other female figures... Read More about ‘U OK hun’? Classed femininities, meme culture and locating humour in the celebrity ‘hun’.
Vegan celebrity activism: an analysis of the critical reception of Joaquin Phoenix’s awards speech activism (2022)
Journal Article
Acceptance speeches have long been used by celebrity activists as platforms from which to promote their personal, political or ethical agendas. The actor Joaquin Phoenix, an outspoken proponent for animal rights and veganism, dominated the Hollywood... Read More about Vegan celebrity activism: an analysis of the critical reception of Joaquin Phoenix’s awards speech activism.
Printing silence (2022)
Cherniwchan, C. (2022). Printing silence
Order vs chaos (2022)
Journal Article
Participation and Strategic Communication of Saudi Food Banks through Twitter to Enhance Food Waste Awareness among Saudi Arabian Citizens (2022)
Journal Article
Twitter is a platform service that has quickly risen to prominence as the social media platform most preferred for strategic communication campaigns. It is used by most of the Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) in Saudi Arabia, making it the most popular... Read More about Participation and Strategic Communication of Saudi Food Banks through Twitter to Enhance Food Waste Awareness among Saudi Arabian Citizens.
Naming and blaming: civic shame and slum journalism in late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century Manchester and Birmingham (2022)
Journal Article
O'Reilly, C. (2023). Naming and blaming: civic shame and slum journalism in late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century Manchester and Birmingham. Journal of Urban History, https://doi.org/10.1177/00961442221127055This study analyses slum journalism in the British provincial press and reveals that it continued to be a major theme until well into the twentieth century. Instead of the rather moralising reporting of the earlier nineteenth century, this journalism... Read More about Naming and blaming: civic shame and slum journalism in late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century Manchester and Birmingham.
Mechanical inelasticity (2022)
Book Chapter
Wilkie, I., & Diddams, N. (2022). Mechanical inelasticity. In J. Gray, & L. Trahair (Eds.), Second Nature: Comic Performance and Philosophy (270). Rowman & LittlefieldBergson’s concept of ‘mechanical inelasticity’ from Laughter (1900) has become a staple of comic theory. We consider whether this idea retains any resonance for the twenty-first century comic spectator. Locating the theory as originally, and specific... Read More about Mechanical inelasticity.
Newspaper building design and journalism cultures in Australia and the UK, 1855-2010 (2022)
Because of rapid change in journalism, mostly caused by digital technology, the newsroom appears to be becoming obsolete. The book is, in part, a response to the increasing scrutiny of journalism and the framework of general distrust in which the pro... Read More about Newspaper building design and journalism cultures in Australia and the UK, 1855-2010.
Language, Gesture and Ecology in Modern South Arabian Languages (2022)
Book Chapter
Divergent women: interdisciplinary perspectives on female deviance and dissent (2022)
(2022). L. Rumson, & A. Bentham (Eds.), Divergent women: interdisciplinary perspectives on female deviance and dissent. EmeraldA ‘good woman’ is hard to find. To be ‘good’, after all, women face expectations that are shifting, internally contradictory, emotionally extreme, and prospectively even deadly. To be divergent, on the other hand, is an expansive position, encompassi... Read More about Divergent women: interdisciplinary perspectives on female deviance and dissent.
Paul Robinson: Rihanna Special - Full Score (2022)
Physical Artefact
Robinson, P. Paul Robinson: Rihanna Special - Full Score. [PDF]The full score for a bespoke arrangement of Rhianna classic tracks. This was produced for a high profile corporate events band and features a number of re-harmonisations and the addition of bespoke horn arrangements
22/02/2021 - Loreto College (2022)
22/02/2021 - Loreto College
Delivery [online due to COVID-19]:
x2 1 hour lectures and x6 1 hour workshops on Olive Schreiner and South African Modernism (Eduqas)
99 students; 6 teachers.
Student Comments via the chatbox on Microsoft... Read More about 22/02/2021 - Loreto College.
Review of Huw Marsh, the comic turn in contemporary English fiction: who’s laughing now (2022)
Journal Article
White, G. (2022). Review of Huw Marsh, the comic turn in contemporary English fiction: who’s laughing now. Comedy Studies, 1-2. https://doi.org/10.1080/2040610x.2022.2149362Book review
The year’s work in stylistics 2021 (2022)
Journal Article
Price, H. (in press). The year’s work in stylistics 2021. Language and Literature, 31(4), 519-540. https://doi.org/10.1177/09639470221134377
Design Research Need in Helping to Address International Conflict Intersections in Southeast Asia (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Design-led research on conflicts arising from anthropogenic and environmental factors, such as that from forest management in Indonesia, are largely under-represented in the design research community. In this position paper we discuss the need for mo... Read More about Design Research Need in Helping to Address International Conflict Intersections in Southeast Asia.
‘Performed Poetics: a two-day event celebrating the work of Eric Mottram and Jerome Rothenberg’, King’s College London, 12th-13th March 2022 (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
‘Performed Poetics’ was a two-day conference celebrating the work of Eric Mottram and Jerome Rothenberg through a series of readings, performances, panel discussions, and film screenings. Organised by Valerie Soar and taking place at King’s College L... Read More about ‘Performed Poetics: a two-day event celebrating the work of Eric Mottram and Jerome Rothenberg’, King’s College London, 12th-13th March 2022.
‘Then after a while my heart is sick for you, like you are my own boy, like I am your own mother’ : indigenous mother-work as colonial resistance in Tekahionwake’s ‘Catharine of the “Crow’s Nest”’ (1910) (2022)
Book Chapter
Barnes, E. (2022). ‘Then after a while my heart is sick for you, like you are my own boy, like I am your own mother’ : indigenous mother-work as colonial resistance in Tekahionwake’s ‘Catharine of the “Crow’s Nest”’ (1910). In Marginalized Women and Work in 20th and 21st-Century British and American Literature and Media. Rowman & Littlefield