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All Outputs (105)

Already seen, already heard, already visited : constructing the experience of déjà states within live intermedial performance (2017)
Book Chapter
constructing the experience of déjà states within live intermedial performance. In P. Hansen, & B. Bläsing (Eds.), Performing the Remembered Present : The Cognition of Memory in Dance, Theatre and Music. Bloomsbury, Methuen Drama

This chapter considers our collaborative Practice-as-Research in performance as a mode of memory-making and specifically as a way of activating and exploring the subjective experience of déjà vu associated with temporal lobe epilepsy. Utilising const... Read More about Already seen, already heard, already visited : constructing the experience of déjà states within live intermedial performance.

virtual : Performance and digital (2017)
Book Chapter
Scott, J. (2018). virtual : Performance and digital. In E. Bryon (Ed.), Performing Interdisciplinarity : Working Across Disciplinary Boundaries Through an Active Aesthetic (59-73). Routledge.

As my fingers hover above the laptop keyboard, I am aware of a number of things – the people watching my actions, the choice I have to make and what that will do to this moment we are experiencing, the technical requirements of interacting with a dig... Read More about virtual : Performance and digital.

Subcultures (2017)
Book Chapter

The term ‘subculture’ is often used to refer to any loosely identifiable, most often youth, group that appears to share some kind of common culture, such as music or pop culture tastes or fashion choices, which is in some way different to what would... Read More about Subcultures.

Mysteries of Raúl Ruiz’s Portugal : territory, littoral and memory bridge (2017)
Book Chapter
Goddard, M. (2017). Mysteries of Raúl Ruiz’s Portugal : territory, littoral and memory bridge. In M. Liz (Ed.), Portugal's Global Cinema : Industry, History and Culture. I. B. Tauris

Raúl Ruiz’s 2010 film Mistérios de Lisboa/Mysteries of Lisbon may have been his first (and last) film in Portuguese, but it was far from being his first film in Portugal. In fact Portugal, beyond being an inexpensive and convenient film location, hel... Read More about Mysteries of Raúl Ruiz’s Portugal : territory, littoral and memory bridge.

Mortality among migrants and their descendants living in England and Wales (2017)
Book Chapter
Wallace, M. (2017). Mortality among migrants and their descendants living in England and Wales. . Edward Elgar Publishing.

Mortality differences among immigrants and their descendants in England and Wales are studied. The analysis involves an assessment of the hypothesis that data errors, particularly under-registration of migrant deaths, lies at the root of the immi... Read More about Mortality among migrants and their descendants living in England and Wales.

Charge dynamics in colloidal quantum dots : recombination, trapping and multiple exciton generation (2017)
Book Chapter
Leontiadou, M., Smith, C., Lydon, C., & Binks, D. (2017). Charge dynamics in colloidal quantum dots : recombination, trapping and multiple exciton generation. In P. Skabara, & M. Malik (Eds.), Nanostructured Materials for Type III Photovoltaics. Royal Society of Chemistry.

Colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) are semiconductor crystals, the nanometre-scale size of which both allows their absorption edge to be controlled during growth and enhances the yield of multiple exciton generation. These properties, combined with the fa... Read More about Charge dynamics in colloidal quantum dots : recombination, trapping and multiple exciton generation.

Emic and etic analysis (2017)
Book Chapter
Whitaker, E. (2017). Emic and etic analysis. In The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory. Wiley Blackwell.

This entry explores the origins and usage of the terms “emic” and “etic” as they relate to positions of knowledge in research in the social sciences.The entry explains the origins of the emic–etic distinction and how these have changed over time. Read More about Emic and etic analysis.

The effects of Supply Chain Management (SCM) activities and their impact on festival management and the customer experience (2017)
Book Chapter
Ryan, W., & Kelly, S. (2017). The effects of Supply Chain Management (SCM) activities and their impact on festival management and the customer experience. In A. Jepson, & A. Clarke (Eds.), Power, Construction and Meaning in Festivals (109-128). Routledge

As the number of festivals and the need to provide more satisfying customer experiences continue to grow, the challenges faced by festival managers have become more complicated than ever. This means that festival organisers are becoming progressively... Read More about The effects of Supply Chain Management (SCM) activities and their impact on festival management and the customer experience.

The effects of supply chain management (SCM) activities and their impact upon festival management and the customer experience (2017)
Book Chapter

As the number of festivals and the need to provide more satisfying customer experiences continue to grow, the challenges faced by festival managers have become more complicated than ever. The demand to reduce costs and deal with the increasingly comp... Read More about The effects of supply chain management (SCM) activities and their impact upon festival management and the customer experience.

A place to call home (2017)
Book Chapter
Gibbons, A. (2017). A place to call home. In A Right to the City: A Verso Report. Verso

An investigation of the meaning of home as it connects to a sense of self, to health and to community, and a look at the politics and policies that underpin the tragedy of Grenfell and where we can go from here.