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All Outputs (67)

“Their Normal is Just Different to Ours”: How Does Police Occupational Culture Contribute to Their Understanding of Autism? (2023)

This exploratory, qualitative PhD study aimed to explore how police occupational culture theory can be used to view police behaviours and attitudes towards autism, and how autistic individuals perceive the police following experiences as suspects. P... Read More about “Their Normal is Just Different to Ours”: How Does Police Occupational Culture Contribute to Their Understanding of Autism?.

A Holistic Approach for Fostering Community Engagement in the Decision-Making of Risk-Sensitive Urban Planning and Development (2023)

In the face of increasing extreme climate events, communities are often excluded from decision-making during pre-disaster and urban planning, despite their tacit knowledge and experience in disaster response and recovery. This marginalisation poses a... Read More about A Holistic Approach for Fostering Community Engagement in the Decision-Making of Risk-Sensitive Urban Planning and Development.

Cultivate Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Methods to Measure Markers of Health and Translate to Large Scale Cohort Studies (2023)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an indispensable tool in healthcare and research, with a growing demand for its services. The appeal of MRI stems from its non-ionizing radiation nature, ability to generate high-resolution images of internal organ... Read More about Cultivate Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Methods to Measure Markers of Health and Translate to Large Scale Cohort Studies.

A Study of the Viability of Implementing a Child Development CounsellingProgrammefor Caregivers of Children with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)Aged 0–3 Yearsin Uganda (2023)

Development remains an immediate problem of health concern in Uganda for children who are of lower economic status. Approximately 15,000 babies are born with sickle cell disease (SCD) in Uganda every year. Children with SCD have special healthcare n... Read More about A Study of the Viability of Implementing a Child Development CounsellingProgrammefor Caregivers of Children with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)Aged 0–3 Yearsin Uganda.

Development of a methodology for the performance improvement of Nigerian office buildings considering bioclimatic design perspectives (2023)

There is a need to improve the environmental performance of Nigeria’s office buildings due to
new expectations, and the current challenges including energy shortage, increasing
population, changing user needs, and climate change. While several Nige... Read More about Development of a methodology for the performance improvement of Nigerian office buildings considering bioclimatic design perspectives.

The Emergence of the British ‘Security State’? An Evaluation of the Security Executive, 1940 – 1953 (2023)

This thesis explores the origins and development of the Home Defence (Security) Executive (HD(S)E), a body set up in 1940 to address the supposed ‘Fifth Column’ threat present in Britain. Through a detailed examination of this organisation, hitherto... Read More about The Emergence of the British ‘Security State’? An Evaluation of the Security Executive, 1940 – 1953.

A review of taxonomic history and phylogeography for the spider monkeys (genus Ateles), with habitat suitability modelling for Amazonian Ateles (2023)

The spider monkeys (genus Ateles) (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1806) are one of the most
widespread platyrrhine primates, ranging from the tropical and subtropical rainforests of the
Yucatan peninsula and coastal regions of Vera Cruz state in Mexico... Read More about A review of taxonomic history and phylogeography for the spider monkeys (genus Ateles), with habitat suitability modelling for Amazonian Ateles.

Exploring Municipal Solid Waste Management in Nigeria: Challenges, Opportunities, and Roadmap for Sustainable Development (2023)

The escalating generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) presents a grave environmental and public health concern, particularly in developing nations like Nigeria. Addressing this issue is imperative, yet waste management often takes a backseat due t... Read More about Exploring Municipal Solid Waste Management in Nigeria: Challenges, Opportunities, and Roadmap for Sustainable Development.