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All Outputs (475)

Design and implementation of evaluation methods for a Digital Clinical Placement, enhancing midwifery learner's professional capabilities in postnatal bereavement episodes. (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Furber, C., & Evans-Griffiths, H. (2024, November). Design and implementation of evaluation methods for a Digital Clinical Placement, enhancing midwifery learner's professional capabilities in postnatal bereavement episodes. Paper presented at PeRcie International Conference, Online

Presentation delivered at PerCIE International Conference 2024: Rebalancing Perspectives: Knowing Me, Knowing You., Online

The design, implementation of evaluation methods for a Digital Clinical Placement enhancing midwifery learner’s professional capabilities in post-natal bereavement care episodes (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Griffiths, H. E., & Furber, C. (2024, November). The design, implementation of evaluation methods for a Digital Clinical Placement enhancing midwifery learner’s professional capabilities in post-natal bereavement care episodes. Presented at PerCIE International Conference 2024: Rebalancing Perspectives: Knowing Me, Knowing You., Online

Risk and resistance: Ageing in the charity retail sector (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Kelly, S. (2024, October). Risk and resistance: Ageing in the charity retail sector. Poster presented at Irish Gerontological Society Annual and Scientific Meeting 2024, Athlone, Ireland

Charity shops have long been found to promote sociability, nurture experiences of belonging and act as spaces for community, caring and well-being. Older people remain likely to participate in this setting and charity shop volunteering is... Read More about Risk and resistance: Ageing in the charity retail sector.

Witchcraft's Shadow: Ritual Killings and Policing Challenges in Zimbabwe (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Silika, K. (2024, September). Witchcraft's Shadow: Ritual Killings and Policing Challenges in Zimbabwe. Paper presented at International Network Against Witchcraft Accusations and Ritual Attacks, Lancaster, UK

Witchcraft, despite its precolonial roots, casts a persistent shadow over modern Zimbabwe. Even amidst advancements in education and technology, harmful practices like ritual killings remain deeply embedded, claiming a disturbing 40% of the nation's... Read More about Witchcraft's Shadow: Ritual Killings and Policing Challenges in Zimbabwe.

Facilitating inclusivity in nursing practice. (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Victory Oforji, C., Whitnall, D., & Okoroafor, O. (2024, August). Facilitating inclusivity in nursing practice

There is growing evidence of inequality and discrimination in nursing practice, with significant systemic and institutional exclusion.

When students and staff nurses were asked what equity, diversity, and inclusion looked like from their perspecti... Read More about Facilitating inclusivity in nursing practice..

Strength Training Messaging Webinar (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Gluchowski, A. (2024, June). Strength Training Messaging Webinar

Joint webinar between Greater Manchester Moving and Ashley Gluchowski of University of Salford to discuss their latest research, the co-design of strength training messaging guidelines.

A Qualitative Study exploring the Barriers and Facilitators to Older Women’s Workplace Wellbeing in the UK (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Edge, C. (2024, June). A Qualitative Study exploring the Barriers and Facilitators to Older Women’s Workplace Wellbeing in the UK. Presented at Gender Diversity Across Europe – Devising Solutions from Interdisciplinary & Intersectoral Perspectives, Bern, Switzerland

Theory/Research Question: Recent evidence suggests life stress accumulation over the life course disproportionately negatively impacts wellbeing, cognition and health in older women (Gómez-Gallego & Gómez-García, 2019; Miller et al., 2021). Older wom... Read More about A Qualitative Study exploring the Barriers and Facilitators to Older Women’s Workplace Wellbeing in the UK.

The student perspective of a research-informed teaching activity using simulation (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Higgins, R., Kaushik, C., & Szczepura​, K. (2024, June). The student perspective of a research-informed teaching activity using simulation. Presented at United Kingdom Imaging and Oncology Congress 2024, Liverpool

Background: The opening of the new £3 million Centre for Medical Imaging within the University offered a novel opportunity for students to design a survey tool and collect data that compared the two new X-ray imaging rooms – one that has been designe... Read More about The student perspective of a research-informed teaching activity using simulation.

Living policy: reflections of a researcher on two related qualitative longitudinal studies of the experience of UK social security over time (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Young, D. (2024, June). Living policy: reflections of a researcher on two related qualitative longitudinal studies of the experience of UK social security over time. Paper presented at Contemplating Qualitative Longitudinal Research: Temporalities, Theories and Methods, Helsinki, Finland

Temporal aspects of claimant experience can be overlooked within UK social security policy and research. One reason for this is the tendency to focus on one point in time. In recent years, longitudinal research designs have added an important element... Read More about Living policy: reflections of a researcher on two related qualitative longitudinal studies of the experience of UK social security over time.

Evaluation of a hybrid student placement counselling service (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Viliardos, L., & Roddy, J. (2024, May). Evaluation of a hybrid student placement counselling service. Paper presented at 30th BACP International Research Conference 2024 Enriching research, practice and policy with lived experience, Birmingham

The paper discusses a service evaluation of one TRaCCs clinic. The [anonymised for review] clinic has been collecting client data since September 2021 when all clients were seen remotely. Since 2022, the clinics have provided a hybrid service where... Read More about Evaluation of a hybrid student placement counselling service.

THE CAPACITY MYSTERY: how can education and practice placement providers collaborate to maximise and expand learning environment capacity for student midwives whilst maintaining quality assurance. (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Furber, C. (2024, May). THE CAPACITY MYSTERY: how can education and practice placement providers collaborate to maximise and expand learning environment capacity for student midwives whilst maintaining quality assurance. Paper presented at Royal College of Midwife annual conference, Liverpool

Barriers and Facilitators to Older Women's Workplace Well-being: a qualitative analysis (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Edge, C. (2024, April). Barriers and Facilitators to Older Women's Workplace Well-being: a qualitative analysis. Presented at Sustainable HRM - an International Perspective, Warsaw, Poland and Online

Evidence suggests life stress accumulation over the life course disproportionately negatively impacts wellbeing, cognition and health in ageing women. Women across the life course across Europe have been shown to have more diverse and less regular e... Read More about Barriers and Facilitators to Older Women's Workplace Well-being: a qualitative analysis.

Child Protection - Update RCPCH Conference 2024 (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Fussey, E., & Rowland, A. (2024, March). Child Protection - Update RCPCH Conference 2024. Presented at Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Annual Conference 2024, Birmingham

Intersectional Dynamics (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Patel, T. (2024, March). Intersectional Dynamics. Presented at International Women’s Day Conference, Salford

The Refusal of Work: Revisited (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Frayne, D. (2024, March). The Refusal of Work: Revisited. Presented at Meaningfulness and refusal of work in the post-pandemic scenario, University of Milan / Fondazione Feltrinelli

This talk looked at relevant academic, cultural and political changes that have occurred in the years since the publication of my first book, The Refusal of Work, in 2015.

'Making it Stick' launch webinar (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Frayne, D. (2024, February). 'Making it Stick' launch webinar

I contributed to the public launch webinar for the report 'Making it Stick: The UK Four-day Week Pilot, One Year On'. I offered reflections based on the qualitative interview work I had conducted on this project

A thematic approach to enhance transition between levels, for students with vocational qualifications. (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Power, J., Blezard, E., Whitnall, D., Thomson, C., Dermo, J., & Grayson, N. (2024, February). A thematic approach to enhance transition between levels, for students with vocational qualifications. Presented at QAA: Quality Insights Conference 2024, Online

This workshop explores insightful practice in relation to supporting students who enter higher education having undertaken vocational qualifications. We will provide an opportunity to reflect on different factors which affect levelness and how to cha... Read More about A thematic approach to enhance transition between levels, for students with vocational qualifications..

The National Teaching Repository & Social Media (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Turner, S., Faulkner, S., & Withnell, N. (2023, December). The National Teaching Repository & Social Media. Presented at Social Media for Learning in Higher Education

•This project is part of the 2020 Good Practice Grants, which helped Advance HE members to develop and share innovative practice.

•The idea behind the National Teaching Repository is to create a central space where anyone with an interest in tea... Read More about The National Teaching Repository & Social Media.