Can cities shape socio-technical transitions and how would we know if they were?
Book Chapter
All Outputs (84)
Automatic detection of pectoral muscle with the maximum intensity change algorithm (2010)
Book Chapter
Zhang, Z., Lu, J., & Yip, Y. (2010). Automatic detection of pectoral muscle with the maximum intensity change algorithm. In Research and Development in Intelligent Systems. SpringerThe accurate segmentation of pectoral muscle in mammograms is necessary to detect breast abnormalities in computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) of breast cancer. Based on morphological characteristics of pectoral muscle, a corner detector and the Maximum In... Read More about Automatic detection of pectoral muscle with the maximum intensity change algorithm.
Modelling & Matching and Value Sensitive Design: Two Methodologies for ePlanning Systems Development (2010)
Book Chapter
In this chapter the authors present two methodologies: Modelling & Matching methodology (M&M)
and Value Sensitive Design (VSD), which can help address the knowledge gap in the methodologies for
designing e-Planning systems. Designed to address the... Read More about Modelling & Matching and Value Sensitive Design: Two Methodologies for ePlanning Systems Development.
Hern: the catastrophe of lyric in John Burnside (2010)
Book Chapter
Business and management research in the UK from 1900 to 2009 and beyond (2010)
Book Chapter
Building information modelling (BIM) for construction lifecycle management (2010)
Book Chapter
The construction industry has been facing a paradigm shift to (i) increase; productivity, efficiency, infrastructure value, quality and sustainability, (ii) reduce; lifecycle costs, lead times and duplications, via effective collaboration and communi... Read More about Building information modelling (BIM) for construction lifecycle management.
Governing the reconfiguration of energy in Greater London : practical public engagement as “delivery" (2010)
Book Chapter
Throughout the world, the threat of climate change is pressing governments to accelerate the deployment of technologies to generate low carbon electricity or heat. But this is frequently leading to controversy, as energy and planning policies are rev... Read More about Governing the reconfiguration of energy in Greater London : practical public engagement as “delivery".
Dancing to the moon (2010)
Book Chapter
Devils, demons, werewolves and other creatures of the night don’t have to be scary. In fact, at times they can be downright funny. They have their fair share of the type of problems we humans have – pesky monthly cycles, others out to get them, a lac... Read More about Dancing to the moon.
Proximity user identification using correlogram (2010)
Book Chapter
This paper represents a technique, applying user action patterns in order to distinguish between users and identify them. In this method, users’ actions sequences are
mapped to numerical sequences and each user's profile is generated using autocorre... Read More about Proximity user identification using correlogram.
The autumn in Germany : a dialogue on Fassbinder and terrorism (2010)
Book Chapter
Dialogue on film representations of terrorism and militant subjectivities
Venezuela (2010)
Book Chapter
Provides an overview of the criminal justice system in Venezuela.
Liberate your Avatar; The Revolution will be social networked (Consciousness Reframed 11) (2010)
Book Chapter
This paper brings together the practice-based creative research of artists Charlotte Gould and Paul Sermon, culminating in a collaborative interactive installation that investigates new forms of social and political narrative in multi-user virtual en... Read More about Liberate your Avatar; The Revolution will be social networked (Consciousness Reframed 11).
Telematic practice and research discourses: Three practice-based research project case (2010)
Book Chapter
Sermon, P. (2010). Telematic practice and research discourses: Three practice-based research project case. In H. Gardine, & C. Gere (Eds.), Art Practice in a Digital Culture (153-164). Ashgate PublishingThis chapter focuses on the production, documentation and preservation of the author’s telematic, practice-based research in the interactive media arts. It reflects a timely practice review with significant implications for the future of exhibiting a... Read More about Telematic practice and research discourses: Three practice-based research project case.
Studying organisations (2010)
Book Chapter
Staniland, K. (2010). Studying organisations. In I. Bourgeault, R. Dingwall, & R. de Vries (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Health Research (249-264). Sage Publications LtdThe Sage Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Health Research is a comprehensive and authoritative source on qualitative research methods.
The Handbook compiles accessible yet vigorous academic contributions by respected academics from the fast-growin... Read More about Studying organisations.
The British 'mainstream' post-rave trance scene : exploring emotional and spiritual expression amongst 'Crasher Clubbers' (2010)
Book Chapter
Moore, K. (2010). The British 'mainstream' post-rave trance scene : exploring emotional and spiritual expression amongst 'Crasher Clubbers'. In P. Dandelion, & S. Collins-Mayo (Eds.), Religion and Youth (273-288). Routledge (Taylor & Francis)
Il figlio ‘negato’ nel teatro elisabettiano (2010)
Book Chapter
Nigri, L. (2010). Il figlio ‘negato’ nel teatro elisabettiano. In M. Alessi, I. Baccarini, & A. Cifariello (Eds.), Padri e figli (85-93). Nuova Cultura
Disco Galactica : futures past and present (2010)
Book Chapter
An examination of the sexual politics and ideological framings of the original and recent versions of the American television series Battlestar Galactica.
A detective story: emphatics in Mehri (2010)
Book Chapter
Watson, J., & Bellem, A. (2010). A detective story: emphatics in Mehri. In J. Starkey (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies : Papers from the forty-third meeting, London, 23–25 July 2009 (345-356). ArchaeopressUntil 1970, Ethio-Semitic was believed to be the only Semitic language sub-family in which the main correlate of “emphasis” is
glottalization, a feature said at the time to be due to Cushitic influence. Since the work of T.M. Johnstone, however, it... Read More about A detective story: emphatics in Mehri.
Reading holocaust poetry : genre, authority and identification (2010)
Book Chapter
Boswell, M. (2010). Reading holocaust poetry : genre, authority and identification. In The Future of Memory. BerghahnThis article looks at the relationship between Holocaust testimony and fictional works of poetry written by non-victims, with particular attention to Geoffrey Hill's 'September Song'.
The man pond (2010)
Book Chapter
"The Man Pond" is a short story about the swans who live on a disused mill pond in Radcliffe. It is told from the point of view of the male swan. All of the stories in the collection are told from the point of view of animals or of peopel workign clo... Read More about The man pond.