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Optimizing squat technique (2007)
Journal Article
Comfort, P., & Kasim, P. (2007). Optimizing squat technique. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 29(6), 10-13.

There are many variations of the squat technique, including stance width, foot positioning, and squat depth. However, research indicates that the optimal squat technique is a wide stance (≥ shoulder width) with natural foot positioning, unrestricted... Read More about Optimizing squat technique.

Technology adoption : breaking down barriers using a virtual reality design support tool for hybrid concrete (2007)
Journal Article
Goulding, J., Kagioglou, M., Sexton, M., Zhang, X., Aouad, G., & Barrett, P. (2007). Technology adoption : breaking down barriers using a virtual reality design support tool for hybrid concrete. Construction Management and Economics, 25(12), 1239-1250.

The use of hybrid concrete technologies as a viable solution to traditional frame design has been inhibited by a general lack of information. The uptake of this technology has therefore been slow and parochial, as designers have tended to stay loyal... Read More about Technology adoption : breaking down barriers using a virtual reality design support tool for hybrid concrete.

Circular dichroism to determine binding mode and affinity of ligand-DNA interactions (2007)
Journal Article
Garbett, N., Ragazzon, P., & Chaires, J. (2007). Circular dichroism to determine binding mode and affinity of ligand-DNA interactions. Nature Protocols, 2(12), 3166-3172

Circular dichroism (CD) is a useful technique for an assessment of DNA-binding mode, being a more accessible, low-resolution complement to NMR and X-ray diffraction methods. Ligand-DNA interactions can be studied by virtue of the interpretation of in... Read More about Circular dichroism to determine binding mode and affinity of ligand-DNA interactions.

The effect of stress on the expression of the amyloid precursor protein in rat brain (2007)
Journal Article
Sayer, R., Robertson, D., J.K. Balfour, D., C. Breen, K., & A. Stewart, C. (2008). The effect of stress on the expression of the amyloid precursor protein in rat brain. Neuroscience Letters, 431(6), 197-200.

The abnormal processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) is a pivotal event in the development of the unique pathology that defines Alzheimer's disease (AD). Stress, and the associated increase in corticosteroids, appear to accelerate brain age... Read More about The effect of stress on the expression of the amyloid precursor protein in rat brain.

An assessment of eye-gaze potential within immersive virtual environments (2007)
Journal Article
Murray, N., Roberts, D., Sharkey, P., Steed, A., Dickerson, P., & Rae, J. (2007). An assessment of eye-gaze potential within immersive virtual environments. ACM transactions on multimedia computing communications and applications, 3(4), 1-20.

In collaborative situations, eye gaze is a critical element of behaviour which supports and fulfills many activities and roles. In current computer-supported collaboration systems, eye gaze is poorly supported. Even in a state-of-the-art video confer... Read More about An assessment of eye-gaze potential within immersive virtual environments.

Gender differences in rural and urban practice location among mid-level health care providers (2007)
Journal Article
Lindsay, S. (2007). Gender differences in rural and urban practice location among mid-level health care providers.

Context: Mid-level providers comprise an increasing proportion of the health care workforce and play a key role in providing health services in rural and underserved areas. Although women comprise the majority of mid-level providers, they are less li... Read More about Gender differences in rural and urban practice location among mid-level health care providers.

Metacognition and lifelong e-learning: a contextual and cyclical process (2007)
Journal Article
Worrall, L., & Bell, F. (2007). Metacognition and lifelong e-learning: a contextual and cyclical process. E-learning (Oxford), 4(2), 161-171.

Metacognition is arguably an important conceptualisation within the area of lifelong e- learning, with many theorists and practitioners claiming that it enhances the learning process. However, the lifelong, cyclical and flexible aspects of 'before',... Read More about Metacognition and lifelong e-learning: a contextual and cyclical process.

Evaluating information skills training in health libraries: a systematic review (2007)
Journal Article
Brettle, A. (2007). Evaluating information skills training in health libraries: a systematic review. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 24(Suppl), 18-37.

: Systematic reviews have shown that there is limited evidence to
demonstrate that the information literacy training health librarians provide is
effective in improving clinicians’ information skills or has an impact on patient
care.... Read More about Evaluating information skills training in health libraries: a systematic review.

Bitrophic and tritrophic effects of Bt Cry3A transgenic potato on beneficial, non-target, beetles. (2007)
Journal Article
Ferry, N., Mulligan, E., Majerus, M., & Gatehouse, A. (2007). Bitrophic and tritrophic effects of Bt Cry3A transgenic potato on beneficial, non-target, beetles. Transgenic Research, 16(6), 795-812.

Insect-resistant transgenic plants have been suggested to have unpredictable effects on the biodiversity of the agro-ecosystem, including potential effects on insect natural enemies, beneficial in control of crop pests. Whilst carnivorous as adults,... Read More about Bitrophic and tritrophic effects of Bt Cry3A transgenic potato on beneficial, non-target, beetles..

Hidden innovation in the construction and property sectors (2007)
Journal Article
Barrett, P., Abbott, C., Sexton, M., & Ruddock, L. (2007). Hidden innovation in the construction and property sectors. RICS research review series, 7(20), 1-21

The construction and property industries have a poor reputation for innovation. Indeed, this reputation appears to be backed by official statistics which projects these
industries as being devoid of innovative activity. However, the reputation is un... Read More about Hidden innovation in the construction and property sectors.

Is there a European political science and if so what are the challenges facing it? (2007)
Journal Article
Bull, M. (2007). Is there a European political science and if so what are the challenges facing it?. European Political Science, 6(4), 427-438.

This article reviews Hans-Dieter Klingemann's volume, The State of Political Science in Western Europe, and uses the review to explore to what extent it can be argued that there exists a distinctively 'European' political science, and if so, what mig... Read More about Is there a European political science and if so what are the challenges facing it?.

Use of competition dialysis in the discovery of G-quadruplex selective ligands (2007)
Journal Article
Ragazzon, P., & Chaires, J. (2007). Use of competition dialysis in the discovery of G-quadruplex selective ligands. Methods, 43(4), 313-323

G-quadrplex DNA can exist in a rich variety of structural forms, ranging from unimolecular folded structures containing diverse types of loops and strand oreintations, to bimolecular dimeric structures, and finally to tetramolecular parallel-stranded... Read More about Use of competition dialysis in the discovery of G-quadruplex selective ligands.

Gender-specific in vivo measurement of the structural and mechanical properties of the human patellar tendon (2007)
Journal Article
Onambele, G., Burgess, K., & Pearson, S. (2007). Gender-specific in vivo measurement of the structural and mechanical properties of the human patellar tendon. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 25(12), 1635-1642.

Human patellar tendon stress (σ), strain (ε), stiffness (K), and tensile or Young's modulus (E), are determined in vivo through voluntary isometric contractions monitored with B-mode ultrasonography. The limitations in previous studies are: (1) they... Read More about Gender-specific in vivo measurement of the structural and mechanical properties of the human patellar tendon.