Changes4Warmth : lessons learned & directions forward
Sherriff, G. (2016). Changes4Warmth : lessons learned & directions forward
All Outputs (24)
Supporting Roma Voices (2016)
The Supporting Roma Voice project has aimed to
address emerging knowledge gaps in the way in
which the inclusion of migrant Roma in the UK is
being addressed. Specifically, research by Brown,
Scullion and Martin (2013) identified a demand
from p... Read More about Supporting Roma Voices.
Archaeological building investigation and evaluation : City Tower, Todd Street, Manchester (2016)
Mottershead, S., & Stitt, L. (2016). Archaeological building investigation and evaluation : City Tower, Todd Street, ManchesterIn July 2016, Salford Archaeology was commissioned by Unique Boutique Hotels
(Manchester) Ltd to undertake an historic building investigation of the former Cathedral
School on Todd Street, Manchester (centred on SJ 8406 9886). Following the demolit... Read More about Archaeological building investigation and evaluation : City Tower, Todd Street, Manchester.
Primary care workforce : evaluation of ‘triumvirate leadership’ development and network programme (2016)
Executive Summary
Staff who demonstrate effective leadership behaviours are at the forefront of any future primary care transformation. By empowering and engaging self and others to work differently within a changing clinical context, g... Read More about Primary care workforce : evaluation of ‘triumvirate leadership’ development and network programme.
Leveraging rising land values to finance urban infrastructure development in Ghana : a case study of Accra (2016)
Gyau, K. (2016). Leveraging rising land values to finance urban infrastructure development in Ghana : a case study of Accra
Archaeological excavation : site of Collyhurst Old Hall (2016)
Whittall, K. (2016). Archaeological excavation : site of Collyhurst Old HallSalford Archaeology (SA) was commissioned by the Manchester Communications
academy to undertake a community archaeological excavation on Collyhurst playing
fields, Collyhurst, Manchester. The purpose of the excavation was to uncover, record
and in... Read More about Archaeological excavation : site of Collyhurst Old Hall.
Wind turbine AM review: Phase 2 report (2016)
Perkins, R., & Lotinga, M. (2016). Wind turbine AM review: Phase 2 report. London: Department of Energy & Climate ChangeBACKGROUND
Current planning policy for the assessment and rating of wind turbine noise in England, Scotland,
Wales and Northern Ireland refers to the ETSU-R-971 document. Wind turbines are known for
their distinctive acoustic character often descr... Read More about Wind turbine AM review: Phase 2 report.
Music-making with hospitalised children outcomes for children, families, hospital staff and musicians from LIME Medical Notes (2) and Songbirds projects : A research report (2016)
outcomes for children, families, hospital staff and musicians from LIME Medical Notes (2) and Songbirds projects : A research reportChildren account for 21% of the population in the United Kingdom (Office for National Statistics 2015). Each year, one in fifteen children will be admitted to hospital, many of whom will have complex healthcare needs; a significant proportion of thes... Read More about Music-making with hospitalised children outcomes for children, families, hospital staff and musicians from LIME Medical Notes (2) and Songbirds projects : A research report.
Concept note : a democratisation programme in Ukraine (2016)
Bekerman, M., Motamed-Afshari, B., & Riber, D. (2016). Concept note : a democratisation programme in UkraineA technical report on field research in Ukraine identifying the most promising areas in the sphere of the media and civil society for deployment of DANIDA resources in future development and democratisaton programmes funded by the Danish Foreign Mini... Read More about Concept note : a democratisation programme in Ukraine.
Concept note : a democratisation programme in Georgia (2016)
Bekerman, M., Motamed-Afshari, B., & Riber, D. (2016). Concept note : a democratisation programme in GeorgiaA technical report identifying optimal ways of engagement with the Georgian civil society to promote democracy and human rights as part of development programmes funded by DANIDA - the development arm of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.
Now you see me... (2016)
Cavanagh, A., & Croughan, C. (2016). Now you see me..A report discussing the development of a series of film resources for use in undergraduate nurse education
Greater Manchester green deal communities programme scheme exit paper (2016)
Sherriff, G., & Swan, W. (2016). Greater Manchester green deal communities programme scheme exit paperThe report provides GM Local Authorities with an update on the Greater Manchester Green Deal Communities Programme and with relevant reference details for post programme.
Archaeological evaluation : Skelhorne Street, Liverpool (2016)
Mottershead, S. (2016). Archaeological evaluation : Skelhorne Street, LiverpoolSalford Archaeology was commissioned by Nexus-Heritage to undertake an
archaeological evaluation on a car park at Skelhorne Street and Bolton Street, Liverpool
(centred on NGR 335075 390430) as part of a redevelopment scheme. This report
consists... Read More about Archaeological evaluation : Skelhorne Street, Liverpool.
Archaeological desk-based assessment report : Toad Lane, Lower Falinge, Rochdale (2016)
Miller, I. (2016). Archaeological desk-based assessment report : Toad Lane, Lower Falinge, Rochdale
Archaeological evaluation report : Exchange Court, Greengate, Salford (2016)
Burns, M. (2016). Archaeological evaluation report : Exchange Court, Greengate, SalfordIn April 2016, Salford Archaeology, within the Centre for Applied Archaeology at the
University of Salford, was commissioned by Renaker Build Ltd to carry out an archaeological
evaluation of a plot of land currently used as a car park, situated bet... Read More about Archaeological evaluation report : Exchange Court, Greengate, Salford.
What evidence is there to support the employment of trained and professionally registered library, information and knowledge workers? A systematic scoping review of the evidence (2016)
Brettle, A., & Maden, M. (2016). What evidence is there to support the employment of trained and professionally registered library, information and knowledge workers? A systematic scoping review of the evidenceThis report seeks to provide evidence that CILIP can use to advocate on behalf of the information professions.
The report addresses three aims:
1. To create an initial evidence base which can be used to advocate on behalf of the information profes... Read More about What evidence is there to support the employment of trained and professionally registered library, information and knowledge workers? A systematic scoping review of the evidence.
Championing energy in Pendleton (2016)
Sherriff, G., & Martin, P. (2016). Championing energy in Pendleton
Visual management/visual controls implementation pilot : 5S in highways construction and maintenance (2016)
Tezel, B., & Aziz, Z. (2016). Visual management/visual controls implementation pilot : 5S in highways construction and maintenanceThis report presents a collaborative research effort between the University of Salford and Highways England on the implementation of the Visual Management (VM) concept,a fundamental element of lean construction, in the highways construction supply ch... Read More about Visual management/visual controls implementation pilot : 5S in highways construction and maintenance.
‘I was frightened to put the heating on.’ Evaluating the Changes4Warmth approach to cold homes and mental health (2016)
Sherriff, G. (2016). ‘I was frightened to put the heating on.’ Evaluating the Changes4Warmth approach to cold homes and mental healthBeat the Cold is currently delivering Changes4Warmth, a Big Lottery funded project in partnership with Changes Health and Wellbeing. It aims to address the fuel poverty of people with mental health needs through offering assistance to mental health s... Read More about ‘I was frightened to put the heating on.’ Evaluating the Changes4Warmth approach to cold homes and mental health.
Sustainable regeneration : everyday landscapes of food acquisition, Pendleton (2016)
Adams, M., Cornes, C., Armitage, R., Miah, A., Clark, A., & St Clair, R. (2016). Sustainable regeneration : everyday landscapes of food acquisition, PendletonThe report is structured as follows. Chapter two provides the context to the research, outlining why a study of food acquisition and digital inclusion is necessary in Pendleton at this time, and why both issues are linked to the current regeneration... Read More about Sustainable regeneration : everyday landscapes of food acquisition, Pendleton.