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Standards, challenges and solutions: Developing a rheumatology core teaching set for undergraduate health professionals (2008)
Journal Article

Background: Rheumatological conditions are common, thus health professionals require at least basic rheumatology knowledge upon qualifying. The aim of this study was to develop a core set of teaching topics and potential ways of delivering them.... Read More about Standards, challenges and solutions: Developing a rheumatology core teaching set for undergraduate health professionals.

Low threshold gain metal coated laser nanoresonators (2008)
Journal Article
Mizrahi, A., Lomakin, V., Slutsky, B., Nezhad, M., Feng, L., & Fainman, Y. (2008). Low threshold gain metal coated laser nanoresonators. Optics Letters, 33(11), 1261-1263.

We introduce a low refractive index layer between the metal and the gain medium in metal-coated laser resonators and demonstrate that it can significantly reduce the dissipation losses. Analysis of a gain medium waveguide shows that for a given waveg... Read More about Low threshold gain metal coated laser nanoresonators.

Estimating the diet of urban birds: the problems of anthropogenic food and food digestibility (2008)
Journal Article
Ottoni, I., de Oliveria, F., & Young, R. (2009). Estimating the diet of urban birds: the problems of anthropogenic food and food digestibility. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 117(1-2), 42-46.

A variety of methods exist for assessing the diets of wild birds, each of which has its strengths and weaknesses. The objective of this study was to compare diet data collected in parallel by behavioural observations and faecal analysis from an urban... Read More about Estimating the diet of urban birds: the problems of anthropogenic food and food digestibility.

Comparison of conventional and catalytic in situ combustion processes for oil recovery (2008)
Journal Article
Abuhesa, M., & Hughes, R. (2009). Comparison of conventional and catalytic in situ combustion processes for oil recovery.

Laboratory in situ combustion experiments were performed to test the concept of using in situ combustion
to catalytically upgrade a medium-heavy Clair crude oil (19.8° API), using a low-pressure combustion cell.
Tests were performed for both noncat... Read More about Comparison of conventional and catalytic in situ combustion processes for oil recovery.

Pond density as a determinant of aquatic species richness in an urban landscape (2008)
Journal Article
Gledhill, D., James, P., & Davies, D. (2008). Pond density as a determinant of aquatic species richness in an urban landscape. Landscape Ecology, 23(10), 1219-1230.

Green spaces within urban areas provide services and benefits to human populations and habitat for a variety of species. Freshwater, in the form of rivers, canals, lakes, reservoirs and ponds, is an important component of urban greenspaces. This pape... Read More about Pond density as a determinant of aquatic species richness in an urban landscape.

Current status and future prospects (2008)
Journal Article
Brettle, A. (2008). Current status and future prospects. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 25, 32-34.

User education, information skills training, information
technology skills training, health informatics training, information handling skills, information literacy, literature searching training and finding information for evidence-based practice ar... Read More about Current status and future prospects.

Exploring magic cottage: a virtual reality environment for stimulating children's imaginative writing (2008)
Journal Article
Patera, M., Draper, S., & Naef, M. (2008). Exploring magic cottage: a virtual reality environment for stimulating children's imaginative writing. Interactive Learning Environments, 16(3), 245-263.

This paper presents an exploratory study that created a Virtual Reality Environment (VRE) to stimulate
motivation and creativity in imaginative writing at primary school level. The main aim of the study was to
investigate if an interactive, semi-im... Read More about Exploring magic cottage: a virtual reality environment for stimulating children's imaginative writing.

Building assessment during disaster response and recovery (2008)
Journal Article
Peña-Mora, F., Aziz, Z., Chen, A., Plans, A., & Foltz, S. (2008). Building assessment during disaster response and recovery. Proceedings of the ICE - Urban Design and Planning, 161(4), 183-195.

During disaster response and recovery operations,
civil engineers can be assigned a multitude of tasks
including triage of building search priorities, identifi cation
and evaluation of structural hazards, as well as the
development of appropriate... Read More about Building assessment during disaster response and recovery.

Engineering-centric BIM (2008)
Journal Article
Wilkins, C., & Kiviniemi, A. (2008). Engineering-centric BIM. ASHRAE Journal, 50(12), 44-48

Building information modeling (BIM) is the next generation of computer-automated building design. The theory is that all building data would be maintained in a single data format that allows all applications to share data with all other applications.... Read More about Engineering-centric BIM.

Mechanical strain of alveolar type II cells in culture: changes in the transcellular cytokeratin network and adaptations (2008)
Journal Article
Felder, E., Siebenbrunner, M., Busch, T., Fois, G., Miklavc, P., Walther, P., & Dietl, P. (2008). Mechanical strain of alveolar type II cells in culture: changes in the transcellular cytokeratin network and adaptations. American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology, 295(5), L849-L857.

Mechanical forces exert multiple effects in cells, ranging from altered protein expression patterns to cell damage and death. Despite undisputable biological importance, little is known about structural changes in cells subjected to strain ex vivo. H... Read More about Mechanical strain of alveolar type II cells in culture: changes in the transcellular cytokeratin network and adaptations.

Counselling in primary care : a systematic review of the evidence (2008)
Journal Article
Brettle, A., Hill, A., & Jenkins, P. (2008). Counselling in primary care : a systematic review of the evidence. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 8(4), 207-214.

Primary objective: To undertake a systematic review which aimed to locate, appraise and synthesise evidence to obtain a reliable overview of the clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and user perspectives regarding counselling in primary care.... Read More about Counselling in primary care : a systematic review of the evidence.

Conscious surgery: influence of the environment on patient anxiety (2008)
Journal Article
Mitchell, M. (2008). Conscious surgery: influence of the environment on patient anxiety. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 64(3), 261-271.

Aims: i) To investigate anxiety arising from the experience of the clinical environment during surgery under local/ regional anaesthesia and, ii) to uncover the specific aspects patients find anxiety provoking and possibly dissuade them from opting f... Read More about Conscious surgery: influence of the environment on patient anxiety.

Environmental citizenship and public attitudes to hydrogen energy technologies (2008)
Journal Article
Flynn, R., Bellaby, P., & Ricci, M. (2008). Environmental citizenship and public attitudes to hydrogen energy technologies. Environmental Politics, 17(5), 766-783.

Some of the principal arguments in the debate about environmental
citizenship are examined with reference to the development of hydrogen
energy systems. In particular, qualitative evidence is drawn from a study of
public attitudes towards hydrogen... Read More about Environmental citizenship and public attitudes to hydrogen energy technologies.

The archaeology of industrialisation and the textile industry : the example of Manchester and the south-western Pennine Uplands during the 18th century (part 2) (2008)
Journal Article
Nevell, M. (2008). The archaeology of industrialisation and the textile industry : the example of Manchester and the south-western Pennine Uplands during the 18th century (part 2). Industrial Archaeology Review, 30(2), 97-100.

Between the early 18th century and the mid-19th century the north-west of England was turned from a relatively impoverished backwater to one of the major industrialisation zones in the world. This is thus a key region for understanding the archaeolog... Read More about The archaeology of industrialisation and the textile industry : the example of Manchester and the south-western Pennine Uplands during the 18th century (part 2).

Jim Allen : radical drama beyond 'days of hope' (2008)
Journal Article
Willis, A. (2008). Jim Allen : radical drama beyond 'days of hope'. Journal of British Cinema and Television, 5(2), 300-317.

Due to a desire to establish television as a serious medium, television drama has often been seen as a forum for writers, with names such as David Mercer, Dennis Potter and Trevor Griffiths identified by critics as the driving force, or auteur, behin... Read More about Jim Allen : radical drama beyond 'days of hope'.

Labour ward incidents and potential claims - Lessons learned from research (2008)
Journal Article
Ashcroft, B. (2008). Labour ward incidents and potential claims - Lessons learned from research. Clinical Risk, 14(6), 235-238.

This paper provides an insight into the underlying factors involved in potential cerebral palsy and/or shoulder dystocia claims. The research was undertaken to identify the root causes of 37 cases of birth asphyxia in term infants severe enough to wa... Read More about Labour ward incidents and potential claims - Lessons learned from research.