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Mortality advantage among migrants according to duration of stay in France, 2004–2014 (2019)
Journal Article
Wallace, M., Khlat, M., & Guillot, M. (2019). Mortality advantage among migrants according to duration of stay in France, 2004–2014. BMC Public Health, 19, Article 327.

Background: The migrant mortality advantage is generally interpreted as reflecting the selection of atypically healthy individuals from the country of origin followed by the wearing off of selection effects over time, a process theorised to be accele... Read More about Mortality advantage among migrants according to duration of stay in France, 2004–2014.

The limits of super recognition: An other-ethnicity effect in individuals with extraordinary face recognition skills (2019)
Journal Article
Bate, S., Bennetts, R., Hasshim, N., Portch, E., Murray, E., Burns, E., & Dudfield, G. (2019). The limits of super recognition: An other-ethnicity effect in individuals with extraordinary face recognition skills. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45, 363.

In the last decade there has been increasing interest in super-recognizers, who have an extraordinary ability to recognize faces. However, it has not yet been investigated whether these individuals are subject to the same biases in face recognition a... Read More about The limits of super recognition: An other-ethnicity effect in individuals with extraordinary face recognition skills.

The Benefits and Limitations of Predicting One Repetition Maximum Using the Load-Velocity Relationship (2019)
Journal Article

This review aims to provide an overview of the current load-velocity (L-V) approaches and their ability to estimate one-repetition maximum (1RM). The bench press exercise appears to be the most valid and reliable when applying this approach. The abil... Read More about The Benefits and Limitations of Predicting One Repetition Maximum Using the Load-Velocity Relationship.

Dementia care in acute hospitals – a qualitative study on nurse managers’ perceived challenges and solutions (2019)
Journal Article

Aim - The aim of this study was to explore the perceived challenges of nurse managers when caring for patients with dementia in acute hospitals and identify possible solutions to address these challenges.

Background - Although dementia care in ac... Read More about Dementia care in acute hospitals – a qualitative study on nurse managers’ perceived challenges and solutions.

Weak memory for future-oriented feedback : investigating the roles of attention and improvement focus (2019)
Journal Article
Gregory, S., Winstone, N., Ridout, N., & Nash, R. (2020). Weak memory for future-oriented feedback : investigating the roles of attention and improvement focus. Memory, 28(2), 216-236.

Recent research showed that people recall past-oriented, evaluative feedback more fully and accurately than future-oriented, directive feedback. Here we investigated whether these memory biases arise from preferential attention toward evaluative feed... Read More about Weak memory for future-oriented feedback : investigating the roles of attention and improvement focus.

The ghost of the ‘Y’ : paternal DNA, haunting and genealogy (2019)
Journal Article
Scholar, H. (2019). The ghost of the ‘Y’ : paternal DNA, haunting and genealogy. Genealogy, 4(1),

Based on a personal family history experience, in this paper, I consider the way in which genealogical DNA testing is revealing family secrets, in particular paternity secrets, which would previously have remained unknown via ‘traditional’ methods of... Read More about The ghost of the ‘Y’ : paternal DNA, haunting and genealogy.

‘Our voice started off as a whisper and now it is a great big roar’ : The Salford Dementia Associate Panel as a model of involvement in research activities (2019)
Journal Article

This paper presents the work of the ‘Salford Dementia Associate Panel’, based at the Salford Institute for Dementia, Salford University (UK). We discuss the roles of the Dementia Associates, in particular around the areas of engagement and research.... Read More about ‘Our voice started off as a whisper and now it is a great big roar’ : The Salford Dementia Associate Panel as a model of involvement in research activities.

Realist evaluation of the impact of paediatric nurse practitioner clinics, specialist paediatric nurses, and a children’s community nursing team in deflecting attendance at emergency departments and urgent care centres by children with long-term conditions (2019)
Long, T., & Mitchell, C. (2019). Realist evaluation of the impact of paediatric nurse practitioner clinics, specialist paediatric nurses, and a children’s community nursing team in deflecting attendance at emergency departments and urgent care centres by children with long-term conditions

In 2018, the Greater Manchester Children’s Health and Wellbeing Board developed a 10-point strategy to achieve its objectives, the sixth of which was to reduce unnecessary hospital attendances and admissions for children with long term conditions suc... Read More about Realist evaluation of the impact of paediatric nurse practitioner clinics, specialist paediatric nurses, and a children’s community nursing team in deflecting attendance at emergency departments and urgent care centres by children with long-term conditions.

Concurrent validity of two-dimensional video analysis of lower-extremity frontal plane of movement during multidirectional single-leg landing (2019)
Journal Article

Objectives: Establish the concurrent validity between 2D video analysis and 3D motion analysis of frontal plane lower limb movements during multidirectional landing tasks.

Design: Correlation study

Setting: University Biomechanics laboratory... Read More about Concurrent validity of two-dimensional video analysis of lower-extremity frontal plane of movement during multidirectional single-leg landing.

Biomechanical determinants of the modified and traditional 505 change of direction speed test (2019)
Journal Article
DosʼSantos, T., McBurnie, A., Thomas, C., Comfort, P., & Jones, P. (2020). Biomechanical determinants of the modified and traditional 505 change of direction speed test. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 34(5), 1285-1296.

The aim of this study was to investigate the whole-body biomechanical determinants of 180° change of direction (COD) performance. Sixty-one male athletes (age: 20.7 ± 3.8 years, height: 1.77 ± 0.06 m, mass: 74.7 ± 10.0 kg) from multiple sports (socce... Read More about Biomechanical determinants of the modified and traditional 505 change of direction speed test.

How accuracy of foot-placement is affected by the size of the base of support and crutch support in stroke survivors and healthy adults (2019)
Journal Article

The high prevalence of falls due to trips and slips following stroke may signify difficulty controlling balance and adjusting foot-placement in response to the environment. We know very little about how controlling foot-placement is affec... Read More about How accuracy of foot-placement is affected by the size of the base of support and crutch support in stroke survivors and healthy adults.

The importance of considering trauma in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder : considerations and clinical recommendations (2019)
Journal Article

The area of trauma in autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) is an important area given the substantial rates of abuse endured by these individuals. However, there are issues with the identification of trauma, understanding how it is perceived, a... Read More about The importance of considering trauma in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder : considerations and clinical recommendations.

Hacking the Future of Education (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Vasilica, C., & Withnell, N. (2019, December). Hacking the Future of Education. Presented at Social Media for Learning in Higher Education Conference., Lancashire, United Kingdom