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All Outputs (153)

Communicating energy vulnerability : an exploration of energy advice within and beyond formal settings (2020)
Butler, D. Communicating energy vulnerability : an exploration of energy advice within and beyond formal settings. (Thesis). University of Salford

The purpose of this study is to generate a better understanding of the role of energy-related advice and support – an area that has been regarded as underexplored and undervalued, yet a critical part of the package of efforts to tackle fuel poverty.... Read More about Communicating energy vulnerability : an exploration of energy advice within and beyond formal settings.

Finding ontological security in a world of precarity : a sociological study of the use of high cost credit by people on low incomes (2020)
Mann, G. Finding ontological security in a world of precarity : a sociological study of the use of high cost credit by people on low incomes. (Thesis). University of Salford

People on very low incomes can often pay the highest rates of interest for credit. This research aims to explore the experiences of people on low incomes who use high-cost credit to understand why people with the fewest financial resources are prepa... Read More about Finding ontological security in a world of precarity : a sociological study of the use of high cost credit by people on low incomes.

Four shades of science festival : a qualitative study exploring the business and management dimensions of science festivals in the United Kingdom (2020)
Kerr, G. Four shades of science festival : a qualitative study exploring the business and management dimensions of science festivals in the United Kingdom. (Thesis). University of Salford

Science festivals are a global cultural phenomenon with at least 60 such festivals taking place across the UK every year. Science festivals fulfil a unique function within civil society: providing a platform for science communication, education, and... Read More about Four shades of science festival : a qualitative study exploring the business and management dimensions of science festivals in the United Kingdom.

An exploration of neighbourhood team members experiences of the transition from traditional health and social care teams to integrated care systems, within a defined health and social care economy (2020)
Marshall, K. An exploration of neighbourhood team members experiences of the transition from traditional health and social care teams to integrated care systems, within a defined health and social care economy. (Thesis). University of Salford

The UK is undergoing changes in the demographics and epidemiology of the population. To tackle this, successive UK governments have introduced policies focused on transforming health and social care from its traditional forms into integrated care sys... Read More about An exploration of neighbourhood team members experiences of the transition from traditional health and social care teams to integrated care systems, within a defined health and social care economy.

The syntax-pragmatics interface in L2 : aspects of information structure teaching and learning in a Saudi ESL context (2020)
Abduljawad, S. The syntax-pragmatics interface in L2 : aspects of information structure teaching and learning in a Saudi ESL context. (Thesis). University of Salford

Despite advancements in teaching English as a second language (ESL) in Saudi Arabia, Saudi ESL learners’ language, even at advanced levels, deviates from that of native English speakers. While these ESL learners can often generate well-formed sentenc... Read More about The syntax-pragmatics interface in L2 : aspects of information structure teaching and learning in a Saudi ESL context.

A portfolio of compositions developing notational and compositional techniques in neo-liturgical music including handpan (2020)
Mattix, D. A portfolio of compositions developing notational and compositional techniques in neo-liturgical music including handpan. (Thesis). University of Salford

The objective of this portfolio is to develop a system of notation and compose neo-liturgical music featuring the handpan. Until this point, no means of written communication has been in place to express advanced handpan techniques in printed sheet m... Read More about A portfolio of compositions developing notational and compositional techniques in neo-liturgical music including handpan.

A study on the implication of knowledge transfer and social capital on fostering innovation within the partnership between universities and Technology-Based Small Firms (TBSFs) (2020)

To remain competitive in the ongoing rapid transformation in the industry, technology-based small firms (TBSFs) have been establishing partnerships with universities for knowledge transfer to complement their limitations in terms of knowledge, skill... Read More about A study on the implication of knowledge transfer and social capital on fostering innovation within the partnership between universities and Technology-Based Small Firms (TBSFs).

Species richness and composition of avifaunal communities in a complex Amazonian landscape (2020)
Gilmore, B. Species richness and composition of avifaunal communities in a complex Amazonian landscape. (Dissertation). University of Salford

Little research has been undertaken to identify the effect that habitat heterogeneity and seasonality have on the diversity of birds in lowland Amazonia. This study aimed to identify how species richness and composition of avifaunal communities in th... Read More about Species richness and composition of avifaunal communities in a complex Amazonian landscape.

South Asian Indian patients’ perspective of the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) interventions for depression in Primary Care : a qualitative & grounded theory analysis study (2020)
Johnson, G. South Asian Indian patients’ perspective of the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) interventions for depression in Primary Care : a qualitative & grounded theory analysis study. (Thesis). University Of Salford

Mental Health is paramount to personal wellbeing, building relationships and making contributions to society, (Thornicroft, Rugerri & Goldberg, 2013). With the population of the United Kingdom constantly changing over the past decades, pr... Read More about South Asian Indian patients’ perspective of the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) interventions for depression in Primary Care : a qualitative & grounded theory analysis study.

Thermal comfort assessment of primary school children in a warm and humid climate : a case study of Imo State, Nigeria (2020)

Thermal comfort study in buildings gained unprecedented momentum in recent times because of the concern over climate change. The increasing temperature caused by climate change is likely impacting the comfort and the health of building occupants, esp... Read More about Thermal comfort assessment of primary school children in a warm and humid climate : a case study of Imo State, Nigeria.

Investigation into the genetic variation of Toll-Like Receptor 9 in cattle using both Sanger and next-generation sequencing from FTA-Cards (2020)
Alqurashi, A. Investigation into the genetic variation of Toll-Like Receptor 9 in cattle using both Sanger and next-generation sequencing from FTA-Cards. (Thesis). University of Salford

The susceptibility or resistance to infectious diseases depends on the host immune response. The genetic variation of immune-relevant genes such as Toll-Like Receptor (TLR) genes is associated with susceptibility or resistance to the pathogen. In thi... Read More about Investigation into the genetic variation of Toll-Like Receptor 9 in cattle using both Sanger and next-generation sequencing from FTA-Cards.

Advancing the use of evolutionary considerations in spatial conservation planning (2020)
Robertson, S. Advancing the use of evolutionary considerations in spatial conservation planning. (Thesis). University of Salford

The existence of life on earth as we know it relies on a diversity of life. Biodiversity underpins vital ecosystems services globally, at all spatial scales, and yet is being lost at an alarming rate. Current extinction rates are estimated to be 100-... Read More about Advancing the use of evolutionary considerations in spatial conservation planning.

To err is human : an exploration of the implementation of the Duty of Candour (2020)
Barton, J. To err is human : an exploration of the implementation of the Duty of Candour. (Thesis). University of Salford

Aim of the study: to conduct qualitative research that considers the impact of the Duty of Candour legislation within healthcare.

Background: the concerns and complaints raised by a persistent group of patients and families, linked with increased... Read More about To err is human : an exploration of the implementation of the Duty of Candour.

Political connections and corporate activities : seasoned equity offerings, share repurchases, and M&A (2020)
Nnadi, M. Political connections and corporate activities : seasoned equity offerings, share repurchases, and M&A. (Thesis). University of Salford

This thesis studies the impact of political connections on firm activity. Given the literature gaps, the three corporate activities selected to be examined are i) seasoned equity offerings, ii) share repurchases, and iii) mergers and acquisitions.... Read More about Political connections and corporate activities : seasoned equity offerings, share repurchases, and M&A.

The influence of national culture on health and safety performance in Kuwait oil and gas sector construction projects (2020)
Almutairi, M. The influence of national culture on health and safety performance in Kuwait oil and gas sector construction projects. (Thesis). University of Salford

Difference in terms of culture among the workers in a workplace setting must not be ignored as it is the main cause of misinterpretations and misunderstandings, which eventually lead to accidents. Responses to the acts, behaviours and activities resu... Read More about The influence of national culture on health and safety performance in Kuwait oil and gas sector construction projects.

Enhanced oil recovery through integration of ultrasound and polymer flooding (2020)
Hassan, K. Enhanced oil recovery through integration of ultrasound and polymer flooding. (Thesis). University of Salford

Initially, when an oil well is drilled the oil gushes to the surface at high pressure. However, with time the pressure declines leaving more than 50% of the oil trapped in the reservoir. Even with the introduction of current technologies, more than 4... Read More about Enhanced oil recovery through integration of ultrasound and polymer flooding.

Know your enemy : a molecular approach to determine how the pygmy shrew (Sorex minutus) in Ireland succumbs to the invasion of the greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula) (2020)
Browett, S. Know your enemy : a molecular approach to determine how the pygmy shrew (Sorex minutus) in Ireland succumbs to the invasion of the greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula). (Thesis). University of Salford

Ireland’s smallest resident mammal, the pygmy shrew (Sorex minutus) is rapidly being displaced by the invasive greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula). The presence of this invasive shrew was first recorded in 2007 and they have been expandin... Read More about Know your enemy : a molecular approach to determine how the pygmy shrew (Sorex minutus) in Ireland succumbs to the invasion of the greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula).

A wetland vulnerability assessment : consequences for the avian communities of saltmarshes (2020)
Alexander, D. A wetland vulnerability assessment : consequences for the avian communities of saltmarshes. (Thesis). University of Salford

Understanding better the consequences of anthropogenic pressure and environmental change is a substantial area of research for modern conservation ecology. This aim of this research is to investigate these consequences for the avian communities of sa... Read More about A wetland vulnerability assessment : consequences for the avian communities of saltmarshes.

Immune biomarkers predicting clinical outcomes for major trauma patients (2020)
Saleem, A. Immune biomarkers predicting clinical outcomes for major trauma patients. (Dissertation). University of Salford

Major trauma continues to be the most common cause of death in the population under the age of 40 in England. Despite advances in trauma care in the UK, sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) continue to be severe complications of trau... Read More about Immune biomarkers predicting clinical outcomes for major trauma patients.