Hidden young people in Salford : exploring the experiences of young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) and not claiming benefits
Jones, K., Martin, P., & Kelly, A. (2018). Hidden young people in Salford : exploring the experiences of young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) and not claiming benefits
All Outputs (22)
Monitoring drug use in recreational settings across Europe : conceptual challenges and methodological innovations (2018)
Moore, K., & Matias, J. (2018). Monitoring drug use in recreational settings across Europe : conceptual challenges and methodological innovationsThis report explores how data on drug use are captured through surveys of targeted populations in recreational settings. The benefits and challenges of monitoring drug use in recreational settings are identified, as are emergent data sources and meth... Read More about Monitoring drug use in recreational settings across Europe : conceptual challenges and methodological innovations.
An evaluation of the Change Up programme (2018)
Rogers, M., Wilding, M., & Wood, A. (2018). An evaluation of the Change Up programmeThis report presents the findings of an evaluation of the Change Up programme.
Bike share in Greater Manchester (2018)
Sherriff, G., Adams, M., Blazejewski, L., Davies, N., & Kamerade-Hanta, D. (2018). Bike share in Greater ManchesterActive travel offers cities opportunities to address vital challenges such as health, air quality and congestion. Bike share is increasingly evident in cities across the globe, whether in the more conventional docked form found in, for example, Londo... Read More about Bike share in Greater Manchester.
The impact of LASPO on routes to justice (2018)
This research underlines the emotional, social, financial and mental health impacts
for individuals who have attempted to resolve their legal problems without legal aid,
following the implementation of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of
O... Read More about The impact of LASPO on routes to justice.
Evaluation of night time therapeutic positioning system for adults with complex postural problems (2018)
Stephens, M., Bartley, C., & Priestley, C. (2018). Evaluation of night time therapeutic positioning system for adults with complex postural problemsThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of night-time positioning sleep systems for adults using the Simple Stuff Works Limited® system. A combination of quantitative and qualitative methods were used to assess the impact on a variety of... Read More about Evaluation of night time therapeutic positioning system for adults with complex postural problems.
Post-implementation evaluation of part 2 of the Housing Act (Wales) 2014 : final report (2018)
Ahmed, A., Wilding, M., Gibbons, A., Jones, K., Rogers, M., & Madoc-Jones, I. (2018). Post-implementation evaluation of part 2 of the Housing Act (Wales) 2014 : final reportResearch aims and methodology:
1.1 The Housing Act (Wales) 2014 introduced major changes to the way homelessness is being addressed (from April 2015), with the core changes in Part 2 of the Act aimed at extending services preventing homelessness a... Read More about Post-implementation evaluation of part 2 of the Housing Act (Wales) 2014 : final report.
Archaeological watching brief report : Pentir to Dinorwig cable replacement, Gwynedd (2018)
Tamburello, S. (2018). Archaeological watching brief report : Pentir to Dinorwig cable replacement, Gwynedd
The reform of the Common European Asylum System : fifteen recommendations from a sexual orientation and gender identity perspective (2018)
Ferreira, N., Danisi, C., Dustin, M., & Held, N. (2018). The reform of the Common European Asylum System : fifteen recommendations from a sexual orientation and gender identity perspectiveSince the 1990s, the European Union (EU) has slowly developed an increasingly sophisticated body of asylum law and policy, known as the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). This framework – both in the shape of legislative instruments and case law –... Read More about The reform of the Common European Asylum System : fifteen recommendations from a sexual orientation and gender identity perspective.
The Hattersley and Mottram housing estate: An evaluation of its regeneration (2018)
Hepburn, P., & Thompson, M. (2018). The Hattersley and Mottram housing estate: An evaluation of its regeneration. Onward Housing
The UK renal psychosocial workforce : a mapping exercise (2018)
Seekles, M., Coyne, E., Ormandy, P., Wells, L., Bevin, A., & Danbury-Lee, A. (2018). The UK renal psychosocial workforce : a mapping exerciseThis is the first detailed workforce report in the UK that describes the provision of psychosocial care to kidney patients across 84 renal units. It presents an overview of the renal psychosocial workforce (in July 2017) and compares this to results... Read More about The UK renal psychosocial workforce : a mapping exercise.
Archaeological evaluation : G Park Stoke, Whittle Road, Meir, Stoke-on-Trent (2018)
Tamburello, S. (2018). Archaeological evaluation : G Park Stoke, Whittle Road, Meir, Stoke-on-Trent
Archaeological evaluation : Victoria Mill, Droylsden, Tameside (2018)
Cattell, S. (2018). Archaeological evaluation : Victoria Mill, Droylsden, TamesideIn March 2017, Salford Archaeology (SA) was commissioned by the De Trafford Estates
Group to undertake an archaeological evaluation on land surrounding the former Victoria
Mill on Buckley Street, Droylsden (centred on SJ 90061 98064). The programme... Read More about Archaeological evaluation : Victoria Mill, Droylsden, Tameside.
Archaeological evaluation report : Cuerden Strategic Site, South Ribble, Lancashire (2018)
Cook, O., & Radford, A. (2018). Archaeological evaluation report : Cuerden Strategic Site, South Ribble, LancashireLancashire County Council and Maple Grove Development Limited have obtained
planning consent for a major mixed-use development at Cuerden, in the Central
Lancashire borough of South Ribble. The study area extends to 65 hectares and
comprises land... Read More about Archaeological evaluation report : Cuerden Strategic Site, South Ribble, Lancashire.
Erneley Close passive house retrofit : resident experiences and building performance in retrofit to passive house standard (2018)
Sherriff, G., Martin, P., & Roberts, B. (2018). Erneley Close passive house retrofit : resident experiences and building performance in retrofit to passive house standardIn May 2015, Eastlands Housing (now One Manchester) completed work on its retrofit to PassivHaus equivalent (EnerPHit) standard of 32 social housing flats in two blocks in Erneley Close, in the Manchester area Gorton. With a budget of £3.1 million, i... Read More about Erneley Close passive house retrofit : resident experiences and building performance in retrofit to passive house standard.
The fragility of professional competence : a preliminary account of child protection practice with Romani and Traveller children in England (2018)
Allen, D., & Riding, S. (2018). The fragility of professional competence : a preliminary account of child protection practice with Romani and Traveller children in EnglandRomani and Traveller children in England are much more likely to be taken into state care than the majority population, and the numbers are rising. Between 2009 and 2016 the number of Irish Travellers in care has risen by 400% and the number of Roman... Read More about The fragility of professional competence : a preliminary account of child protection practice with Romani and Traveller children in England.
Making Every Contact Count: Evaluation of the use of MECC within the outpatient MSK Physiotherapy service and Bury Integrated MSK Service at Fairfield General Hospital, part of the Bury and Rochdale Care Organisation which is part of the Northern Care Alliance Group (2018)
Northern Care Alliance GroupThis report presents the findings of a commissioned study to evaluate the use of Making Every Contact Count (MECC) within the outpatient MSK Physiotherapy service and Bury Integrated MSK Service at Fairfield General Hospital, part of the Bury and Roc... Read More about Making Every Contact Count: Evaluation of the use of MECC within the outpatient MSK Physiotherapy service and Bury Integrated MSK Service at Fairfield General Hospital, part of the Bury and Rochdale Care Organisation which is part of the Northern Care Alliance Group.
Precarious lives: exploring lived experiences of the private rented sector in Salford (2018)
Scullion, L., Gibbons, A., & Martin, P. (2018). Precarious lives: exploring lived experiences of the private rented sector in SalfordResearch report focusing on the experiences of residents living in the private rented sector in Salford.