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All Outputs (40)

Understanding urban futures (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Marvin, S. (2001, December). Understanding urban futures. Presented at European Conference, Lille, France

Central views of urban futures (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Marvin, S. (2001, December). Central views of urban futures. Presented at FOREN Conference, Dublin

Telecommunications and urban environments (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Marvin, S. (2001, October). Telecommunications and urban environments. Presented at Town and Country Planning Association seminar "Digital Futures", London

Design of a business e-commerce undergraduate course : concept, development & implementation review (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Hill, J., Owens, J. D., & Smith, P. (2001, September). Design of a business e-commerce undergraduate course : concept, development & implementation review. Presented at 8th European Conference on IT Evaluation, Oriel College, Oxford University, UK

Every society needs to invest in resources that can provide prosperity and develop its intellectual capital through new definitions of social priorities. Education constitutes the cornerstone of these social efforts. However, for many years some ed... Read More about Design of a business e-commerce undergraduate course : concept, development & implementation review.

Comparison of microbiology, filter media and plant communities within constructed wetlands treating wastewater contaminated with heavy metals (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Xu, J., Scholz, M., Funk, M., & Dodson, H. (2001, September). Comparison of microbiology, filter media and plant communities within constructed wetlands treating wastewater contaminated with heavy metals. Presented at 149th Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Norwich

The aim was to investigate the treatment efficiency of passive vertical-flow wetland filters containing different plant communities (predominantly Phragmites Australis and/or Typha Latifolia) and granular media with different adsorption capacities in... Read More about Comparison of microbiology, filter media and plant communities within constructed wetlands treating wastewater contaminated with heavy metals.

Influence of diffuse reflections on the playing of musicians (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Bermond, R., & Davies, W. (2001, September). Influence of diffuse reflections on the playing of musicians. Presented at 17th Int. Congress on Acoustics, Rome

To date, there has been little evidence available on how musicians perceive diffuse reflections in the early sound field in comparison to specular reflections. Two series of subjective tests were conducted among musicians, one in a small room and one... Read More about Influence of diffuse reflections on the playing of musicians.

Difference Limen for level of music (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Davies, W. (2001, September). Difference Limen for level of music. Presented at 17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome

A psychoacoustic experiment has been conducted to determine the difference limen (DL) of the level of music reproduced in a listening room. The effects of three factors on the DL were measured using up to twelve trained subjects. The factors were m... Read More about Difference Limen for level of music.

Issues in researching UK SMEs (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Hodson, M. (2001, September). Issues in researching UK SMEs. Presented at Sociological Imaginations: New Directions in Social Research, Dublin

Sociology in action (2001)
Presentation / Conference
May, T. (2001, September). Sociology in action. Presented at New Directions in Social Research, Dublin

Foot-force distribution in legged robots (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Jiang, W., Liu, A., & Howard, D. (2001, September). Foot-force distribution in legged robots. Presented at CLAWAR : 4th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, Karlsruhe

An evaluation of the impact of IT on multi-disciplinary team working (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Howes, J., & Wood, G. (2001, September). An evaluation of the impact of IT on multi-disciplinary team working. Presented at Proceedings of the AEE 2001 Conference, Cardiff

This paper describes feedback from a series of experimental student projects in multi-
disciplinary team-working using information technology. The TIME-IT Project, (Team-working
in Multi-disciplinary Environments using Information Technology) was d... Read More about An evaluation of the impact of IT on multi-disciplinary team working.

Reforming project management: The role of planning, execution and controlling (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Koskela, L., & Howell, G. (2001, August). Reforming project management: The role of planning, execution and controlling. Presented at 9th International Group for Lean Construction Conference., National University of Singapore

In this paper, we focus on the need for reforming the role of plans, execution (or action) and control in project management. We argue that the present style of project management, as described in the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge... Read More about Reforming project management: The role of planning, execution and controlling.

Understanding construction supply chains: an alternative interpretation (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Vrijhoef, R., Koskela, L., & Howell, G. (2001, August). Understanding construction supply chains: an alternative interpretation. Presented at 9th International Group for Lean Construction Conference., National University of Singapore

Much research work has assessed that construction is ineffective and many problems can be observed. Analysis of these problems has shown that a major part of them are supply chain problems, originating at the interfaces of different parties or functi... Read More about Understanding construction supply chains: an alternative interpretation.

On new footnotes to Shingo (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Koskela, L. (2001, August). On new footnotes to Shingo. Presented at 9th International Group for Lean Construction Conference., National University of Singapore

The Toyota Production System (TPS) has continually inspired scholars of production management to a search for its essence. Two new interpretations have recently been advanced.
Firstly, Johnston has argued that conventional production management is b... Read More about On new footnotes to Shingo.