Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of premature death in the United Kingdom with one type, coronary artery disease, killing more than twice as many women as breast cancer. Conventional CVD risk factors have been shown to have less accu... Read More about Automatic Classification, Detection and Segmentation of Breast Arterial Calcification on Digital Mammography Images Using Deep Learning.
All Outputs (492)
Encounters with patients who are approaching end of life or dying can affect all staff. Yet health care support staff are rarely mentioned or included in service evaluation or research studies, with their roles often not easily visible, largely happe... Read More about Hidden voices and deep meaning: An ethnography to reveal and render explicit health care assistants, porters and domestics experience and role in the social organisation of end of life care.
Employers’ and employees’ perceptions regarding promotion of health and well-being in the workplace (2025)
Background : The workplace has been identified as a suitable setting where adult populations can be reached for health promotion and prevention of disease. However, little is known about the workplace health and well-being environment in Kenya. The c... Read More about Employers’ and employees’ perceptions regarding promotion of health and well-being in the workplace.
Evaluating and Developing Force Plate Practice for Monitoring Lower-Body Neuromuscular Function in Soccer (2025)
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate and identify a best practice for force plate assessments for monitoring lower body NMF in soccer. It was evident following a literature review and scoping review that there is a variety of options for force plat... Read More about Evaluating and Developing Force Plate Practice for Monitoring Lower-Body Neuromuscular Function in Soccer.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Stroke-Associated Pneumonia (2024)
Kishore, A. Diagnosis and Treatment of Stroke-Associated Pneumonia. (Thesis). University of SalfordBackground: Pneumonia complicating acute stroke results in poorer outcomes. However, substantial inconsistencies exist in terminology, diagnosis, risk stratification, microbiological causes, and antibiotic treatment of stroke-associated pneumonia (SA... Read More about Diagnosis and Treatment of Stroke-Associated Pneumonia.
The Use Of Real-world Physical Behaviour Information To Support Clinical Decision-making Process In Lower-limb Prosthetic Care (2024)
Patricks, V. The Use Of Real-world Physical Behaviour Information To Support Clinical Decision-making Process In Lower-limb Prosthetic Care. (Thesis). University of SalfordA limited understanding of activity levels and functional status in people with lower limb amputation can adversely impact the healthcare delivery and the individual’s quality of life. Current methods to fit prosthetic limbs and evaluate their impact... Read More about The Use Of Real-world Physical Behaviour Information To Support Clinical Decision-making Process In Lower-limb Prosthetic Care.
In the eye of the beholder: the role of individual differences in the perception of restorative nature environments (2024)
Beevers, D. In the eye of the beholder: the role of individual differences in the perception of restorative nature environments. (Thesis). University of SalfordPsychological restoration is the recovery from a period of mental fatigue or stress. Exposure to nature environments has been shown to be particularly conducive to enabling restoration. The focus of restoration research to date has largely been direc... Read More about In the eye of the beholder: the role of individual differences in the perception of restorative nature environments.
Charity shops have long been found to promote sociability, nurture experiences of belonging and act as spaces for community, caring and well-being. Older people remain the demographic most likely to participate in this setting and charity shop volunt... Read More about “We just have to keep stitching ourselves back into the fabric of the shop”: the lived experiences of older volunteers in the charity retail sector.
What does quality of care mean from a resident perspective thesis submission corrected? (2024)
Purpose: Despite substantial regulatory oversight, quality of care within the care home sector remains problematic. The aim of the research is to improve quality of care for residents by asking those who live in care homes what quality of care means... Read More about What does quality of care mean from a resident perspective thesis submission corrected?.
Aim of the Research:
The research used a constructivist grounded theory approach to work with tactical commanders in hospitals to develop a substantive theory that helps to understand how these commanders sought to manage the immediate organisationa... Read More about During sudden onset critical and major incidents affecting NHS hospitals, what decisions are made by hospital tactical commanders, and how are they made? A constructivist grounded theory approach.
Antibiotic resistance (ABR) is an important global public health issue. Understanding how much the public knows and understands about ABR is imperative to enable the development of more efficient ways to improve antibiotic stewardship (t... Read More about Knowledge, understanding, and attitudes towards antibiotic use, prescription advice and antibiotic resistance among parents in Greater Manchester..
Improving the after care for deceased organ donor families and friends, an online peer to peer support network (2024)
The thesis explores the use of social media to support bereavement aftercare for families/friends of organ donors following the death of their relative. Existing research appraising the aftercare of families/friends post-deceased donation is limited.... Read More about Improving the after care for deceased organ donor families and friends, an online peer to peer support network.
Development of an Industrial Test Platform for Foot Health Device and Footwear Testing (2024)
The current development pathway for medical and non-medical foot health devices faces
challenges. Specifically, medical devices often proceed to clinical testing with limited
functional testing which can result in spiralling costs and ineffective p... Read More about Development of an Industrial Test Platform for Foot Health Device and Footwear Testing.
Therapeutic Radiographers and Therapeutic Radiography students are exposed to emotionally demanding situations in their daily care of cancer patients and their family/carers (Society of Radiographers SOR, 2016). The impact of this carin... Read More about The Lived Experience of the Student Therapeutic Radiographer when caring for patients with cancer in the clinical placement setting: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis.
The literature indicates that sexuality education provided in schools/colleges in the United Kingdom (UK) may not be appropriate for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). There appears to be a lack of understanding of the subject regarding youn... Read More about Exploring The Experience of Romantic Relationships and Sexuality Education in Neurodivergent and Neurotypical Young People: Perspectives from Young People, Educational Professionals, and Caregivers.
Developing the evidence base for image interpretation and descriptive evaluation by radiographers. (2024)
This thesis provides evidence to support the notion of radiographers interpreting radiographic images and providing descriptive evaluations. The role of radiographers providing first line radiographic image interpretation has progressed... Read More about Developing the evidence base for image interpretation and descriptive evaluation by radiographers..
Exploring Awareness and Healthy Lifestyle Behaviours for the Prevention of Hypertension in Rural Communities in Central Uganda (2024)
Globally, hypertension is a major risk factor for mortality and most deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. The prevalence of hypertension is highest in the rural communities of Central Uganda where awareness is lowes... Read More about Exploring Awareness and Healthy Lifestyle Behaviours for the Prevention of Hypertension in Rural Communities in Central Uganda.
Quality and particularly the assurance of quality for service users has become a significant part of healthcare over the years. In an attempt to drive quality, quality improvement strategies such as accreditation have been introduced.... Read More about Examining The Impact Of ISO 15189 2012 Accreditation In An NHS Specialist Pathology Laboratory. A Single Centre Longitudinal Study.
Frontal Plane Proximal and Distal Kinematics; The Relationship with Knee Valgus During Athletic Tasks. (2024)
Background: Knee injuries such as Patellofemoral pain (PFP) and Anterior Cruciate
Ligament (ACL) damage are two of the most prevalent in the active population. The
aetiology of knee injuries is deemed multifactorial. Dynamic Knee valgus (DKV)
demo... Read More about Frontal Plane Proximal and Distal Kinematics; The Relationship with Knee Valgus During Athletic Tasks..
Epidermal composition influences the physical behaviour of the skin and its ability to withstand trauma. This is important on the plantar foot due to the high compression, shear, and torsion forces it is exposed to during weightbearing. P... Read More about Non-invasive methods of quantifying the composition of the plantar epidermis: The interpretation of data in health, ageing and disease..