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All Outputs (89)

Predicting pain and function outcomes in people consulting with shoulder pain: The PANDA-S clinical cohort and qualitative study protocol (ISRCTN 46948079) (2021)
Working Paper
Wynne-Jones, G., Myers, H., Hall, A., Littlewood, C., Hennings, S., Saunders, B., …Van der Windt, D. Predicting pain and function outcomes in people consulting with shoulder pain: The PANDA-S clinical cohort and qualitative study protocol (ISRCTN 46948079)

Introduction: Shoulder pain is common in primary care but achieving definitive diagnosis is contentious leading to uncertainty in management. To inform optimal primary care for patients with shoulder pain, the study aims to (i) to investigate the sho... Read More about Predicting pain and function outcomes in people consulting with shoulder pain: The PANDA-S clinical cohort and qualitative study protocol (ISRCTN 46948079).

The mathematics of committees (2021)
Working Paper
Fox, R. The mathematics of committees. Salford

What is the accuracy of a majority committee decision compared to individual accuracies? What is the effect of actions? What is the effect of requiring unanimity of near unanimity? What is the effect of faction formation? When should a committee foll... Read More about The mathematics of committees.

A Qualitative Study of User Perspectives on Outcomes of Orthotic Interventions (2020)
Working Paper
Hall, N., Parker, D., & Ellen Williams, A. A Qualitative Study of User Perspectives on Outcomes of Orthotic Interventions

Background: Orthotic services offer various health benefits and it is estimated that for every £1 spent on orthotic care the savings to the NHS are up to £4. Several reports into orthotic services in the UK have reported a lack of data relating to ou... Read More about A Qualitative Study of User Perspectives on Outcomes of Orthotic Interventions.

Cut hours, not people : no work, furlough, short hours and mental health during COVID-19 pandemic in the UK (2020)
Working Paper
Burchell, B., Wang, S., Kamerāde, D., Bessa, I., & Rubery, J. Cut hours, not people : no work, furlough, short hours and mental health during COVID-19 pandemic in the UK

The unprecedented shock to the UK economy inflicted by government measures to contain the Coronavirus (COVID-19) risked plunging millions of workers into unemployment as businesses were forced to close or scale back activity. To avoid that cliff edg... Read More about Cut hours, not people : no work, furlough, short hours and mental health during COVID-19 pandemic in the UK.

Fat Tony goes to the movies : language and the professions, a guide to the roots of financial crises (2018)
Working Paper
Brady, C. Fat Tony goes to the movies : language and the professions, a guide to the roots of financial crises. Salford, UK

This paper challenges the finance profession’s self-proclaimed expertise through an avowedly polemical examination of the most recent financial crisis. It argues that the financial industry projects itself as a profession and, as with all professions... Read More about Fat Tony goes to the movies : language and the professions, a guide to the roots of financial crises.

Managing technological transitions: prospects, places, publics and policy
Working Paper
Hodson, M., & Marvin, S. (2006). Managing technological transitions: prospects, places, publics and policy. Salford, UK

Transition management (TM) approaches have generated considerable interest in
academic and policy circles in recent years (Kemp and Loorbach, 2005; Rotmans and
Kemp, 2003). In terms of a loose definition, a ‘transition can be defined as a gradual,... Read More about Managing technological transitions: prospects, places, publics and policy.

Prosthetics services in Uganda : a series of studies to inform the design of a low cost, but fit-for-purpose, body-powered prosthesis
Working Paper
Kenney, L., Ssekitoleko, R., Chadwell, A., Donovan-Hall, M., Morgado Ramirez, D., Holloway, C., …Kalibbala, M. (2019). Prosthetics services in Uganda : a series of studies to inform the design of a low cost, but fit-for-purpose, body-powered prosthesis

The majority of people with upper limb absence (PWULA) live in lower, or middle-income countries (LMICs). However, efforts to develop improved prostheses have largely focused on electrically powered devices, sustainable deployment of which, in LMICs,... Read More about Prosthetics services in Uganda : a series of studies to inform the design of a low cost, but fit-for-purpose, body-powered prosthesis.

Assessing climate risk and strengthening resilience for UK Higher Education Institutions
Working Paper
Wilby, R., Smith, S., Petersen, K., Misal, H., Abdulrafiu, A., Alam, A., …Yarr, R. (2023). Assessing climate risk and strengthening resilience for UK Higher Education Institutions

This working paper will support higher education institutions to develop processes to assess their risk to their current and future climate risks, put in place plans to adapt to these risks, and identify opportunities to strengthen their resilience.... Read More about Assessing climate risk and strengthening resilience for UK Higher Education Institutions.