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All Outputs (40)

Regulation and academic production (2002)
Presentation / Conference
May, T. (2002, December). Regulation and academic production. Presented at Universities, the Knowledge Economy and Regional Development, Austria

Urban ecological security : a new paradigm? (2002)
Presentation / Conference
Hodson, M., & Marvin, S. (2002, November). Urban ecological security : a new paradigm?. Presented at Planning for a Low Carbon City, Cape Town

Design management: directions in UK education (2002)
Presentation / Conference
O'Brien, M. (2002, September). Design management: directions in UK education. Presented at 1st International Design Management Forum, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

An empirical study of user preference and performance with UML diagrams (2002)
Presentation / Conference
Anthony, S., Barker, T., Britton, C., Kutar, M., Beecham, S., & Wilkinson, V. (2002, September). An empirical study of user preference and performance with UML diagrams. Presented at IEEE 2002 Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments (HCC’02), Arlington, Virginia, USA

Developing a shared contact centre in Lancashire (2002)
Presentation / Conference
Hepburn, P., & Procter, C. (2002, September). Developing a shared contact centre in Lancashire. Presented at 2nd European Conference on E-Government (ECEG), St. Catherine's College, Oxford, UK

A pilot programme into the use of Blackboard to support the teaching of engineering undergraduates (2002)
Presentation / Conference
Laws, E. (2002, August). A pilot programme into the use of Blackboard to support the teaching of engineering undergraduates. Presented at International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE), UMIST, Manchester, UK

Supporting engineering students throughout their studies places a heavy demand on academic staff time. Increasingly it is necessary to provide help outside the schedule lecture and tutorial periods and to cope with a range of student abilities. An ef... Read More about A pilot programme into the use of Blackboard to support the teaching of engineering undergraduates.

Which are the wastes of construction? (2002)
Presentation / Conference
Koskela, L., Bølviken, T., & Rooke, J. (2002, July). Which are the wastes of construction?. Presented at The 21st Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction., Fortaleza, Brazil

In the Toyota Production System, the seven wastes presented by Ohno have provided understanding on the foundations of production management and guidance for action for more than half a century. This list has been widely used also when the Toyota Prod... Read More about Which are the wastes of construction?.

The usage of third party seals in e-commerce websites : Current implementation (2002)
Presentation / Conference
Kasiran, M., & Meziane, F. (2002, June). The usage of third party seals in e-commerce websites : Current implementation. Presented at 7th International Conference on Work with Computing Systems (WWCS2004), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

eCommerce is a faceless business arrangement where the process of creating trust towards merchants is still a big challenge. One of the methods that can be used to facilitate the creation of trust is through transference of trust from merchant to thi... Read More about The usage of third party seals in e-commerce websites : Current implementation.

The underlying theory of project management is obsolete (2002)
Presentation / Conference
Koskela, L., & Howell, G. (2002, June). The underlying theory of project management is obsolete. Presented at The PMI Research Conference, Seattle, Washington

In prior literature, it has been generally seen that there is no explicit theory of project management. We contend that it is possible to precisely point out the underlying theoretical foundation of project management as espoused in the PMBOK Guide b... Read More about The underlying theory of project management is obsolete.

Low frequency room excitation using distributed mode loudspeakers (2002)
Presentation / Conference
Fazenda, B., Avis, M., & Davies, W. (2002, June). Low frequency room excitation using distributed mode loudspeakers. Presented at 21st Audio Engineering Society Convention, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Conventional pistonic loudspeakers excite the modes of an enclosed sound field in such a way as to introduce modal
artefacts which may be problematic for listeners to high-quality reproduced sound [1]. Their amelioration may
involve the use of high... Read More about Low frequency room excitation using distributed mode loudspeakers.