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All Outputs (22)

Municipal enterprise : the growth and development of Manchester Airport, c1910-1978 (1991)
Williams, V. Municipal enterprise : the growth and development of Manchester Airport, c1910-1978. (Thesis). University of Salford

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the growth and development of Manchester airport and the implications of municipal ownership. The main theme is the nature of municipal ownerships structures and their interaction with other institutional stru... Read More about Municipal enterprise : the growth and development of Manchester Airport, c1910-1978.

Design of tracking systems incorporating multivariable plants (1991)
Yamane, H. Design of tracking systems incorporating multivariable plants. (Thesis). University of Salford

The methodology for the design of error-actuated digital
set-point tracking controllers proposed by Porter and
co-workers has emerged as a result of the pursuit of effective and practical solutions to the problem of designing digital control system... Read More about Design of tracking systems incorporating multivariable plants.

The causes and processes of rural-urban migration in 19th and early 20th century India : the case of Ratnagiri district (1991)
Yamin, G. The causes and processes of rural-urban migration in 19th and early 20th century India : the case of Ratnagiri district. (Thesis). University of Salford

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the reasons for the growth of large scale labour migration from Ratnagiri district during the nineteenth century. It is argued firstly that for an understanding of the origins of migration from Ratnagiri it is... Read More about The causes and processes of rural-urban migration in 19th and early 20th century India : the case of Ratnagiri district.

Weather radar information processing and real-time flood forecasting (1991)
Han, D. Weather radar information processing and real-time flood forecasting. (Thesis). University of Salford, UK

This thesis describes research into remotely sensed weather radar information systems and
specifically addresses three problems; 1) Weather radar data processing; 2) Real-time flood
forecasting models and 3) Computer system design for the realisati... Read More about Weather radar information processing and real-time flood forecasting.

Palaeoecological studies on the Rivington Anglezarke uplands, Lancashire (1991)
Bain, M. Palaeoecological studies on the Rivington Anglezarke uplands, Lancashire. (Thesis). University of Salford

The Rivington Anglezarke uplands, at the western limits of the Rossendale outlier, are an important landscape resource in industrial Lancashire. Scattered ancient monuments and farmstead ruins stimulate enquiry and suggest long-term human influence w... Read More about Palaeoecological studies on the Rivington Anglezarke uplands, Lancashire.

Translation quality assessment : a situational/textual model for the evaluation of Arabic/English translations (1991)
Benhaddou, M. Translation quality assessment : a situational/textual model for the evaluation of Arabic/English translations. (Thesis). University of Salford, UK

Translation evaluation is one of the main concerns of translation
theorists, members of translation revision boards, and most
importantly it is the concern of translator trainers. Translation
quality has often been associated with the correctness... Read More about Translation quality assessment : a situational/textual model for the evaluation of Arabic/English translations.

Analysis and design of bolted connections in cold formed steel members (1991)
Zadanfarrokh, F. Analysis and design of bolted connections in cold formed steel members. (Thesis). University of Salford, UK

The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate, both analytically and
experimentally, the behaviour of bolted joints in cold formed steel members.
To this aim, the influences of all factors bearing a significant effect on behaviour of
bolted c... Read More about Analysis and design of bolted connections in cold formed steel members.

Error-based interlinguistic comparisons as a learner-centred technique of teaching English grammar to Arab students (1991)
Mohammed, A. Error-based interlinguistic comparisons as a learner-centred technique of teaching English grammar to Arab students. (Thesis). University of Salford, UK

English is taught as a compulsory subject in general
education and some higher education institutions in Sudan.
Students are totally dependent on the five to six hours per
week of language input provided through formal classroom
instruction. Besi... Read More about Error-based interlinguistic comparisons as a learner-centred technique of teaching English grammar to Arab students.

Sentence initial pre-verbal constituents in Arabic : a text-based approach (1991)
Benmahdjoub, I. Sentence initial pre-verbal constituents in Arabic : a text-based approach. (Thesis). University of Salford

Word order is a textual means available to text producers to arrange their messages in order to convey different communicative functions, the choice of sentence initial position being one of the strategies commonly used to relay pragmatic or textual... Read More about Sentence initial pre-verbal constituents in Arabic : a text-based approach.

A longitudinal study of employee participation in a Japanese manufacturing subsidiary in the UK, 1985-1990 (1991)
Broad, G. A longitudinal study of employee participation in a Japanese manufacturing subsidiary in the UK, 1985-1990. (Thesis). University of Salford

Grateful appreciation is extended to all staff at
Brother Industries (UK) Ltd who cooperated with this
research over almost five years. Particular thanks go
to Mr. Masao Kato, who, as the Managing Director of
BIUK between its establishment in 198... Read More about A longitudinal study of employee participation in a Japanese manufacturing subsidiary in the UK, 1985-1990.

A knowledge based framework for planning house building projects (1991)
Formoso, C. A knowledge based framework for planning house building projects. (Thesis). University of Salford

This thesis describes the development of a knowledge based system
which encapsulates some of the expertise used by a number of
experienced construction planners for planning the construction stage
of low rise house building projects in the U.K.
T... Read More about A knowledge based framework for planning house building projects.

Towards a development strategy : the role of small towns in urbanization and rural development planning in Jizan province, Saudi Arabia (1991)
Arishi, A. Towards a development strategy : the role of small towns in urbanization and rural development planning in Jizan province, Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). University of Salford

One of the most striking features of the spatial pattern of
development in most developing countries is the wide difference between
what occurs in urban areas and rural areas, particularly in those
countries which have made a rapid transition from... Read More about Towards a development strategy : the role of small towns in urbanization and rural development planning in Jizan province, Saudi Arabia.

System dynamics models in the process of corporate and public policy (1991)
Dangerfield, B. System dynamics models in the process of corporate and public policy. (Thesis). University of Salford

The thesis is a contribution to the literature on policymaking in
business and government. By a critical examination of relevant published
work in the field and by specific examples it seeks to demonstrate how
the system dynamics modelling methodo... Read More about System dynamics models in the process of corporate and public policy.

Analytical methods and instrumentation for the determination of organophosphorus pesticides in fruit and vegetable substrates (1991)
Dehzoei, A. Analytical methods and instrumentation for the determination of organophosphorus pesticides in fruit and vegetable substrates. (Thesis). University of Salford

The chromatographic behaviour of four organophosphorus pesticides has been
investigated, using capillary gas liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and
packed and wide bore capillary gas liquid chromatography with electron capture detecti... Read More about Analytical methods and instrumentation for the determination of organophosphorus pesticides in fruit and vegetable substrates.

Construction tender price index : modelling and forecasting trends (1991)
Akintoye, S. Construction tender price index : modelling and forecasting trends. (Thesis). University of Salford

The thesis considers the construction tender price index, an important area of
construction economics, and models are developed to fit the trends in this index.
Between 1980 and 1987, the UK Building Cost Index produced by the Building Cost
Inform... Read More about Construction tender price index : modelling and forecasting trends.

A study of the drilling of advanced carbon fibre composites (1991)
Khan, Z. A study of the drilling of advanced carbon fibre composites. (Thesis). University of Salford

Carbon fibre composites are increasingly being used in
aircraft structures due to their superior physical and
mechanical properties. The process of drilling of carbon
fibre composites in aircraft manufacture is economically
important since the ex... Read More about A study of the drilling of advanced carbon fibre composites.

Working class political integration and the Conservative Party : a study of class relations and party political development in the North-West, 1800-1870 (1991)
Walsh, D. Working class political integration and the Conservative Party : a study of class relations and party political development in the North-West, 1800-1870. (Thesis). University of Salford

The thesis is primarily concerned with the investigation of
inter-related themes. Firstly, it sets out to examine the
changing nature and role of the Conservative party in the decades
immediately following the 1832 Reform Act up until the advent o... Read More about Working class political integration and the Conservative Party : a study of class relations and party political development in the North-West, 1800-1870.