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All Outputs (4)

Predicting pain and function outcomes in people consulting with shoulder pain: The PANDA-S clinical cohort and qualitative study protocol (ISRCTN 46948079) (2021)
Working Paper
Wynne-Jones, G., Myers, H., Hall, A., Littlewood, C., Hennings, S., Saunders, B., …Van der Windt, D. Predicting pain and function outcomes in people consulting with shoulder pain: The PANDA-S clinical cohort and qualitative study protocol (ISRCTN 46948079)

Introduction: Shoulder pain is common in primary care but achieving definitive diagnosis is contentious leading to uncertainty in management. To inform optimal primary care for patients with shoulder pain, the study aims to (i) to investigate the sho... Read More about Predicting pain and function outcomes in people consulting with shoulder pain: The PANDA-S clinical cohort and qualitative study protocol (ISRCTN 46948079).

The mathematics of committees (2021)
Working Paper
Fox, R. The mathematics of committees. Salford

What is the accuracy of a majority committee decision compared to individual accuracies? What is the effect of actions? What is the effect of requiring unanimity of near unanimity? What is the effect of faction formation? When should a committee foll... Read More about The mathematics of committees.