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All Outputs (32)

Existing risk management approaches in civil engineering (2003)
Book Chapter
Wood, G., & Ellis, R. (2003). Existing risk management approaches in civil engineering. In N. Smith (Ed.), Appraisal, Risk and Uncertainty: Construction Management Series (22-33). Thomas Telford Limited

Variable geometry, multilevel governance: European integration and subnational government in the new millennium (2003)
Book Chapter
Goldsmith, M. (2003). Variable geometry, multilevel governance: European integration and subnational government in the new millennium. In K. Featherstone, & C. Radaelli (Eds.), The politics of Europeanization (112-134). Oxford Scholarship Online Monographs

The creation of the European Union, and the associated process of economic, political, and social integration that has accompanied it, has changed the nature of nation state and subnational politics as it had been known for at least two centuries. Th... Read More about Variable geometry, multilevel governance: European integration and subnational government in the new millennium.

Strain mapping (2003)
Book Chapter
Webster, P. (2003). Strain mapping. In M. Fitzpatrick, & A. Lodini (Eds.), Analysis of residual stress by diffraction using neutron and synchrotron radiation (209-218). CRC Press

Neutron strain scanning techniques have been developing since the early 1980s [1-3] and synchrotron X-ray techniques rapidly since the 1990s [4, 5]. The first neutron measurements used single detector instruments at medium flux reactor sources, 'gaug... Read More about Strain mapping.

Corporate manslaughter: an international perspective (2003)
Book Chapter
Howes, V., & Wright, F. (2003). Corporate manslaughter: an international perspective. In G. Forlin et al (Ed.), Corporate manslaughter liability: work related deaths and criminal prosecutions (485-539). LexisNexis UK

Renouveau democratique et participation locale (2003)
Book Chapter
Goldsmith, M. (2003). Renouveau democratique et participation locale. In V. Hoffmann-Martinot, & C. Sorbets (Eds.), Democraties locales en changement, sous la direction de Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot et Claude Sorbets (17-43). Pedone

Second language acquisition research in search of an interface (2003)
Book Chapter
Towell, R. (2003). Second language acquisition research in search of an interface. In R. van Hout, A. Hulk, F. Kuiken, & R. Towell (Eds.), The lexicon-syntax interface in second language acquisition (1-20). John Benjamins Publishing Company