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All Outputs (7)

The Code for Sustainable Homes : what are the innovation implications for the social housing development sector? (2012)
Barlow, C. The Code for Sustainable Homes : what are the innovation implications for the social housing development sector?. (Thesis). University of Salford

The research considers the capacity of the social housing development sector to generate or accelerate innovation to meet the Code for Sustainable Homes, the national standard detailing targets for the sustainability of new housing, within project an... Read More about The Code for Sustainable Homes : what are the innovation implications for the social housing development sector?.

Measuring the value of engagement between higher education and industry and practice in the built environment (2009)
Lees, M. Measuring the value of engagement between higher education and industry and practice in the built environment. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

The relationship between higher education and industry in vocational subjects is important. This priority is recognised by professional institutions that have a long tradition of accrediting education undertaken in universities. Industry is changing... Read More about Measuring the value of engagement between higher education and industry and practice in the built environment.

The utility of knowledge mapping as an approach to improving corporate and project performance : a case study of a large South Korean consulting firm (2008)
Yun, G. The utility of knowledge mapping as an approach to improving corporate and project performance : a case study of a large South Korean consulting firm. (Thesis). University of Salford, UK

Knowledge, and its appropriate management, has been increasingly recognised as
a critical source of sustainable competitive advantage for companies. Within this
context, many companies are developing their strategies and capabilities to
effectivel... Read More about The utility of knowledge mapping as an approach to improving corporate and project performance : a case study of a large South Korean consulting firm.

A knowledge-based approach to managing project change in the construction phase within collaborative team settings (2005)

Changes in construction projects are common and can lead to disruptive effects such
as project delays, cost overruns and quality deviations. The rework due to unplanned
changes can cost 10-15% of contract value. By managing these changes more
e... Read More about A knowledge-based approach to managing project change in the construction phase within collaborative team settings.

A theory of innovation in small knowledge-intensive professional service firms (2005)
Lu, S. A theory of innovation in small knowledge-intensive professional service firms. (Thesis). University of Salford

Performance improvement in the construction industry is significantly influenced by
the innovation performance of small construction knowledge-intensive professional
service firms (SCKIPSFs). There is thus an urgent need to better understand the
n... Read More about A theory of innovation in small knowledge-intensive professional service firms.

A study of knowledge sharing in multinational construction alliances (2004)
Ingirige, B. A study of knowledge sharing in multinational construction alliances. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

Alliances within construction have increased significantly in number and in the volume
of activity they undertake in recent years. Further, communications technologies have
progressed to a degree where they can support collaborations across geograp... Read More about A study of knowledge sharing in multinational construction alliances.